Hikvision Doorbell / Videointercom integration

Sorry @pergola.fabio posting my last post in “code” but i am newbie and seems, that my post was to long :slight_smile:

Hi, i dont know the K1T devices, i only have the DS-KD8003device, but that K1T device probably does run SIP? thats all you need to run locally with Asterisk…
For frigate to work, the device needs to call someone in order to start the ring, so it needs to be a SIP device or an indoor (SIP or Hikconnect) or Hikconnect

Yes, ISAPi supported, so possible to run locally ? And how can i call to android or iphone? Only through Hikconnect?

I don’t know that device , sorry

Actually i think my question is not device specific :slight_smile: what is the answer for supported devices?

Since the latest updates to HA (2024.1) and the add-ons, the video delay jumped from about one second to 15 seconds. Any idea?

Hmm, this addon doesn’t provide video, so the problem is maybe with your video integration?

Hi Fabio, I’m a happy user of your integration quite some time now. But since past week i get many notifications from my HIK-Connect app (something like “calling is canceld / geannuleerd”) when there is someone in the hall. Before that i get a notification only when some one was calling at the front door. Below my automation. Can you take a look at it what is wrong:

alias: Deurbel uit bij beweging in hal
description: Deurbel uit bij beweging in hal
  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.tz3000_nss8amz9_ts0202_iaszone
    from: "off"
    to: "on"
  - condition: state
    entity_id: sensor.video_deurbel_call_state
    state: ringing
  - device_id: 04d96c2b0caec73611171f79c915bdf6
    domain: button
    entity_id: 69009c44d1f1476d8aef59d5227c9fe2
    type: press

what is your action? a reject call?
you can check the addon log maybe when you see that hikconnect notification? But normally, if there is no call in progress, even when sending an reject/… there should be nothing to reject…

My guess you just have a lag on the hikconnect app, maybe its closed in background and its just a past event…

Good evening. Please tell me, is it still possible to recognize alarm inputs as sensors with feedback capability on Hikvision DS-KH6350-WTE1?
To be able to implement alarms based on this device. Thank you.

No, they are not sensors but device triggers, every event is a device trigger, you can use those to build automations or whatever you want todo :slight_smile:

Thank you for the integration. I know that. I wanted to integrate the Hikvision DS-KH6350-WTE1 with the HomeAssistant Alarm control panel, but as I understand it, you can only use open and closed sensors. And I also thought about using this device to monitor whether the door is open or closed.

ah ok, why dont yoou make template sensor? you can update the sensor state when device automation is triggered?

1 Like

Hi Fabio / dear community,
I have a DS-KD8003 device (same device as you, Fabio, if I´m correct) but the addon is not working for me right now.
I first tried the stable addon and then the BETA addon as well (this one is mentioned to use within the documentation, is that correct?).

When I start the addon I don´t get any error but I don´t see any device in home assistant.
I can safely use the Hik-Connect addon the same time, right?
Does anybody have an idea what could be the problem?

I have this as the only ERR output in the log:

thats strange indeed, yeah, i also have the ds-kd8003
can you show me screenshot of the config and the full addon log? also enable debug mode on the addon config

Quick note, for people having issues with the “answer” command, with error 29 , seems it only works when the device is connected to Hikconnect

Thnx for the tip!

You are correct but since I have it all running fine from the delay aspect, nothing was changed except new HA version and updated frigate card.
Anyone got this new 20 seconds delay?

I still have your old addon installed (Hikvision-SDK-Aarch64). Could this be a problem?

Configuration of "Hikvision Doorbell Addon:

(password is filled out normally, of course)

Full log:


2024-01-13 13:21:23.171 | DEBUG    | doorbell:user_config:207 - No manual config found to define output relays for indoor
[2024-01-13 13:21:23.165][INF] Private connect sock=14 this=0x83fa2314 cmd=0x117000 port=53532
[2024-01-13 13:21:23.169][DBG] SimpleSTDCommandToDvr with out cmd[GET /ISAPI/System/deviceInfo], input size[0], max segment length[262144]
[2024-01-13 13:21:23.169][ERR] StructureMime BOUNDARY DATA ERROR!
2024-01-13 13:21:23.172 | DEBUG    | sdk.utils:call_ISAPI:125 - Call ISAPI request method url body: GET /ISAPI/AccessControl/RemoteControl/door/capabilities  
[2024-01-13 13:21:23.180][INF] Private connect sock=14 this=0x83fa2314 cmd=0x117000 port=53536
[2024-01-13 13:21:23.183][DBG] SimpleSTDCommandToDvr with out cmd[GET /ISAPI/AccessControl/RemoteControl/door/capabilities], input size[0], max segment length[262144]
[2024-01-13 13:21:23.183][ERR] StructureMime BOUNDARY DATA ERROR!
2024-01-13 13:21:23.183 | DEBUG    | sdk.utils:call_ISAPI:165 - Response output: <RemoteControlDoor version="2.0" xmlns="http://www.isapi.org/ver20/XMLSchema">
<doorNo min="0" max="99"></doorNo>
<cmd opt="open"></cmd>
<channelNo min="1" max="50"></channelNo>
<controlType opt="monitor,calling"></controlType>

