Grouping Automations on frontend for organization

the real issue with all of this is automations should also become more powerful to allow to express rules like “when sensor in this area goes off, turn on light in the same area for 30 seconds” instead of having to build multiple copies of the same automation.

  platform: state
    - binary_sensor.motion_room_1
    - binary_sensor.motion_room_2
  to: 'on'
  from: 'off'
  service: light.turn_on
    entity_id: >-
      {{ area_entities(trigger.entity_id) | select('search', '^light') | list }}

You mean like this?



  platform: state
    - binary_sensor.motion_room_1
    - binary_sensor.motion_room_2
  to: 'on'
  from: 'off'
  service: light.turn_on
    area_id: "{{ area_id(trigger.entity_id) }}"

I think you mean area_id rather then area_entities in that one. But yea, even shorter, multiple ways to do this task.

oops, corrected :slight_smile:

already asked here

Your topic is not oldest and closed. Why the post?

I think he’s under the impression that his post was first? It was not, this post predates his post by 3 years.

For me, apart grouping, it will be really useful if I could have the description automation on the list of automations.


I was working on some automations recently and it struck me - how come it’s impossible to create groups? I was sure it must have been proposed, and I found this thread, so I just want to voice my support for this addition : )

Totally agree! I mean you can find the eventually, or try to organize them using tags, or areas, but those are just workarounds. Using some sort of folders would be ideal in my opinion.

I currently have over 100 automations. Being able to organize it would be a great step for man and even better for humanity.
Thanks in advance.

I also have a lot of automation. Currently trying to organize them by adding a prefix to the name. It would be great to have folders or tags with filtering to make them easier to use. Thanks in advance.

This is totally needed.

I see people talking about adding groups and/or tags. In my case, I feel the need of having collapsible groups. I mean, the same automations list we have right now, but splitted into several lists, one per goup, each one of them is collapsible.

Also, this groups/tags can be added to the filters already present in automations (zone, device, entity).

Wish this gets done and published soon!

Please add this!
I’m tired of needing to filter and/or search every time I go to this page.

It’s especially painful on mobile.


Wow this has been talked about for years how is this not a thing already. Maybe a good way to organize it would be to have automation groups and then allow tags to link them to scripts and scenes. IE Groups for holiday lighting with automations for Christmas and Halloween then show a tag by each automation that is linked to a script or scene. Then allow the scripts and scenes to have all the tags of the automations that call them. But either way we need grouping and a way to know what automations are calling which scripts or scenes. Some way to link them would be great! I Hope that makes sense it does in my head lol

I also vote for some method to organize Automations.

I would prefer the tag/label approach with some kind of ‘group by’ feature in the UI that would allow grouping by area, tag, etc.

As an example, the Windows file explorer has the capability to group files by various properties (right click->group by->).

Tags have the benefit that an entity can have multiple tags although it wouldn’t allow nesting which would also be useful. Maybe we could tag other tags although that might lead to recursion.


Isn’t that strange that the people want it is not implemented.
Only new feature that almost nobody uses.

I have used Homeseer many years and got tired of it.
Homeassistant has made automation fun again.
Homeseer has grouping of automation and i am missing it.
Now i have to make several rows of autmation that is hard to overview.

I want this !

I’m thinking this is no easy task to do correctly and so even with a whopping 1217 votes I suspect it’s going to take some time to get it done right.

Probably only looking for the perfect month on the release plan to roll out this feature. Currently it looks like tags are going to make it (“disabled” is a tag). Let’s see when it arrives.