Grouping Automations on frontend for organization

IMHO this feature would be best implemented using generalized category-tags and filtering search:

  1. Add possibility to assign any number of category tags to any entity, such as “water meters” and “hot water”
  2. Use filtering search to select a subset of selected tag(s) (similar to “Filter by area” but for categories)
  3. These tags could also be used in for example, conversations (“How many entities there are with tag water meters?”)

There’s already at least one feature request for such tagging, but with no votes:

Please vote for such requests.

Unfortunately, it’s sorta true.

This feature request was considered implemented in HA 2021.4. See Github discussion where @frenck made that clear.

Again, I think the best way forward might be to create a new feature request and get it on the maintainers radar.

and yet frenck has been working on something additional to suite this need: Add label support by frenck · Pull Request #69996 · home-assistant/core · GitHub like I’ve said multiple times now

Creating a new feature request will just get closed as duplicate (as it should).

Pretty sure it is on their radar. It has been mentioned in one of the release streams that they know, but have not found a good way to implement yet (or something along those lines). At least that is how I understood it.

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Yes it will get closed. @sorenlouv

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So the way I’ve been getting around this is to have convoluted automations with multiple triggers.

Trigger when where’s motion in the kitchen, trigger when there’s no motion in the kitchen for a while.

Trigger when the garage door is open, trigger when the garage door has been closed for 30 minutes.

In all cases, I set a Trigger ID, then for the action, I choose to turn the lights on or off based on which Trigger ID set off the automation.

It’s effectively combining two or three automations into one when two or three automations would have been fine, but it permenently ties them together, and I can name them whatever I want without having to use Yoda Notation (Garage, the light turn on. Garage, the lights turn off. Kitchen, the lights turn on…) just to alphabetically keep what are effectively two sides to the same automation next to each other, instead of all the "Turn off the"s together followed by all the "Turn on the…"s

I am all in for this feature request. After some time, we can have dozens of automations and it is so difficult to remember which one is doing what. It would be great to have groups or categories created and add members (automation). Those groups would be “belong to” entities for the automations, knowing that one automation could be a member of several groups. Having the ability to also add tags to each automation would be useful for search or filter. Both features together would be great.

Wanted to request this feature also. But saw was already requested for long time ago.

We can select room to get the automations. But if that room has already 20automations, than it would be nice to group them more.

What I did is group them by name, so have the light automations for that room all starting whit a number 2 for example.
Than in the big list it is grouped together already.

But we should be able to group them visually
meaning that in the YAML file we put extra line, for grouping.
than when we have the big list we can select the room and than select also light entities to get only light entities for that room.

Please please please. A better organzation is needed, especially an huge amount of automations. Folders, tags or both :slight_smile:

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Yes please, can we have this?!!! I appreciate all the good tips about naming conventions etc… but in the end they are all workarounds.

On the contrary. :slight_smile: Despite what this topic brings us, a naming convention is something one should always use, not only in HA. Naming conventions aren’t a workaround, they are good practice! :wink:

Agree and I am a practitioner. My statement is to be seen in relation to the numerous requests for automation folders :slightly_smiling_face:


I’d love this too!

Still can’t believe this ain’t a thing yet. I’m no coder but this must be easier than some of the amazing voice stuff they’re doing right now


I need this too.

Almost a must to have feature, specially when reaching over 100 automation.

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Ive just hit 101…so would certainly benefit

Please add this. Some kind of folders or whatever with tree structure.

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+1 on on this important feature. @Grant10k got the description perfect in early 2020.

I love the power of automations. But I dislike that automations to turn something on, followed by another trigger to turn it off, have to be implemented as a pair of automations and these cannot be linked for simplifying the listing in the automation config UI. Also if you want to deactivate this automation pair, you have to search for and deactivate two automations.

And I stand by it to this day.

Though now for any new automation, I create one automation with both on/off triggers, then a conditional based on which trigger fired. It’s a little convoluted, but less so than having the on/off automations totally separate. And when you disable it, both ‘automation paths’ of course turn off at the same time.