Hassio & Flic Buttons

Has anybody managed to get flic buttons working on hass.io yet?

I can see that it was discussed August - October last year:

but has anyone done it yet?

The component page says:

“The platform does not directly interact with the buttons, but communicates with the flic service that manages the buttons. The service can run on the same instance as Home Assistant”

I guess my question is - is it even possible install the flic service when I have limited access to the command line using hass.io?

(I am running hass.io on a raspberry pi3 with the bluetooth service running).

The initial hass.io install went like a charm but I am now wondering if the build is too restrictive with its reduced command line. I am very new to hass.io so this may well be my inexperience / ignorance and not the software.

Any ideas or experience on this that you have would be much appreciated. It would be great to use flic if possible.

I would also like to know this! I’m preparing for the big re-installation (because of python upgrade…). I am considering HASS.io, but if flic is not working then I will have to go for hassbian once again. I’m not ready to sacrifice my 8 flic buttons…


I couldn’t find a way to do this with hass.io so I have started again with Hassbian.

Do you have a definitive way to setup the flic buttons/service? This message in the forum looks promising - https://community.home-assistant.io/t/install-flic/16969/3

Can anyone confirm that this is the correct way to do it?


This add-on/repository may be a way to get flic running on Hass.io https://community.home-assistant.io/t/issue-to-start-flicd-on-hass-io/22817/2?u=red7

I have moved over to Hassbian now but let me know if you succeed on hass.io

Good Luck

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Quick update:

This worked fine for me on Hassbian:

The button appears as a binary sensor and can be used within automations. :slight_smile:

I’ve used the “guide” in the thread, and it works just fine.

Thanks for the update.

Do you flic buttons come back ok after a full reboot? Mine are a bit hit and miss.

I would say that they work after reboot for me. Sometimes they stop working, but it is usually after HA udates when i forget to reboot my pi…

Just tried this myself: using flicd on hass.io - worked a treat!
Follow the instructions in this comment, and away you go:
Issue to start flicd on hass.io

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I second @king999art , works great on Hassio. I have 4 of these used every day

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