HA Scheduler Addon

I love the idea of this addon. I installed it and set it up for testing. I set up a schedule to go on at 6:25AM and off at 11:00 PM. The Off setting seems to work just fine, but for some reason the On setting does not trigger at the right time.

Itā€™s been kind of inconsistent. On Sunday it went on at 9:04 AM. Yesterday it went on at 6:25 as scheduled. Today it went on at 10:14 AM.

When I look at the log file, it says that itā€™s turning the switch on at the right time, but nothing happens until some seemingly random later time. I donā€™t see anything else in the log file - even at DEBUG level. Is there a way to troubleshoot this?

Hi @bleyton try to set the value max_retries and max_retry_interval
Restart the addon and after do a check into into log inside there is the load of scheduled action and check if there is some inconsistance on time indication.

maybe there is some timezone truble if the problem still occurred send me a file into folder \share\ha-scheduler.


Could you please share your config for the card?


Hi @MarkB1,
There is no card it is an addon with a web page integrate into ingess and panel icon.


I realised that so in order to display on the fronted, I guess Adam was referring to displaying the url in a picture elements card?

Hi Mark, I was making reference to a picture elements card I created before I found this addon Weekday Morning/Evening Schedule

Trust me this addon is a far better way of doing things :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

@michelebossa I canā€™t believe you implemented the Theme configuration so quickly!! Thanks so much, looks awesome :+1:

I am interested by your addon
I have install it with supervisor and start the add on
I add a first schedule but when I click the save button I got this message :
The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.
What do I wrong ?

Hello again,
Reading the doc I see that from version 0.9 it should be possible to program a temperature.
Can you explain how to do this ?
Thanks in advance

About the temperature setting there is a possibility on climate entity to set the temperature value by add these string after time schedule

About the error on Save it is very strange if the problem it is resolved by a simple retry open a issue on github with the step to reproduce the error.

The error on save seems to happen if you save and then edit the schedule and try to save again, before returning to the home screen. If you navigate somewhere else and then back to the HA Scheduler, you can see that the first save worked but the second save didnā€™t but the add-on loads up fine with no errors and you can edit the schedule without problems.

I love the ability to add entities to a schedule, that was a great idea. Setting Climate also works perfectly for me :+1:

Great work thank youā€¦ I am using this addon mainly for the covers. Is there a way to include a condition for enabling the schedule? I mean like presence condition; if any family member is at home the schedule is on; if not then disable the scheduleā€¦ How can i do this ,maybe by a service call in automation??


- service: hassio.addon_start
    addon: " addon_998c1fd8_homeassistantscheduler"


- service: hassio.addon_stop
    addon: " addon_998c1fd8_homeassistantscheduler"

But that starts and stops the whole addonā€¦

There is something in the documentation relating to what you want to achieve

service: hassio.addon_stdin
  addon: 998c1fd8_homeassistantscheduler
  input: light_xxx:enable_on

You just add the name of the entity that is related to the schedule you are trying to turn on or off. I havenā€™t tried this, so Iā€™m not sure if it completely disables the entity i.e. if it would be uncontrollable by a separate automation. Would be good to hear your experience with this.

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I make a second try and confirm what Adam wrote.
Very nice add-on thanks
Is it possible to add it on the left side menu as overview, supervisor etc ā€¦ ?

Hi Monday Iā€™ll try to investigate about the problem at saving. About the possibility to add into menu there is a button ā€œShow in sidebarā€ into addon page inside supervision section.


OK thanks
Have a good night

Trying to use the hassio.addon_stdin:

  1. Checking it out from Portainer i see that the name of the docker container is ā€˜addon_998c1fd8_homeassistantschedulerā€™. Is it the same with you guys also?
  2. I use schedule name as entity-name.

So, when i use this in Developer Tools -Services-hassio.addon_stdin :

addon: addon_998c1fd8_homeassistantscheduler
input: quarantine_all_covers:enable_off

and press ā€˜Call Serviceā€™, nothing happens, also nothing in logs. ā€˜quarantine_all_coversā€™ is my schedule name. enablle_on and enable_off does nothing. What am i doing wrong? Thanksā€¦

Using 998c1fd8_homeassistantscheduler instead of addon_998c1fd8_homeassistantscheduler, i managed to get something in the log file:

INFO: Read alias: quarantine_all_covers:enable_off

However, the schedule is still onā€¦

Looking at the code, i guess Line 17 in daemon_input.py:

if data['entity_id'] == input[0]:

should be:

if data['friendly_name'] == input[0]:

Because in .json file if the schedule consists of more than 1 entity, the schedule entity_id doesnā€™t have a name but an array of entities.

It is a bug related a new group possibility.
Tomorrow Iā€™ll fix this and the problem at save.

Thanks and sorry for the trouble

Hi All,
I have made the version 0.11 with fix double save and a fix on stdin functionality now you need to use a group name to indicate the schedule to enable or disable.


@michelebossa thank you very much for the quick fix. Here is the results of calling the service from Developer Tools-Services:

  1. In .json file, ā€œenableā€: changes to ā€œfalseā€ or ā€œtrueā€ according to input request.
  2. I can see the following in Log file:
[14:27:32] INFO: Read alias: quarantine_all_covers:enable_off
Daemon Kill 312
Daemon Start

On the other hand, when i call enable_off; the enable button is still ā€˜ONā€™ both on summary page and on edit details page. I donā€™t know in real if this visual button or json file takes precedence, so i have to test it for some moreā€¦

I have to restart HA Scheduler to see the result effects on button.