Hayward Omnilogic?

thank you so much for this integration. I have installed it, the pumps appear and I can control them, but i do not see the gas heater, light or salt-chlorinator as devices to be controlled. did i miss something?

Are you using the HACS version?

ah i guess that’s why, sorry - i wasn’t sure if the HACS talk was depreciated, and everything was merged to the non-hacs integration… will remove and install the HACS version. thank you!

excuse my ignorance… cannot login with email, as it says… but where do i find my ‘login’?

sorry to be that guy but i can’t figure out where this username is. in the omnilogic app, my user is my email. I can also login to Hayward OmniLogic with this email/pass combo… I dont see anywhere to add any specific, non-email user accounts otherwise… i have looked at the documentation, all it says is to not use the email, but no mention of where to obtain this username. i have an OmniPL if it makes a difference. thanks

When you log in to the website, at the top right you’ll find Profile → Information.

The Login Name should be on that page at the top. (At least it is on mine).

Hope that helps!

thank you so much, so yeah it does have my email there, not a username… i went ahead and used the email address for user and it worked fine. I guess if you created an account in the last year or so, they use your email address for the ‘username’. may be worth mentioning in the docs at some point.

thanks again!

This is working really well, thank you again. Have a couple questions:

  1. I have two ‘devices’ detected (omniPL controller failed, had to have it replaced recently). I’ve called Hayward and had them remove the ‘dead’ one from my account/sites list (it’s gone there now), but the ‘dead’ controller remains in home assistant. Do I have to remove the integration, then re-add again? or should the polling remove the device?

  2. I dont see any way to control the salt chlorinator %, or even turn it off/on. Am i missing something? or is that functionality not there yet?

thanks again!

Never ran into the first one before. I would try to remove and reinstall.

Chlorinator isn’t there yet. On my list though!


This integration has been working great for me. Nice job!

Is there a way to activate a custom theme?

I just looked in HACS, and searched for “Hayward” and for “Omnilogic” and neither returns any results.
How do I find and install it?

@knwpsk You probably need to add the the custom repository. Try this…

On your HACS tab in HA, click the elipsis and then go to Custom repositories:

Then add the djtimca/haomnilogic repository with a category of Integration:

After that, you should be able to use the HACS search to find it. If you still don’t see it in the search or cannot add the repository, you might need to go to Settings > Devices & Services > HACS > Configure and temporarily remove the country code filter if you have one. This was an issue for me, but I think it is now resolved so you may not need this.

Anyone able to share some insights on how to send a set speed by calling the service via Node-Red. I’m able to select the service and the entity, but I haven’t been able to figure out how to structure the message properly based on the variable speed pumps page (Variable Speed Pumps · djtimca/haomnilogic Wiki · GitHub).

I don’t use node red, but this is my yaml automation. It looks pretty similar to your editor. Maybe the int conversion is causing the issue? Is your Pool Pump entity a switch entity in HA?

  # Set pool pump to 25%
  - service: omnilogic.set_pump_speed
    entity_id: switch.pool_pump
      speed: 25

Got it. For anyone that comes looking, to use the Node-Red Call Service module, setup should look like this:

The data field looks like this (for 25%):

{"entity_id": "switch.pool_pump", "speed": "25"}
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Hello all, wanted to leave a note here that the initial version of the LOCAL API integration for hayward pools is ready. I worked with @djtimca on the initial work to figure out the local API (as well as several other people, check out the credits section in the integration README). You can view the release announcement here: Hayward Pools LOCAL integration announcement!


So looking forward to trying this. Thank you.

Thank you both ! @djtimca has done a tremendous job clearing the path to things like this for Hayward.
Installed the integration and it worked right away without issue ! Really fast response! I look forward to hopefully seeing the PH and ORP sensors and controls added !

Hi everyone, I’m sorry if this is inappropriate but i’m brand new to HA and I’m having a bit of trouble getting this to work. I installed HACS and the Hayward OL integration but that’s about as far as I seem to be able to get. I’m unable to get the Light integration to show up and desperately need someone to hold my hand through setting it up. Also, I have a heater with my pool- is there anyone to integrate that, too?

Appreciate all the help!


Do you see Omnilogic on your main Intergration page? If not, you need to add it by clicking ‘+ Integration’. Then you need to login with your Hayward/Omnilogic credentials. Then all the entities should be available.