Hass.io on VMWare ESXi 6.7 - Step By Step

Looks fine to me… Is it first setup? Just try again creating a new vm?


I tried the new installation but failed. I also tried reinstalling esxi 6.7 and installing hassos but the results didn’t change

No idea :frowning:
maybe that vmdk file is locked when you downloaded it? Sometimes in windows, when you download , it’s is locked , you can “unblock” it on properties of the file

I downloaded from link: https://www.home-assistant.io/hassio/installation/
Can you guide me to check the file is locked?
Thanks for your help

properties file …

Not locked :wink:

I am out if ideas

Thanks for your help.

If anyone has ever encountered this case please ask for help. Sincere thanks for your help
p/s: sorry for i used google translate.

Has anyone encountered a case like me? My ESXI hard drive is in vmfs format 6. Looking forward to everyone’s help

Seems to me it’s not a HA problem. Although the choice of IDE for the virtual disk format is somewhat peculiar.

Please remove the SCSI / VM Paravirtual driver.

And did you check the ESXi logs? As I understand, VMFS 6 tries to auto reclaim space automatically. Might be the reason for the lock on the file.

For reference, some screenshots of my fine working config (ESXi 6.5, VMFS 5):

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I tried deleting SCSI / VM Paravirtual driver, but the result is still the same. I saw it log as the picture I posted … it says “locked file”.
I also think it’s because of the VMFS 6 format … but not sure if it’s. If I can’t fix it, I’ll try to go to VMFS 5. But for the time being see if there’s a workaround.
Thank you so much.

I have this up and run. Thank you for this guide. However, when I reboot my HOST my homeassistant VM doesn’t start anymore. I get error message as below:

[Failed to power on virtual machine HomeAssistance. Object type requires hosted I/O Click here for more details.]

Can someone help please?

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Hello benek984

SSH to host

[root@ESXi:~] find -name “*.vmdk”

[root@ESXi:~] vmkfstools -x check /vmfs/volumes/5e-4fa-0cde-80e/hassio/hassio.vmdk
Disk needs repair.

[root@ESXi:~] vmkfstools -x repair /vmfs/volumes/5e-4fa-0cde-80e/hassio/hassio.vmdk
Disk was successfully repaired.

[root@ESXi:~] vmkfstools -x check /vmfs/volumes/5e-4fa-0cde-80e/hassio/hassio.vmdk
Disk is error free

Start VM


Thank you very much, all works as expected now.

How can I expand the size of the vm hard drive I have Hassio on? I have esxi 6.5 running Ubuntu with Hassio in Docker. The only drive I have in my server currently is a 120 gb ssd and originally setup 35gb for the Hassio vm drive size. It shows I have 25gb of space available on the drive but can’t figure out how to expand it? Thanks in advance

depending on your configuration the storage is provisioned on demand. Check if your disk is thin or thick provisioned

Same issue here! its when i restart the host. Or Home Assistant starts with the onboarding screen:

Power On VM




Power On this virtual machine

Virtual machine:

Failed - Object type requires hosted I/O


  • Object type requires hosted I/O
  • Cannot open the disk ‘/vmfs/volumes/5e02705f-2656bad0-f7e6-94c691a47b2b/HASS.IO (17 04 2020)/hassos_ova-3.13.vmdk’ or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.
  • Module ‘Disk’ power on failed.
  • Failed to start the virtual machine.

The file is there!

Hi OrlyP,
did you ever let it run?
I see the same boot loop, and I use esxi 6.0 as well. It’s really frustrating. Tried many options, none of them worked.
OVA-import doesn’t work as well. Maybe in this case 6.0 is too old.
Has anyone else a running hass on esxi 6.0?

I’ve tried to use this guide, but when I start the VM, the output window is flodded with error messages saying something like “failed command write dma”. Does anyone have any idee what that can be?

Used a newer release and I think that works. I got the release from here: https://github.com/home-assistant/operating-system/releases

So, on step 9, i can’t select the VMDK file… it’s greyed out. running esxi 6.7. Any ideas on how to fix this?
