HASS.IO -> transfer from SD card to SSD or USB

If that’s the case then you didn’t enable advanced mode. There is no loss of functionality at all with that kind of installation.

It’s in the same Google Drive Folder share I have all over the forums :wink: , uses Raspbian not Ubuntu though - Ubuntu on a Pi to run HA is unnecessary.

Exactly, which was why I was pointing them towards raspbian.

Edit: admittedly that ‘may’ have been unclear, given that I then followed it with the warning about deprecation.

Where have you got this information from? The latest version of Raspbian, Buster, will be supported until 2022.

HA support for installation on raspbian is being deprecated.
Did you not see the “R.I.P. Raspbian” thread ?

(sorry, I thought we were talking about installing HA ?)

Hassbian is being depreciated, Raspbian is supported by the Raspberry Pi foundation, based on the latest version of Debian - 2 separate things.

You can run a Pi with Raspbian, and install HA in venv, HA with docker, or Hass.io.

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@kanga_who and @DavidFW1960, my apologies.
I did not read the thread in detail as it was not a path I was invested in.
I “assumed” it was Hass on Raspbian.

I’ve just made an “ass” of myself :rofl: (no change there then)

Are there more people who can conform a working setup:

  • Without reboot failures
  • Without the bootfile on SD card trick
  • Using an SSD (which brand / type did you use?)
  • Using an SSD to USB adapter (which brand / type did you use ?)
  • Using a Raspberry Pi 3b+
  • Running HASSIO?


100% working here. Never had a reboot failure. No SD even in the pi. iitrust USB 3.0 to SATA Adapter and SanDisk SSD Plus 240 gb.

Edit: Answering other questions: Hassio and the 3B+


Use a test RPi3 B+ + SSD Latest version HASS.IO

First time boot need the config file fore Wireless, after that install SSH + WebUI and config Wifi:

nmcli radio
nmcli device wifi rescan
nmcli device wifi
nmcli device wifi connect "YOUR_SSID" password "YOUR_WIFI_PASSWORD"

then I can boot from SSD and connected to Wifi without any problem

Now I bought a RPi4 4GB and go test this one with SSD and see if it will work also
maybe different way of config

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It is possible to run Hassio on PI4 + SSD (boot via SD until RP4 supports USB boot).

  1. Install latest Hassio on PI4 SD card
  2. Setup SSH on port 22222 as explained on the Debugging Hassio dev doc and login
  3. Attach SSD and create a EXT4 file system on it (OPTIONAL MANUAL RESIZE: e2fsck -f /dev/sda1 resize2fs /dev/sda1)
  4. Copy the /mnt/data on SSD eg. dd if=/dev/mmcblk0p8 of=/dev/sda1 bs=4096 conv=notrunc,noerror,sync
  5. Change the partiotion labels
    lsblk -o name,mountpoint,label,size,uuid
    e2label /dev/mmcblk0p8 hassos-data-old
    e2label /dev/sda1 hassos-data
  6. reboot

Should look like this:

‘# lsblk -o name,mountpoint,label,size,uuid’

sda                                      223.6G
`-sda1                   hassos-data     223.6G 695900dd-1281-4ae5-8946-aef7f0d03b36
mmcblk0                                   14.9G
|-mmcblk0p1 /mnt/boot    hassos-boot        32M 81C4-9941
|-mmcblk0p2              hassos-kernel      24M f6986d54-5e8f-446a-8b97-76ac90c0edff
|-mmcblk0p3 /                              256M
|-mmcblk0p4                                 24M
|-mmcblk0p5                                256M
|-mmcblk0p6                                  8M
|-mmcblk0p7 /mnt/overlay hassos-overlay     96M 285be7ef-69c3-4052-9091-8b16d5ee5258
`-mmcblk0p8 /mnt/data    hassos-data-old  14.2G 5bc9d413-95a8-45ef-9367-d52516d63670
zram0       [SWAP]       hassos-zramswap 976.1M ac0dbf8f-1fa9-4ffd-9646-91320fec5b82
zram1       /var         hassos-var         32M 309122ca-46e3-4fea-86d7-f2410574ad43
zram2       /tmp         hassos-tmp         16M f657d309-06b5-4ad8-a81e-0545a752ad7b

some more information here if needed:


migrated my rby pi3b+ sd card on USB disk first, still waiting for my MSATA to arrive. HASSIO 3.7. Now running for 2 weeks without any reboot or crash. This MSATA is very good, used it for 2 years on my video surveillance config.
US $14.64 45%OFF | KingSpec mSATA SSD Solid State Disk SATA III 64gb

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Ordered the X825 sata board for the pi4 so will try that out once it comes in. Thanks :slight_smile:

@chris669 how do you connect the kingspec msata to your pi 3b+? The expansionboard X850 OR another one? And do you use a certain type of case? PS: could you let us know if this combination works without a bootfile and reboot failures, once you set everything up?

Thanks for that information @DanM!

Must request a ELI5 here (Explain it like i’m 5yr)!
How is the OTP bit set so the Rpi3B+ knows how to boot from usb? Does it get written when you upgrade to 0.100.3?
Is the model of ssd of any importande at all? I guess that the sata-adapter is the one that needs to be compliant with the low-leve driver right?
Obviously i havent got it working with my existing usb-casings…

The 3B+ doesn’t need you to set the OTP. Try imaging a USB stick and see if it will boot from that.

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Oh, that never occured to me that the 3B+ didn’t need that setting. Thanks David. Will try a stick to verify. But it seems to be picky on which usb-adapter to use though.

this works perfect!
US $3.07 22%OFF | 6Gbs Converter Adapter Card Mini USB mSATA SSD to USB 3.0 Super Speed Converter SSD Adapter Card

Btw, you can just try by yourself! If it doesn’t work, just reboot from your USB.
Again, no, I do not need any SD card anymore for booting. Running HASSOS 3.7

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Hi All,

Im a happy owner of a RPi4 4GB. And do some tests to let it work with a SSD. I have follow config working now:

Boot from SDcard, Root from SSD. Installed Hass.io on it.

Flash on SD Card Debain Buster Lite Image (in my case on iMac I goto the boot part after flashing)

sudo touch ssh
sudo nano /boot/wpa_supplicant.conf

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev


Reboot RPi4 and ssh to it after its done with first normal boot from SDcard.
I’m formatting the SSD on iMac with a FAT Partition then connect it to RPi

sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1 -L root
sudo mkdir /media/newdrive
sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/newdrive
sudo rsync -avx --progress / /media/newdrive
sudo nano /boot/cmdline.txt

root=/dev_/sda1 rootfs_type=ext4 root_wait rootdelay=5

reboot now

After reboot I install follow things

sudo -i
apt-get install software-properties-common -y
apt-get update
apt-get install apparmor-utils apt-transport-https avahi-daemon ca-certificates curl dbus jq socat
curl -fsSL get.docker.com | sh

curl -sL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/home-assistant/hassio-installer/master/hassio_install.sh" | bash -s -- -m raspberrypi4

What I do now is rsync the root folder to the old root folder on SDcard.
When Hassio crash for some reason I only have to change the codline.txt and but back the original root= and boot.
