Hikvision Doorbell / Videointercom integration

Also for HomeKit users, using Scrypted with vityevato’s hikvision plugin still doesn’t work with two-way audio, despite enabling Hikconnect on KH9510. I think the plugin is still trying to send Reject & Hangup commands to the KV6113 doorbell instead of the KH9510 indoor station, which might be why it doesn’t work. Not sure how to change this though.

Yeah I don’t know why hikconnect is needed to send those commands;-(

If you want to go fully local, sip is indeed an alternative

when I do a call (the same configuration like for doorbell) from SIP client I get a ring - so, it looks that customizing on SIP server is ok

Hello, I have DS-KV9503-WBE1 working with your add-on. I installed magnetic contact sensor to AI1 and it is working fine. I receive two magnetic_door_status events, one when I open the door and one when I close the door. Is it possible to have OPEN | CLOSE state in the trigger payload?

Can we proceed on GitHub for this

Hi folks, thanks for the great work with this addon!

I purchased a DS-KV8113-WME1(B) outdoor unit, which works fine with frigate (with username and password). I tried to connect to it with this addon, using same username and password as I do in frigate and I get the following error

2024-04-11 16:13:33.322 | DEBUG    | __main__:main:31 - Importing Hikvision SDK
2024-04-11 16:13:33.335 | INFO     | sdk.utils:loadSDK:44 - Using OS: Linux with architecture: x86_64
2024-04-11 16:13:33.335 | DEBUG    | sdk.utils:loadSDK:57 - Loading library from lib-amd64/libhcnetsdk.so
2024-04-11 16:13:33.376 | DEBUG    | __main__:main:35 - Hikvision SDK loaded
2024-04-11 16:13:33.376 | DEBUG    | sdk.utils:setupSDK:86 - Initializing SDK
loop[2] find 2 mac and 0 ip
[2024-04-11 16:13:33.397][DBG] CCoreGlobalCtrlBase::LoadDSo, HPR_LoadDSo Succ, Path[/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so.1.2.11], hHandleRet[566695936]

[2024-04-11 16:13:33.397][INF] The COM:HCCoreBase ver is, 2020_03_05. Async:1.

[2024-04-11 16:13:33.397][INF] The COM:Core ver is, 2021_03_02. Async:1.

[2024-04-11 16:13:33.397][INF] This HCNetSDK ver is Ver 2021_03_02.

2024-04-11 16:13:33.397 | DEBUG    | sdk.utils:setupSDK:100 - SDK initialized
2024-04-11 16:13:33.398 | DEBUG    | doorbell:__init__:51 - Setting up doorbell: auloporta
2024-04-11 16:13:33.398 | DEBUG    | doorbell:authenticate:59 - Logging into doorbell
[2024-04-11 16:13:33.398][INF] Login dev

[2024-04-11 16:13:33.398][INF] dwTotalNum[2048]

[2024-04-11 16:13:33.399][INF] Private connect sock=135 this=0x220d2ac4 cmd=0x10000 port=42046

[2024-04-11 16:13:33.399][INF] LogonDev1 in[]

[2024-04-11 16:13:33.402][DBG] CCoreGlobalCtrlBase::LoadDSo, HPR_LoadDSo Succ, Path[/app/lib-amd64/libcrypto.so], hHandleRet[571176208]

[2024-04-11 16:13:33.405][DBG] CCoreGlobalCtrlBase::LoadDSo, HPR_LoadDSo Succ, Path[/app/lib-amd64/libssl.so], hHandleRet[570636192]

[2024-04-11 16:13:33.406][INF] SSLTRANSAPI::LoadAPI, libeay, Load Real Path[/app/lib-amd64/libcrypto.so]

[2024-04-11 16:13:33.406][INF] SSLTRANSAPI::LoadAPI, libssl, Load Real Path[/app/lib-amd64/libssl.so]

[2024-04-11 16:13:33.406][INF] SSLTRANSAPI::IsAllAPILoaded, OpenSSL_version Unload

[2024-04-11 16:13:33.406][INF] OpenSSL, Not All Function Loaded!

[2024-04-11 16:13:33.407][INF] SSLTRANSAPI::PrintVersion, SSLeay_version info [OpenSSL 1.0.2t  10 Sep 2019]

[2024-04-11 16:13:33.408][INF] CSSLTrans::SSLCtxInit, dwSSLVersion[0], m_fnClientMethodV23

2024-04-11 16:13:33.630 | ERROR    | __main__:<module>:101 - Error while logging into auloporta: User name or password error. Error code:1
[2024-04-11 16:13:33.629][ERR] LogonDev1[]

[2024-04-11 16:13:33.629][ERR] []PRO_LoginHikDevice fail[err=1].[0x-0000001,0x-0000001]

[2024-04-11 16:13:33.629][ERR] CMemberMgrBase::AllocIndex2, MemberStart Failed, iIndex[0]

[2024-04-11 16:13:33.637][INF] COM_Logout[-1][1]

any tips on how to fix this?

maybe strange character in password? are you using the admin account? maybe a firmware upgrade? reboot?

Weird I just changed the password to something else and it worked. Previous password was alphanumeric, no strange characters.

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I followed your tutorial and installed Asterisk to use SIP. I set it up as an extension in the indoor station. It registered successfully. However, I don’t understand what to do from here. How can I receive, answer and reject calls like with your Hikvision add-on? How do I send these commands?

If you are using SIP, you don’t need to use answer commands from the addon, you need to use sip to answer

Hi Fabio👋

I have the Doorbell KV-8213 with 2 Buttons.
Is it possible to use this only with HomeAssistant (without Indoor Station)?

I want use your Addon Hikvision Doorbell and the Frigate for 2way Audio.
I’m already try your step by step Instructions.
Now I installed your Addon and I can see all entity in mqtt. With frigate Addon I can see the image but I have no 2 way functionality. And I can’t see the microphone button. What’s wrong?

My doorbell have 2 buttons how can I create an automation with notify for example button 1 to tablet 1 and button 2 to tablet 2 ?


Uh, not sure , my addon doesn’t have any relationship with frigate, I created an basic guide to start with frigate, if you follow that guide , it’s a good start point, make sure to setup https and a valid ssl, it’s an requirement

Okay thank you!

Do you know how can I set the doorbell button, for example button 1 goes to tablet 1 and button 2 goes to tablet 2?

On the Doorstation itself, you can define SIP numbers, that way you can call different devices

(You need a Doorstation with multiple buttons offcourse)

Of course I have the door Station KV-8213 with 2 Buttons.

Which add on for home assistant i need to Setup the SIP numbers for the Doorstation?

There is an asterisk addon, it’s preconfigured to call a Lovelace card

Here is an example using yeastar for example…

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For Asterisk you don’t need the indoor station to forwarding the call?

Indeed, for SIp, no indoor station is needed

Hi, I want to use DS-KV8213 in two apartments. I want to call the first button and respond with an indoor station and the second button responds from a wall-mount Android Tablet. Is it possible? I really appreciate any help you can provide.