Hikvision Doorbell / Videointercom integration

No, I stopped using asterisk, and use the frigate card now :+)

Much easier… On incoming call, I send answer+hangup to indoor, then I start two way talk

The problem with answer-call and end-call was also in 2.2.56 or 2.2.52 (can’t remember).
I think I have tried calling the panel as well and got the same results.
I will re-check it.
What I have described in my previous post has nothing to do with this issue.
Have any of you seen it?

No idea, but if you have indoor, you need to send to indoor station, not outdoor!

You can check addon logs…

Also not all devices do support all commands

Fabio can you add an option to get the callstate via HTTP Polling? the event delays are giving me issues. already lost deliveries at least 10 times at this point.

I wanted to do it via Hass HTTP sensor, but hass digest auth is broken and I can’t get it fixed.

Hmm , why don’t you use the command line sensor instead with the curl? That should work

aaaah! I didn’t know that was a thing! I’ll look into it thanks.

Ok, the whole purpose of the addon was not using polling, but based on events… Not sure why it doesnt work for yours :frowning:

Yeah, me either, ive tried to figure out why these delays happen here, but to no avail, the only thing that seems to make sense to me is that the device is stopping reporting to the add on and only does it again after the add-on heartbeats it or something.

I have heard of other users that the device is freezing a while, they schedule it with the reboot button every midnight for example…

Aaah, finally bliss, it works perfectly now.

This is how I made my integration if anyone needs it.

  - sensor:
      name: HikVisionDoorBellCURL
      command: 'curl --digest --user "admin:SecretPassword" ""'
      scan_interval: 2 # Set the polling interval in seconds (adjust as needed)
      value_template: "{{ value_json.CallStatus.status | default('offline')}}"

One thing I want to find a solution for, is that whoever presses the doorbell gets no feedback that it actually did anything, it will only ring once and just cut. I thought about rejecting the call then it would play the reject call tone but that might lead visitors that the doorbell isn’t working and just go away.

Do you have any suggestions for that?

Im considering putting a regular doorbell buzzer outside, and then make it go off when the doorbell rings.

You mean a ringback tone? So when someone pressed the button, they hear a music or ringing tone? I believe you can define that on hikvision devices by importing a custom ringback tone?

Asterisk can do it for sure, you can send a waiting music

But I believe if I press on my outdoor station, I hear a ring ing tone, I check it later, not sure how long it makes the sound though

Yeah there is a ring tone. However the way I do it, I setup hass to immediately accept and hang up the call so the device is not busy when I go to home.app and open two way audio.

One idea I had was to create a scrip to open two way audio, send a “ding dong” sound and then close it. That outta be fast enough so the device isn’t busy when I go to open communication

Ah, makes sense… But why not use the answer+hangup command instead, that doesn’t give the reject tone to the user that’s at the door?
So you still have the Backtone, then wait 2 sec, then send answer + hangup?

I think the reject tone can lead people to think the doorbell ain’t working right, and the answer + hang up tone just cuts straight to silence

you are probably using go2rtc to use twoway audio? you know you can define a mediaplayer , with webrtc as source, that way you can send audio files/music from HA to your outdoor station usint the TTS service

I will play around with it, but I just use scrypted and talk via the home app

Ok, …

But why not let it just ring and only start two way audio when you are really picking up the call?

it doesn’t work, if its ringing two way call won’t work.

Yeah I know, but just send the answer+hangup command just before you pickup the call?

Hello @pergola.fabio , i am sorry, i am trying to understand, how the hikvision ecosystem works - looking for new intercom to my home - i would like to exchnage my G4 doorbell from Unifi and use hikvision, because i need keypad and fingerpring next to the classic videodoorbell and seems, that DS-K1T502 Hikvision is only one hw device in the world, that meets my requirments... 
Except of security itself maybe :D and in addition - this is what i need, and - thats the reason i am writing to you - i am not sure, if yours addon will help me... 

My idea is that someone walks up to the intercom and enters a pin or fingerprint and the front gate opens. 
Hikvision does this without any problems. Is it true that it doesn't even need an internet connection to do this? Unfortunately I haven't read that anywhere, but I'm assuming so. It simply evaluates locally and switches on the relay. 
What I don't know is this: if a visitor arrives, a button on the intercom keypad is pressed, then if I understand the hikvision ecosystem correctly - HikConnect on the phone or on the Indoor station starts ringing. But one of my requirements is not to have an indoor station - I want to run the HA dashboard on a "quality" tablet and not on a low-price-shit-indoor station from Hikvision - and I don't want to have two devices either. 

So my question is this ? Is it possible to run the K1T502 using your extension (Frigate+Asteriks) locally WITHOUT hikconnect and indoor station ? The requirements are more or less - to keep everything local and not have hikvision indoor station at all. And then, in an ideal world, it should work so that someone presses the phone button on the intercom and starts sending the intercom video to the tablet - stream in the HA dashboard (tablet in the kitchen and upstairs of the house) + to two mobile phones (I assume that notifications and call (SIP?)  will arrive on the mobile phones only if they are locally in the network - would be great if SIP call could be made through the internet but without Hikvision cloud).

I read somewhere from you that without an indoor station, there will be a problem with ringing multiple devices at once. How do you use it? Are you running HA on an all-in-one indoor station? I read somewhere from you that it's slow... 

Thank you very much.