2024-01-13 13:21:23.185 | DEBUG    | doorbell:isapi_door_capabilities:217 - No door relays found for the indoor device
2024-01-13 13:21:23.186 | DEBUG    | doorbell:get_num_outputs_indoor:236 - Unable to get the number of doors on the indoor station, please configure the relays manually with this option in the config: output_relays
2024-01-13 13:21:23.186 | DEBUG    | mqtt:__init__:144 - Configuring 0 door switches
2024-01-13 13:21:23.188 | DEBUG    | sdk.utils:call_ISAPI:125 - Call ISAPI request method url body: GET /ISAPI/System/deviceInfo  
2024-01-13 13:21:23.199 | DEBUG    | sdk.utils:call_ISAPI:165 - Response output: <DeviceInfo version="2.0" xmlns="http://www.isapi.org/ver20/XMLSchema">
<deviceName>Embedded Net VIS</deviceName>
<firmwareReleasedDate>build 211118</firmwareReleasedDate>
<encoderReleasedDate>build 000000</encoderReleasedDate>

2024-01-13 13:21:23.202 | DEBUG    | doorbell:isapi_device_info:343 - We have found 2 com ports for the indoor device
2024-01-13 13:21:23.202 | DEBUG    | mqtt:__init__:164 - Configuring 2 door switches
[2024-01-13 13:21:23.195][INF] Private connect sock=14 this=0x83fa2314 cmd=0x117000 port=53544
[2024-01-13 13:21:23.199][DBG] SimpleSTDCommandToDvr with out cmd[GET /ISAPI/System/deviceInfo], input size[0], max segment length[262144]
[2024-01-13 13:21:23.199][ERR] StructureMime BOUNDARY DATA ERROR!
2024-01-13 13:21:23.214 | DEBUG    | event:register_handler:234 - Adding event handler MQTT
2024-01-13 13:21:23.215 | DEBUG    | mqtt_input:__init__:21 - Setting up MQTTInput
2024-01-13 13:21:23.216 | DEBUG    | sdk.utils:call_ISAPI:125 - Call ISAPI request method url body: GET /ISAPI/System/deviceInfo  
[2024-01-13 13:21:23.220][INF] Private connect sock=20 this=0x83fa2314 cmd=0x117000 port=40700
2024-01-13 13:21:23.227 | DEBUG    | sdk.utils:call_ISAPI:165 - Response output: <DeviceInfo version="2.0" xmlns="http://www.isapi.org/ver20/XMLSchema">
<deviceName>OUTDOOR STATION</deviceName>
<encoderReleasedDate>build 00255255</encoderReleasedDate>

[2024-01-13 13:21:23.226][DBG] SimpleSTDCommandToDvr with out cmd[GET /ISAPI/System/deviceInfo], input size[0], max segment length[262144]
[2024-01-13 13:21:23.226][ERR] StructureMime BOUNDARY DATA ERROR!
2024-01-13 13:21:23.264 | DEBUG    | sdk.utils:call_ISAPI:125 - Call ISAPI request method url body: GET /ISAPI/System/deviceInfo  
2024-01-13 13:21:23.272 | DEBUG    | sdk.utils:call_ISAPI:165 - Response output: <DeviceInfo version="2.0" xmlns="http://www.isapi.org/ver20/XMLSchema">
<deviceName>Embedded Net VIS</deviceName>
<firmwareReleasedDate>build 211118</firmwareReleasedDate>
<encoderReleasedDate>build 000000</encoderReleasedDate>

[2024-01-13 13:21:23.268][INF] Private connect sock=44 this=0x83fa2314 cmd=0x117000 port=53558
[2024-01-13 13:21:23.272][DBG] SimpleSTDCommandToDvr with out cmd[GET /ISAPI/System/deviceInfo], input size[0], max segment length[262144]
[2024-01-13 13:21:23.272][ERR] StructureMime BOUNDARY DATA ERROR!
2024-01-13 13:21:23.330 | DEBUG    | event:start:255 - Registering callback function using SDK
2024-01-13 13:21:23.339 | DEBUG    | doorbell:setup_alarm:89 - Arming the device via SDK
[2024-01-13 13:21:23.342][INF] Private connect sock=68 this=0x83fa2314 cmd=0x111020 port=40710
2024-01-13 13:21:23.352 | DEBUG    | doorbell:setup_alarm:89 - Arming the device via SDK
[2024-01-13 13:21:23.355][INF] Private connect sock=71 this=0x83fa2830 cmd=0x111020 port=53566
2024-01-13 13:21:23.358 | DEBUG    | input:loop_forever:29 - Waiting for input command```

Ohh, I have no idea, that’s a long time ago, best to use the stable version now… I think that old addon doesn’t even use mqtt at all?

Tell me please. How can you understand what state the sensor is in right now?