HA NeoPool MQTT: integration of Tasmota NeoPool (for Sugar Valley, Hayward/Aquarite, Bayrol devices)

The only unclear point is the number 4.
I have added the part “packages: !include_dir_named packages” in the configuration.yaml. However, I don’t know where to get the packages from.

found it:
HA-NeoPool-MQTT/ha-neopool-mqtt-package.yaml at d203e3c295517e40c03464c1236b406be57b680e · alexdelprete/HA-NeoPool-MQTT · GitHub

I think I have another mistake. I have created the packages directory and included it in the configuration.yaml with “include…”. Then I copied the “ha-neopool-mqtt-package.yaml” into it. Now it shows an error when checking the configuration and I don’t know why.

You must rename the file “ha-neopool-mqtt-package.yaml”, the “-” character is not allowed on the file naming. For example “ha_neopool_mqtt_package.yaml”

@alexdelprete maybe you should rename it in github

Thanks, no more error when I check the configuration.

But still no new Device in MQTT :frowning:

Do you press this button or restart Home Assistant?

Now i have do both. But nothing appears in MQTT Integration.

in MQTT Explorer it is visible:

It not appears as a device in MQTT integration. They appear as button, binary_sensor, number etc in entities page.

This yaml creates new entities, no new device. Go to ‘Entities’ and search for ‘neopool’


maybe you should rename it in github

not neccessary. The error message to rename the package name might be a side-effect from anopther cause but not the reason. It works also with the origin name (I placed the package within a sub-dir packages)


    neopool: !include packages/ha-neopool-mqtt-package.yaml

Ok, then that was a misunderstanding. The entities are there. :slight_smile: Many thanks for the help.

are you sure about that? I didn’t find any restriction in the packages documentation:

UPDATE: I’ve done some tests, and indeed it creates issues. Also, it doesn’t allow upper case in the name, even with underscores. :frowning:

I renamed the files in the repo, thanks for the heads-up.

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the issue is real, but probably it triggers only with this kind of configuration:

  packages: !include_dir_named packages/

Check here, also uppercase letters create problems, I renamed all 3 files in the repo and also added a note in step 3 about the fact it only creates entities, and not a device.

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That’s correct, the crucial point is when using !include_dir_named the sentence " With !include_dir_named , the file name is used as the package name", so in that case the file name is a dictionary value and both - and capital letters are not allowed.
This does not apply if you include the packages individually.

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Correct. So probably I will switch to the single package with name. Right now I have a single folder with 5-6 package files. I will make single package entries with names. :slight_smile:

Do you think we should make the steps more clear regarding this, maybe giving an example configuration? Problem is that we will for sure provide help not for NeoPool but for HA packages. :slight_smile:

Absolutley agree with that, makes sense.

Also a quick tip on how to access the lovelace raw editor and copy the file content into it - I can remember it took me about half an hour to understand that on the day I switched fhem to HA

you’re right, I made a readme for experienced HA users. Will simplify things so that also non-experienced HA users can manage it.

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Thank you, Alex. I’ll try to purchase one of these two devices and I’ll let you know if it works. Very kind of you for your research.

Just one question: I assume the connection of the + (positive) should be made in parallel (in the 2-port version) while + and - (positive and negative) in parallel in the 8-port version, correct?

@Danton73 you are an electronics person, so more qualified than me to answer that question. I didn’t take a deep look at it, I just found that there are rs485 bridges, but didn’t analyze them enough to be able to answer. I guess the manuals of the devices should clear these things though. :slight_smile:

You right! Thanks for the tip. I’ll let you know if the device works.

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I’m on a mission to replace my pool filtration system and was looking around Hayward brand, and I obviously ended up here since I want to control it from my HA. This integration looks great (I already have a mqtt broker running) but I’m totaly new to ESP devices and Tasmota firmware. So I read all the documentation, got an atom lite (ESP32-PICO-D4 v1.1) and tried to build my first firmware to include the neo pool module. Unfortunately flashing the atom lite is not a success: I’m stuck with this error looping in the console:

rst:0x10 (RTCWDT_RTC_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) configsip: 188777542, SPIWP:0x10 clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x01,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x02,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x04 ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57

I also tried with a pre compiled firmware (supposed to work) found in another forum but I get the same error. Factory firmware 13.4.0 works fine.
What am I doing wrong? Any idea? Thanks

I would recommend Sugar Valley products instead of Hayward. Check their site first. I am pretty happy about my Aquarite+ but the Sugar Valley line is more complete, for example I can’t have salt readings on mine, I added ORP and pH but I’m missing salt levels. If I knew about Sugar Valley before…I would have bought one of them. Sugar Valley is the real producer, then you have a lot of brands that use their hw to build their product.

Regarding flasing the fw: on my GH repo there’s a firmware directory with precompiled fw for various chips. The ESP32 ones have been successfully tested. Use the recommended sw to flash, read carefully the first post in this thread.

You might also want to check the discussion with Dalton from this post on, specific on flashing.