Hello. Any news about the progress? I am interested also to this. I bought a “TCL Miracle II” and I would like to be able to control it through HA.
I’ve also got one of these TCL Heat pumps, would love to integrate it into HASS!
It uses the “Intelligent AC” app, whose icon looks VERY similar to the “TFIAC” app, but it is different enough that it doesn’t work.
Here’s a link to the apple Apps store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/intelligent-ac/id1451039299
And to google app store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ab.smartDevice&hl=en_NZ&gl=US
Edit - I found this thread [SOLVED: for local access]A/C app named TFIAC, anyone ever heard of it? - #7 by Joan_Palots
However it looks like Aircons controlled by “Intelligent AC” doesn’t work with this integration
I’m also a lucky guy with 2 TCL ACs, one is working the old way (Tuya compatible), the other, newer one is controlled by the Intelligent AC app.
As the wifi module is way different in the new one (could not be flashed) I ordered the same module like in my older AC to replace it, and reflash the dump I’ve made from my first AC.
Without any luck, module is powered up, but AC cannot be found in the App.
Thats the module I’ve ordered to play around with: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B08P5X5J7L/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Not at all. Flashing the module with the firmware backup from the other AC (Tuya) was successful, but I wasn’t able to pair the device in the App, it was not even discovered.
I’ve also tried flashing Tasmota with Tuya MCU as device type, but I don’t know how to investigate which commands could be send to the AC.
Same issue here, does anyone could connect Intelligent AC app with HA?
I’ve been reading this topic [SOLVED: for local access]A/C app named TFIAC, anyone ever heard of it? - #67 by Macrisu but no conclution there
Any news here?
I have two TCL wifi ACs and i would love to integrate them into home assistant.
The TCL home app does integrate with Google Assistant, any chance down that road?
How about using like RM4C to control the aircon?
I’ve also 2 TLC (Be Vool 12000btu) units.
No time to try until now.
I use the Google assistant SDK intergation.
Works perfectly
Maybe it will help someone.
I have managed to connect my TCL AC unit via Tuya smart app. I was able to connect AC unit to Tuya smart app and then integrate it to HA via Tuya integration, it works with both Tuya Local and Tuya cloud
What AC model do you have?
I failed to add my TCL TAC-09CHSA/DSEI-W to Tuya App.
It is rebranded TCL - Vivax COOL ACP-12CH35REWI.
I noticed, when I was adding it to original app (Intelligent Air), that SSID of AC was tuya-xxxxx. After I put it in pairing mode I added it manually to Tuya app. Auto discovery was not working
Thanks. My AC needs TCL Home app and doesn’t expose any wi-fi network
I have a Airco from TCL as well and use the TCL Home app. I’ve been proxying the app through Proxyman to see what kind of API calls it’s making and I can actually see what it’s sending to them mostly to prod.aws.tcljd.com but I will setup a proxy for the other way around too to see what the airco actually gets back when I change the temp or turn it off/on.
I’ll keep you guys posted if there’s still anyone who wants to know.
(Can’t really parrot the API calls because it’s timestamped with nonce and sign and accessTokens so more work is needed to reverse engineer this)
Thanks, that would be great! Got two of these ACs, they are really great value for heating and cooling. Its a bit of shame that we cant integrate them into HA.
Not sure if relevant but some wifi modules are Broadlink based :
as commented in this repo:
After spending a long time using the official TCL app (which is rubbish) I finally got frustrated enough to do something about it. The official app is slow, terrible to use and more importantly constantly nags for Bluetooth permissions. I have also seen it attempt to access my clipboard, all very sahdy.
I ordered several relatively inexpensive ESP8266/ESP01-M from aliexpress with an integrated IR Receiver/Transmitter. Then using ESPHome, I turned it into an IR remote for my aircon, which now gives me a “climate” entity to add to the dashboard / use in automations.
It is VERY simple to do. You just order the device, it looks something like this
And then you’ll of course need a programmer (I use a CH340G based one that I got from a local shop) - these should be in any serious HASS user’s arsenal
Then I just wrote the below code to it, and then added the climate entity and it works!! The best part the IR library for tcl that the ESP integration uses supports “receiver” mode, so if you place the ESP near the aircon’s I/R receiver itself, it can detect when someone aims the remote at the aircon and changes something, so the A/C state is always up-to-date within home assistant.
name: living-room-ac
board: esp01_1m
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
password: "secure"
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
ssid: "living-room-ac"
password: "securepw123"
- platform: wifi_info
name: "living-room-ac IP Address"
- platform: status
name: "living-room-ac Connection State"
id: ir_receiver
number: GPIO14
inverted: True
input: true
pullup: true
tolerance: 55%
dump: all
id: ir_transmit
pin: GPIO4
carrier_duty_percent: 50%
- platform: tcl112
name: "office-ac"
id: climate_ac
transmitter_id: ir_transmit
receiver_id: ir_receiver
sensor: temp # optional - remove if you don't want "current" temperature
# remove below code block if you don't want "current" temperature
- platform: homeassistant
name: "Office-ac-Temp"
# adjust below entity to temp sensor of room this aircon is in
entity_id: sensor.lumi_lumi_sensor_ht_00a42202_temperature
id: temp
internal: true
- platform: wifi_signal
name: "living-room-ac WiFi Signal Strength"
update_interval: 60s
- platform: uptime
name: "living-room-ac Uptime"
- platform: restart
name: "living-room-ac Device reboot"
Works perfect on the TCL TAC-12CHSA split unit.
on my github there is an implementation for controlling tcl air conditioners over uart from esphome GitHub - lNikazzzl/tcl_ac_esphome
can you hint me to resources on how to connect to the uart of the devices your yaml supports?