Help with Integrating Eufy Doorbell

i have baked another integration with RTSP support here, take a look: Eufy Camera Integration - #1280 by fuatakgun

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I can’t seem to install ha-eufy-security.
I’ve installed HACS without errors, when I search for eufy security in integrations there are no results.
I’m super new to this, hopefully it’s simple user error.

The HA log is showing “ERROR (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.loader] The custom integration ‘eufy_security’ does not have a valid version key (None) in the manifest file and was blocked from loading. See for more details”

You should give a try on this: Help with Integrating Eufy Doorbell - #13 by fuatakgun

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Can confirm that fuatakgun’s custom add-on works well for me. Clear and easy to follow step by step instructions.

Hi, with the battery version, Will HA drain the battery ?

The above might help anyone trying to connect their Eufy Homekit Compatible Cameras to Home Assistant using the built-in HomeKit Intergration.

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if you do not enable streaming on purpose, there is no way to drain battery as it is listening notifications of the app.

Thank you! all working!

@anon63427907 hi again, I followed the instruction of the integration but things went bad.
It ended with the Homeassistant creating many Eufy files continuously without stopping causing the hassio crash and I had to delete them manually and restart the system. Did i miss something?
any ideas


Please go over readme file of integration, this is a known issue if you keep p2p streaming always on. There is also a beta release at the end which eliminates file creation at all.

Hi! Great solution - thank you for it.
I have most cameras working well except for doorbell - for whatever reason it shows battery level at 0% and not letting me see the picture. Any thoughts?

There is an open issue about battery in underlying repository, we have to wait for its fix.

For doorbell camera, you should be using rtsp server addon and webrtc. Moreover, you need to call start p2p livestream service.

Thank a lot - picture works now. Will be keenly waiting for battery - thank you for your excellent work!

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Will the doorbell camera live stream work with rtsp server addon and webrtc? and then use the service start p2p livestream? that would be great.

Yes, that works

Hi everyone - is anyone having issues with the wired doorbell playing the videos? I am using the webrtc and rtsp server. I can start and stop the video using the conditional cards but when I play, it just shows me a spinning circle.
I have set up low encoding, low stream quality, smart displays first on the app but it does not seem to make a difference.
I can see ffmpeg working and it is logging chunks.
Any ideas? Thanks!

Try that steps;

  • start live streaming via a service call
  • there will be a sensor called streaming url
  • try to play using VLC media player
  • we will get better information when playing with VLC

Hi @anon63427907
Thanks - I did that and used the sensor called streaming source address.
When I used that in VLC (I had to change the localhost to the IP of the HA machine / RTSP server since on a different machine) and the stream works just fine. Can see video in low quality, no issues.
So seems to be an issue w/ webrtc or ffmpeg?

it should be on webrtc side because stream seems to be successfully generated via integration over ffmpeg (given that vlc can able to stream it correctly) and i don’t have a solution for this, sorry

ok thanks - let me check on the github there.
Is it possible to run without webrtc? If I try and use the default card, and click on the video, it pops up with a blank card.