Hikvision Doorbell / Videointercom integration

Ok, this wasn’t clear that the add-on was needed even with the Frigate setup.
Makes totally sense now :+1:


Sorry for the burden … I’m still progressing with the full setup, the addon is now running in a dedicated container and the MQTT discovery made it’s magic within HA.

I’m trying to use the blueprint “doorbell-ringing” from your repository and it relies only on a “binary_sensor” input which does not seem to be part of the MQTT entities created : once again am I misunderstanding something ?

Yeah, my guess those blueprints are outdated indeed, it’s based on the first versions of the addon, skip those indeed, lots of stuff is changed

Ok, then could you point me out to the newest way of actually getting a trigger (and then notification or anything) when the doorbells button is pressed ?

By the way when pressing the doorbell button the “call state” is not changing and I do not get anything in the log of the add-on : is that normal?

Can you check the addon log if you see the incoming call event? Not all Hikvision devices support it…

You can just build an automation, if sensor changes to on then do: …

Nothing is “moving” on the log when I press the doorbell physical button.

When calling the “call status” from HA it gives the following reply (in the addon log) :

"CallStatus": {
"status": "idle"

I have the Hikvision DS-KV6113-WPE(C) which was supposed to be working ?

Yeah, maybe a firmware update is needed?

Do you have an indoor panel? If you are pressing the call button on your outdoor, when it’s ringing, and then pressing the call state button, does it still give idle then?

If you have indoor panel, try to add it to the addon, try pressing the call state button then on the indoor mqtt device…

If that still doesn’t work, then maybe your device is not supported for call state :frowning:

There is an hikconnect cloud integration on hacs , that maybe will help you

I upgraded to the latest firmware 2.2.77 (April 24) and I do not have any indoor panel. It really seems odd that all call / dual way sound are working but not the basic button press (once again that’s a doorbell) !

Do you use hikconnect??

No not at all, the goal is to have everything local…

So if you press the doorbell, what device is currently ringing?
You need to call something, otherwise there is no call event… You probably hear “calling failed” on your outdoor?

I basically hear a 2sec ring from the doorbell speaker and that’s it …

What do you mean by call something ? (I mean in my case)

Do I need to setup the doorbell so that it calls your addon?

No, my addon doesn’t answer a call…

So you bought a doorbell, how do you want to get notified? For Hikvision devices you need to use indoor or hikconnect, how also you can answer the call?

You can also setup a PBX so you can use SIP…

With my addon, you can cancel the incoming call, and then start two way audio to start talking… Bur there first needs to be a real call

The “real call” thing is what I missed …

Basically I want the incoming call to trigger an event to HA and then from here I’ll notify (HA app on smartphones or Telegram) and raise the video stream with two way audio (frigate / go2rtc).

I don’t need any door opening/relay.

Yeah, indoor or hikconnect is mandatory

Or you need to setup a PBX with the asterisk addon, then you get notified with SIP, there is also a Lovelace sip card, no need to setup frigate then

I’ve tested with HikConnect and the Call State is changing real time to ringing (instead of idle) when calling.

I’ve spent some hours then to try to install Asterisk (the TECH7 package) to go with SIP … and fully local once again : no luck so far, PBX setup is way out of my control

Yeah, its not something you configure on one day, it needs some time and effort, but once configured, it’s very stable!

Actually I now have a simple Asterisk setup waiting for some time when called by the doorbell, allowing to trigger (based on your addon) HA Automation : I need to polish this side now :wink:

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Hi, I setup on a new machien (the old machine broke, before all was working). I see in the LOG the following

loop[2] find 2 mac and 1 ip
2024-09-06 16:58:41.560 | INFO     | doorbell:authenticate:79 - Connected to doorbell: Cancello14
2024-09-06 16:58:41.596 | INFO     | doorbell:authenticate:79 - Connected to doorbell: Cancello12
2024-09-06 16:58:41.596 | INFO     | event:__init__:87 - Setting up event handler: Console stdout
2024-09-06 16:58:41.596 | INFO     | mqtt:__init__:114 - Setting up event handler: MQTT

but no entities are created not sure if the mqtt is setup correctly, I have mosquitto and this in configuration

port: 1883
ssl: false

No need to define the mqtt, it will detect it automatically if you have the broker installed on your HA