Hikvision Doorbell / Videointercom integration

If you make a sensor, you can update it with a device trigger automation

So this is the rub. The trigger in your integration only shows the trigger. How can you understand what position the sensor is in now? Open or closed. Thank you.

You need to send that to your template sensor, based on last state…

I don’t understand how I can make the sensor open closed using your integration.

I just want to see whether the door is open or closed.

You need make an template sensor first… Then create an automation to update the template sensors based on the events you receive from the add-on

Yes, that’s understandable. It’s just that if you don’t arm the kh6320, the sensor doesn’t work. How to make it work without arming. Thank you.

You mean the open/closed events? Only the events that are coming from the add-on can be used…

Да. Возможно ли видеть состояние датчика, замкнутый он или разомкнутый. Без постановки на охрану. Спасибо.

Simply kh6320 can be used as an alarm system.

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If you receive open / closed events from the add-on, then yes it’s possible, just update the template sensors with those events…
If you only receive like open event and not the closed event, then it will be difficult

I receive an event only for opening and only when the kh6320 is armed. Can I receive this information at other times? There is no information in the debag log. Thank you.

No, then it’s not possible… Although I remember someone here inverting the logic, he posted the solution on this thread…

See here, he already told you how…

In first post I have added all isapi docs , maybe you can have a look on it , id you find the command to poll the state of the door, let me know, I can maybe include it

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Tell me, is this not it?

I think that’s only for the configuration, not for the state

That’s what concerns zones.

You can try and see if it works

First of all, thank you very much for the nice add on. I could install everything and it works great : notification, frigate card with button to answer call and start bidirectional audio call. I have just one question, as it works great locally, I tried to disable hikconnect on the configuration page of the device but then when I push the call button on the doorbell, it’s telling me call failed. I enabled Hikconnect and block all internet access and it still works. That’s how it works or there’s another way to disable hikconnect entirely ? In my system, everything (almost) is running local and nothing gets out. Thanks.