Help! Can't reach Zwave after reinstall!

I switched from a Pi 3b+ to a Pi 4. I restored from a snapshot. I updated my configuration.yaml to reflect the new path to my Aeotec Zwave stick (it’s now /dev/ttyAMA0) and edited /config/.storage/core.config_entried to reflect the correct path.

When I start Hassio, I get

2019-12-13 16:54:52 WARNING (Dummy-17) [openzwave] Z-Wave Notification DriverFailed : {'notificationType': 'DriverFailed', 'homeId': 0, 'nodeId': 255}

Any pointers?

Did you connect your stick to a USB 2.0 hub or directly to the Pi4’s USB port?

If directly, there’s a known hardware issue with the Aeotec stick where you need a USB 2.0 hub to get it to connect properly to the Pi4.


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Yup. It’s connected directly. I’ll see if I can dig up a USB 2.0 hub! Thanks.

Whew. That did the trick. Thanks so much.

For anyone else stumbling across this one - make sure you update your YAML to point to the new tty port. It’s possible that it changed when you introduced the hub.
If you use a path like:
It shouldn’t change on you. You can get this ID by running
hassio hardware info

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