HACC - Home Assistant Command Center

@BertrumUK I believe I fixed this in 0.5.2 - can you update and let me know if it works now?

Just did the update and I’m afraid to say that they are still blank. Also have an issue with switches not refreshing their on/off state - I have to refresh the whole page to get their correct status. Other tiles that have a manual refresh option work fine but switches don’t.

On a positive note the camera tiles appear to have been fixed in the latest update/

@BertrumUK Can you try the following:

  • Navigate to the /admin/technical page (there’s no link, you have to go to it manually)
  • Find your Hassio URL there under Home Assistant Info (might be https://some-dns-name.com:443/ or http://192.168.x.x/)
  • Take that URL and combine it with your entity_picture value (like /local/name.jpg)
  • Try to load that in a browser

What do you get?

Currently working on nights so doing this remotely and I get the following

If i use my https url on port 8123 ending /local/neil.jpg that loads fine

Maybe I need to wait until I get home later this morning before I can confirm if that works or not.

Hi there @qJake
I have a problem with Exporting my config where I get an error which reads

hacc-export-20190912-071505.config.jsonFailed - Network error

Presently using Version:, built on 09/08/2019 15:30:28
Installed on QNAP using ContainerStation (Docker)

Another question I have is with your new release ( Version 0.5.2) if I simply create a new ContainerStation (Docker) image will that still use the current config I have created (and not yet been able to back up)?

Cheers in advance for your advice!

@wellsy If you look up in this thread, there are people that have gotten the config to persist. I think you have to mount a volume with Docker. I am planning to add documentation for that, but don’t have it just yet.

And I’m not sure why the export is erroring - it just streams a download file, so I suspect this may be due to your environment?

@BertrumUK In your configuration.yaml file, what does your http: section look like?


Basically, if running as a Hassio Addon, it should take your base_url and add it to your /local/person.jpg path to get the URL that your browser (tablet) will attempt to pull (e.g. https://my-hass.io:443/local/person.jpg). If that’s not accessible from the tablet, the picture won’t load.

In general, your base_url should be your public, HTTPS url, not the internal http://<ip address>/ url, according to the documentation.

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I can load the image using https on port 8123 only but not 443 even if that is forwarded. HTTP is set up the same as you but the images do not load.

Cameras work fine now since the last update but not these person tiles :disappointed_relieved:

This is still a WIP but using a device tracker and person sensor neither show a picture

Very nice project! Got it working in a few minutes and, after figuring out I had to go to /admin, also got my first dashboard running.

I have read through the topic, but couldn’t find it. Is there a way to make the lights dimmable? I have got a light that are dimmable, so would be nice to use it (ie long press pops up slider)

Keep up the good work!

Cheers @qJake I’ll have a look at all that and report back if I get that to work.

Anybody got this working on unraid?

I have the error mentioned above, butswitching images does not appear to solve.

standard_init_linux.go:207: exec user process caused "exec format error"

Scratch that - updated and have new error

It was not possible to find any installed .NET Core SDKs
Did you mean to run .NET Core SDK commands? Install a .NET Core SDK from:

And Third EDIT: Created config.json with linux rather than windows samba share and set permissions to 777 just to be sure… Now running. PM me if you want a look at my config for unraid.

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This must be related to SSL as using the addon link “Open Web UI” tries to take me to my duckdns address but throws an SSL error - the default config section is blank and trying to add my certfile & keyfile doesn’t work as it gets deleted by the addon.

If I try to open an ssl connection to my duckdns address I get a “ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR” on chrome and similar on other browsers. My only access is using my duckdns address and removing the ssl part so http://xxx.duckdns.org:8095

it doesnt load on my

use your local ip


It wont render on my tablet :frowning:

and when I save my layout it does this

@CountParadox What browser is that?! Your window title says “Windows CE” - please tell me you aren’t running Windows CE / Windows Embedded Compact right? :joy: What browser engine/version is that running?

@BertrumUK Yes, we don’t support running via SSL so what @CountParadox said is correct, you must use your local IP address, or use non-HTTPS for the time being. I’d love to support SSL, however .NET Core does not support loading in *.pem files for use as X.509 certificates at this time, so it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to support it - unless you’d like to go WAY out of your way and use openssl to convert your pem file to a pfx file, and do that every 90 days if you’re using Let’s Encrypt… certainly not ideal. :grin:

@kepler Dimmable lights aren’t supported yet but this is a great suggestion, would you mind opening an enhancement issue here? https://github.com/qJake/HADotNet.CommandCenter/issues/new/choose

@BertrumUK For your picture loading issue, can you follow these steps? I’m curious what the image value looks like:

  1. Use Chrome, go to your dashboard with the missing pictures
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+C to open the element picker
  3. Click on the circle with the missing picture
  4. The inspector should jump to the <span> with the URL - if you take that URL (after background-image:) and attempt to load it in your browser window separately in a new tab, what happens? (You can double-click the value to copy/paste it out.)

It should load like this:

Let me know, thanks!

Will try tomorrow. Thanks.

Any chance this will be made available via the Home Assistant Community Store (HACS)?

It is indeed windows CE 6.

Running zetakey browser.

I have a load of wall mounted Poe touch screen tablets that run it…

HACC might not be the platform for me :frowning:

Out of memory

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Done! I also added the feature for cover support, since I also use those quite a lot.

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Just tried it and the URL is just the local address on the Pi and does not load the full IP address -

“background-image: url(”/local/neil.jpg");"

If I try that on the camera tile (which works) I get the full URL address -

background-image: url(“https://xx.duckdns.org:8123/api/camera_proxy/camera.garden?token=xxx”)

**** Update ****
Have managed to get the person tile to show the picture by using the HA Person integration and using the full https url under customization of the entity picture. It works so that is all that matters. Thanks for your help.

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