Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released!

Painstakingly follow the instructions in post #263 and also this guide. I kept missing/skipping the last page (#4) of that guide. After 7 or 8 tries I got it working…

mine were not recognized automatically and I have 8 of them in my house … can anyone help me?


my data not updated but I don’t see “unacked message” in Google Cloud Platform console

Any other idea ?

If I relaunch the integration I have a update.


Do you have other Nest devices that were detected? If not, it’s probably an issue with your integration setup - I initially had issues because I entered the subscriber name rather than the full “project” path as the subscriber_id element.

Other than that I’m not really qualified to offer assistance - I find the Google console unintuitive to use - but I have faith that the community will iron out these early days issues based on my experience with HA.

Still the same error… heeft de verbinding geweigerd.

Probeer dit eens:

  • Controleer de verbinding
  • Controleer de proxy en firewall

My logs show: heeft de verbinding geweigerd.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/system_health/ init .py”, line 212, in async_check_can_reach_url
await session.get(url, timeout=5)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/”, line 551, in _request
await resp.start(conn)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/”, line 907, in start
self._continue = None
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/”, line 656, in exit
raise asyncio.TimeoutError from None

my https result:

does this component work with google home or google home mini or google wifi?

See which lists the supported devices for the component discussed here.

Also see other integrations like these:

yes the doorbell was recognized and works so far, but the nest hubs were not recognized …

added the nest integration to my hassio and added relevant info to the config and the nest hello camera works perfectly.

However I want a light to come on when a person is detected, I would have thought google would have had this feature in google home but alas it doesn’t exist. Looked at a couple of options linked to in this thread for the sensors to be read by ha but I appear to be failing every time, what am I doing wrong?

I’ve been trying for a couple of days, and have been unable to get the integration working (though have found some of the advice above very helpful for getting past earlier problems.)
I have HA 0.118.4 running on Docker. Supervisor Version 2020.11.0.
I use DuckDNS

After following the steps carefully, I have a configuration.yaml that looks like this:
client_secret: xxxxx
project_id: xxxxx
subscriber_id: projects/xxxxx/subscriptions/xxxx
(which is the Subscription name, though I’ve also used the subscription topic)

I get to step 36. Allow each popup. but instead of ‘Done!’ I get
'This site can’t be reached unexpectedly closed the connection.

Any ideas?

The motion detection events will be added to the integration at a later point it sounds like.

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If I have integrated nest, can I no longer integrate google cast? I always get a message from google cast when I want to set this up “canceled, only a single configuration of google cast is necessary”

Follow these steps slowly, precisely and carefully (all 4 pages):

  1. Get Started
  2. Authorize an Account
  3. Use the API
  4. Subscribe to Events

I was missing the last step and after re-doing the entire sequence for the nth time, when I did that step my updates were instant rather than once after a restart of the integration.

&/or follow Post 263


is used to create topic in (Step 4 of 4)…

and then create the subscription for that topic…

which is your nest_subscriber_id:

  client_id: !secret nest_client_id
  client_secret: !secret nest_client_secret
  project_id: !secret nest_project_id
  subscriber_id: !secret nest_subscriber_id
APIs & Services
OAuth 2.0 ID:


OAuth 2.0 Secret:

nest_client_secret: xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Project ID:

nest_project_id: ebff85b2-5277-45ea-b794-6e6e76109995
Subscription name

nest_subscriber_id: projects/home-assistant-295423/subscriptions/nest
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I solved it.

By removing the port 8123 in the google url forward

and also in the external url in hassio ( where you can add the external and internal url).

Spend more than 15 hours retrying over and over but this did the trick!!! YEAH!!!

Thank you so much. I must have started from scratch six times, and this worked straightaway. Can this be included in the instructions ?

Great to hear it is working. I still have one issue and that is that my humidity and temp sensor do not update. Is this working on your side?

Followed all the steps and got everything working on the latest version of HA.

but it seems the sensors don’t refresh, anything particular to be done about that?

It would be worth you reading back up this thread. Here is the most recent post on the subject I think.

Also worth reading this - Subscribe to Events  |  Device Access  |  Google for Developers

Or this - Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released! - #263 by Townsmcp

Thanks for that, I did follow all of those steps. Will keep trying.


Thank you! I’d almost stumbled into the right sequence after several attempts but would never have got the cloud pub/sub part of it you added. That seems to explain why I had an integration that showed data but wouldn’t update. Having worked through this it’s now all working as expected.

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