Hive Integration

Boosting heating still an issue. I’ve tried re-installing and not renaming anything but still getting

Failed to call service hive/boost_heating. Replacement index 0 out of range for positional args tuple

Did you manage to try looking into this @Khole?

Guys I just got Hive working for the first time!!.. using B22 and am getting all my entities. So proud of myself as it took a lot of trial and error, restarts and config experimentation. I just wanted to thank you all (especially Khole) for all the work you have done. This is very cool. Keep up the good work and know that it’s appreciated!!

I had this pain for some time. My best advice to you is:

  • Install HACS - Once I did this I didn’t look back
  • It may take up to an hour for HACS to initialise
  • Install Hive custom component from HACS (click the beta tab) - I found Beta22 worked great
  • Your config.yaml looks good.

I found that I had to continually reset to get this to work. Also 2FA seemed to help, I didn’t have this set up. I knew when it worked, because when I restarted my pi I got a text.

When restarting, I found a hard restart (go to STOP and then pull the cable out / in) made a difference to just clicking restart.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the info.
To use the recommended method, I’m now trying to install HACS, but not having success with that.
I don’t see any errors in the home-assistant.log file.

I’ll try to find a place to post questions about HACS to try and sort that out then come back to get hive working…

Hello. I created an account just to say thanks. Spent all weekend trying openhab and had no success at all trying to get Hive integrated. Installed HA tonight and followed these steps, perfectly integrated now.

I second your tips on the rebooting, and then the hard reboot to get hive to show up in integrations. Also as a complete beginner, remembering to clear my browser cache for things to show.

As a very new user, what a great community this is. HACS is fantastic and I’ve been able to solve what took up my whole weekend in no time at all. Thanks a lot.

This would be something I too would be interested in. I’m fairly new to HA and assumed, because the integration does actually let you add more than one Hive account it was already a feature. I have three Hive accounts and added them all It works for a short while then ‘corrupts’ … Happy to test …

Hi all,

Just a quick update as I have been quite on here recently. Myself and @rendili have been testing the final version of what will be 2021.1 of the custom component. This version will be the official next release aka not in beta anymore and will also be the starting point for updating the official hive integration within Ha.

Unfortunately @rendili is flying a bit solo at the minute as we all know computers can be delicate things and mine decided it needed some R&R time the repair shop. Hopefully it won’t be resting too much and I can help @rendili get back to testing/releasing this in the near future.


Good news. Thanks for all your hard work.

Good to hear and thanks for the great work! I’m new to HA but got it all set up with your Hive integration following this post (beta 25 through HACS). Very interested in the hot water boost - will that be fixed? Would you be able to share a preview of release notes ? Also haven’t yet turned on 2FA yet until I absolutely have to - will that be easier to setup?

Yes the hot water boost will be fixed. It doesn’t really make a difference if 2FA is setup or not both options are supported.

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Thanks for the hard work guys much appreciated.
Don’t suppose any of you guys use the simple thermostat card ? i’m trying to figure out how to link the boost from your integration into the boost that comes on the card and if possible configure to a time and temp

@Steveuk not sure myself with the Dev work I don’t get chance to play with Lovelace. Someone else in the forum maybe able to help.

No probs thanks

Hi @Khole how you edit the default heating boost from +0.5 for 30 mins?
I think I found reference to it in the file line 186 so I opened it in notepad++ and increased it to 1 and saved but it still only increased 0.5.

I made 3 scripts for 3 different boost times.
Then to display the boost remaining i use a conditional card, using the entity card for sensor.boost which appears after boost has been pressed.
If you notice the sensor.boost displays the time remaining so it shows on the entity card.
Script exmaple
alias: Boost Lounge 45 min

  • service: hive.boost_heating
    entity_id: climate.lounge
    time_period: ‘00:45:00’
    temperature: ‘21’

Conditional card example

  • type: conditional
    • entity: sensor.lounge_boost
      state: ‘ON’
      type: entity
      entity: sensor.lounge_boost
      attribute: Boost ends in
      icon: ‘mdi:clock’
      name: Boost Ends In

See image for results


@Steveuk as you have seen on the code we hard code the boost time period and the increase temp by 0.5 this is because home assistant doesn’t support setting these natively in the code.

The way around this would be Eddie example where you use the boost heating service where you can pass on parameters for temperature and period of time.

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Thanks that exactly what I’m after.
So I just repeat the scripts for different times and add the extra conditions to the cards ?
The conditional card is the built in one isn’t it not a custom one ?

Yes the conditional card is inbuilt, you have to use the attribute ‘Boost ends in’ which only shows up when boost is selected. Which is why I use conditional card, other wise it says unknown. For the 3 scripts i use the button card for each.

Ah i just realised it’s actually 5 different cards at first glance earlier i thought it was 1 :grin:
I’m going to have a try with it now but it will probably take me a while as i always seem to get it wrong somewhere.
The last basic script i tried wouldn’t even fire it says it’s executed in the scripts menu but doesn’t

alias: Boost Heating service
  - service: hive.boost_heating
      entity_id: climate.heating
      time_period: '00:30'
      temperature: '20'
mode: single
icon: 'mdi:radiator'

Will that be because i only had hours and minutes and you seem to have the seconds as well in your script 00:45:00
No its not just tested

Maybe check you haven’t got another entity for climate, if so try the other one.