HASSIO mount external drive

Voted! It’d be great to mount a volume to put the DB on.


Agreed! It would remove one of the principal shortcomings of a Raspberry Pi based system.

This would be useful with the new stream component in core as well to record video streams to an external drive.

I concur. I would love to be able to have the pictures taken from my cameras stored on my local NAS. An ability to mount an external device from HASS.IO would be awesome.

(yes, I know there are all kinds of workarounds for that but it would still be awesome)

Also, being old-school where it was a given that the operating system and dynamic data (i.e. databases, content, logs) shall not share the same physical device. It would just be following protocol to have more than a single storage device available.

Looks like this feature has been implemented, even though making it requires quite a bit of feedling.

For references (as I had to digg to find out after I found this thread), github feature request is at https://github.com/home-assistant/hassos/issues/89 , steps to do it are described in https://github.com/home-assistant/hassos/issues/164#issuecomment-472788621 (look at the comments after that one for specific issues) and it has been made possible by the work done on https://github.com/home-assistant/hassos/pull/318 .

Will give some feedback once I manage to do it myself.

If anyone else want to try it out, feedback is welcome.

@esciara Have you tried it yet?

Nope, but the feature seems to have been fully implemented : see https://github.com/home-assistant/hassos/issues/164 .

I need more detail about this method.
I was not successfull to mount usb

this is my USB
sudo blkid
/dev/sda1: LABEL_FATBOOT=“GOFLEX” LABEL=“GOFLEX” UUID=“3A22-CCE8” TYPE=“vfat” PARTUUID=“2ea74125-01”

this is my etc/fstab

PARTUUID=2ea74125-01 /usr/share/hassio/share/usbtest vfat async,big_writes,noatime,nodiratime,nofail,uid=pi,gid=pi,umask=000 0 0

and this is error

mount: /usr/share/hassio/share/usbtest: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.

I aslo tried UUID=3A22-CCE8

It seems a problem related to the file system. Try to manually mount the device before adding it to fstab to know what is the correct fs type.

It would be great to have a simple, hack free way to mount external storage or NAS storage to Home Assistant.
We have Plex addon and MotionEye addon in the Supervisor addon store and both of these benefit greatly from being able to access storage devices.
It seems that if we have addons like these, we need a way to access storage to utilise these addons


I have to say I’m finding the whole Home Assistant architecture a little baffling. Setting aside the infinite confusion surrounding all of the various installation methods and renaming, let’s say I’ve finally given up on installing HA on a regular OS instance (say, a Debian VM I have running under Proxmox) and I’ve bitten the bullet and installed “Hass OS” via an official, pre-baked disk image. So now I have a bespoke, curated “operating system” for hosting a home automation application, but it’s less capable out of the box than if I could simply “apt install home-assistant” and then do all of the normal things I’d expect, like “mount another filesystem”?

Admittedly I’m probably not the majority use case; I want to be able to spin up a HA instance on a hypervisor and have it all provisioned automatically with Ansible, configuration data stored on an NFS mount so it can be backed up regularly, and be able to burn the whole thing down automatically without losing data and clicking a million times in a web UI. I get that some of that is outside the norm, but “regular automated backups” and “mount a remote filesystem” are not wild concepts.

I guess ultimately I don’t see the logic in building an entire opinionated operating system around the assumption that everybody wants to run it on an isolated Raspberry Pi booting off a USB stick at the expense of being able to do all of the things that operating systems already do well. Am I looking at this the wrong way?


What you say makes sense to me. I can see by your writing that you have a lot more knowledge in IT than my basic scratch.
I very quickly moved my hassio from a raspberry pi to nuc. So many bad stories about sd cards etc.
Like you as well having a system that has an automated backup to a nas (i run freenas) should be basic.
Also being able to extend my nuc with an external hard drive i thought should be easy - as yet i haven’t been able to do that.
When i first thought about going into home automation i looked at a number of options. I chose hone assistant. I am very happy with my choice as it is a great system and definitely at the moment meets my needs. It is also a great community who by and large provide relevant answers with grace.
I have gone to cabunasa subscription to provide support and hopefully this allows the developers to make the system even better.
I’ll stick around for a while anyway.

It would be great to extend the RPI4 HASSIO with NAS features by using an additional drive on the USB3 Port. the RPI4 has plenty of cpu power an memory form my home usage to be able to run HA + NAS. A NAS addon such as FreeNAS https://www.freenas.org/ or Nextcloud https://hub.docker.com/_/nextcloud/ would be very nice. IT would make me happy to get rid of my old QNAP NAS considering security and energy usage.

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And now?! :slightly_smiling_face:

I mean the discussion/wish is ongoing for two years now!
I moved my system from a Ubuntu nuc to the finnished nuc image because I was afraid of the news earlier this year that this kind of installation is going to be discontinued

Now I’m suffering by being not able to mount a external drive

What is necessary to reorder this feature in the ranking?! More contributors?!
I would love to mount external drives to my hassio :star_struck:

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I too would love this feature. It would then make a seamless home assistant / PVR box.

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Of course :slight_smile: !

With motionEye for example youre lost if you’re not able to store anything to a storage nearby
And it’s already part of the community addons so it should be only a small step to achieve a perfect pvr solution <3


There is not really any confusion around installation. Like all open source software, there are numerous unofficial ways of installing, but the official ways are very clearly described on the main install page, with very clear instructions. Probably the clearest open source install instructions I have ever seen.
The recent renaming was initially confusing, but given it’s all one piece of software really, it makes sense to get rid of hass.io and just make it all Home Assistant, with Core being the basic Software without extras.
That’s all outside the this particular threads scope though.

Check this out.

You might want to tweak it, since the linked udev rule mounts the drives under media not under share