Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released!

@Pbathuk Hi. You’d definitely need to remove the integration and reauthorize the account to give Home Assistant access to your new device. Did the new doorbell show up as an option to authorize during the OAuth setup?

Hi, thanks for the reply.
No extra devices showed up to provide auth. do you think I need to try again?
I was thinking that perhaps the pub/sub / SDM takes a little while to propagate the new device?

This is after a fresh reboot (forced refresh of the browser (just incase :smiley: )

OK, so if the device is not showing up on the oauth authorization page, that explains why Home Assistant can’t see it. Let’s see if we can address that.

Is the device associated with the same Home as Hallway in the nest app or google home app? My impression is that the device access console limits to specific homes if I remember right.

Yeah its all in the same home.
I can see on the google home app (under the same home - I only have one unfortunately :grin: ) and can see the buttons for thermostat & camera at the top

Hi, I have been using the integration for months and I was able to integrate via official guide but every now and then it stops working without warning.
the only solution is to restart HA and log back into the NEST integration.
Some automatisms use the thermostat and therefore it stops working so much and I find the house hot.
how can i solve i find nothing about it

Hi @Michele184Nest - Home Assistant is an extensive trouble shooting guide for common problems. Have a look there.

If none of those issues match your symptoms, l am happy to help you but will need more details about what you’re seeing. For example, elaborating on what it means when it stops working would be helpful e.g. error messages, symptoms, screenshots, something.

I’ve tried removing, rebooting and trying it again… Still no battery camera.

How would I check what Is visible on the portal fully?
I wonder if the Battery doorbell is either not implement or implement differently

Hi, The problem is definitely that the device is not showing up on the OAuth page, but not sure what needs to be changed on the google side to address that.

Authorize an Account  |  Device Access  |  Google Developers has a link to which shows a different version of the permissions page. Does the device show up there?

In my account i see THERMOSTAT, DOORBELL etc.

Your issue sounds similar to this one: Added Nest Hello to existing account - does not show in the devices GET - Stack Overflow – maybe raising your issue there may be a good idea, then we can get more eyes on it. (This is the place the google API support links send you to if you have an API issue)

I tried that, even after rebooting the device & moving its room (as indicated in another thread that might help)… Still only shows the thermostat.

One thing of interest:

Interesting that the doorbell is only the wired version there… not the battery + wired.
I wonder if Google (being google) have simply not added the function yet.

How would I find out if some else with the battery doorbell is able to see it? As that would prove its my problem & not googles. if others cannot see it either then it might just be a google config issue that I need to raise to them to get the API setup (oh the number of sprints it will take haha)

follow up following a deeper google & reddit search :slight_smile:
Seems like another home hub provider (never used them / don’t know them) have stated that they can’t support the new camera due to a new platform being used… oh what fun.

OK, sounds like folks in home assistant discord got word that its not yet supported by the API yet. Once it is supported, presumably they’ll update that API guide to list it as a supported device.

Same here
the new nest cameras and doorbell wont show up. This might be because the API does not (yet??) support the devices?

Seems like it.

Edit: Tracking support here once battery doorbells show up in the nest SDM API

I’ve been trying for a couple days to get the Nest integration installed and keep getting the No Access To Partner error page. I’ve made multiple attempts and have gone through all the steps I believe correctly. I’m using Nabu Casa, not a Nest migration, not a G Suite user name, and the user name is the owner of the Google Home devices in the house. Searching around it appears that a number of other people are having the same problem over the last several days. One person even tried it from a new gmail account and it still didn’t work. Is there anything we can try on the Cloud side to figure out what’s causing the error? Thanks.

I haven’t hit this one before. Based on your message it sounds like you’ve already seen this guidance from Nest Partner Connections Manager Error Reference  |  Device Access which says that the issue is about giving access to a home.

My best thought is to double check all the OAuth setup – like double checking you don’t have multiple oauth client ids, or cloud projects, or device access projects that aren’t lined up.

Lastly, i might suggest adding additional detail to PCM: No access to partner - Stack Overflow – if you add more detail to that issue maybe then i can point a nest partner to have a look.

Ahh, that may be my problem. I run a domain name service from Google Cloud which has a separate OAuth record. Do I use the same OAuth for both DNS and the Nest Integration?

I would assume as long as the oauth client I’d is for the correct project it should be fine, but I personally use a separate cloud project for the nest integration just because it’s easier for me to understand.

I’d suggest starting over with separate project, but it’s just a guess, I don’t have a specific reason why other than the configuration is so complex it’s easy to cross wires.

Allen, I don’t think Nest devices are supported on google apps accounts. If you use a normal gmail account, they work fine, but not an apps account. The old works with nest accounts worked fine with these, but after the Google integration, it broke google apps accounts.