HLK-LD2450 Initial experiments to connect to HomeAssistant

Thanks. It took lots of experimenting with different graphing tools before settling on Plotly which supported what I wanted by allowing a custom X-axis that was not time based.
As the data from the sensors are returning metric, maybe you could try creating template sensors to convert each of the metric sensors and then use those for the graph.

Maybe something like this:

  - sensor:
      - name: "Target1_x_inches"
        state: |
          {{(states('sensor.target1_x_presence_radar')|float / 25.4) | round(2)}}
        unit_of_measurement: "in"
        state_class: "measurement"

Or do I have it around the wrong way around and the sensors are returning the values in imperial units but the graph is in metric? If its the graph, you could try chaging the axis limits from 6000 to 236.22 (6000/25.4) which should hopefully graph the points in inches rather than mm.

Can you post the actual errors that you received when compiling the upgrade?
I just upgraded my LD2450 unit with a Wemos D1 Mini ESP32 compatible board to ESPHome 2023.9.1 with no issues. It upgraded and compiled with no errors.
I do have ‘improv_serial:’ commented out in my YAML.

I’ve removed the ‘improv_serial:’ line but I’m still getting the same error on several lines.
Do you mind taking a look at my config?



I have only upgraded my LD2450 built with a Wemos D1 Mini ESP32 board, I have only used parts of the config from the Screek 2A YAML. For my Screek 2A, it is currently using the Screek firmware and not the ESPHome YAML config.

In particular, I have not used the following and when I try including it, I get errors with the logger component. Maybe you can try excluding it and see if it compiles.

  - source:
      type: git
      url: https://github.com/screekworkshop/custom_components_support_for_screek_2a
      ref: main
    components: [esp32, uart]

If that doesn’t work then we will have to wait for someone from Screek Workshop to take a look at it.

1 Like

This is just odd, no difference even with the external_components line removed
I think I need to roll back to the previous esphome addon.
Anyway to do that?

Here is my YAML config. Maybe you could try taking parts from it.
I have included some extra bits as I am experimenting with trying to control the on-board LED on my ESP32 board.

  name: esp32-presence-radar
  friendly_name: "Presence Radar"
  espID: "esp32_presence_radar"

  name: ${name}
    - priority: 2000
        lambda: |-

#  update_interval: 30s


  - id: last_update_ld2450
    type: unsigned long
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: '0'
  - id: init_zone_publish
    type: bool
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "false"

  level: INFO
#  level: DEBUG
#  level: VERBOSE
  baud_rate: 0

  board: wemos_d1_mini32
  #board: esp32dev
    type: arduino

  - ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
    password: !secret wifi_password
    priority: 2
  - ssid: !secret wifi2_ssid
    password: !secret wifi2_password
    priority: 1
  output_power: 10dB

  - platform: ledc
    id: onboard_led
      number: GPIO2
      inverted: false

  - platform: monochromatic
    name: "ESP LED ${friendly_name}"
    output: onboard_led
    id: led
     - pulse:
  - platform: binary
    name: "ESP Binary LED ${friendly_name}"
    output: onboard_led
    id: led_binary

  - id: check_zone1_vaild
      - lambda: |-
          if (id(zone1_x_begin).state > id(zone1_x_end).state){
            id(tips_zone1_conf).publish_state("Err: X-Begin > X-End");
          if (id(zone1_y_begin).state > id(zone1_y_end).state){
            id(tips_zone1_conf).publish_state("Err: Y-Begin > Y-End");
          if (id(zone1_x_begin).state == 0, id(zone1_x_end).state == 0, id(zone1_y_begin).state == 0, id(zone1_y_end).state == 0){
            id(tips_zone1_conf).publish_state("Configure below");

          int x_size = id(zone1_x_end).state - id(zone1_x_begin).state;
          int y_size = id(zone1_y_end).state - id(zone1_y_begin).state;

          char combined[80]; 
          sprintf(combined, "Curr Size: %d x %d", x_size, y_size);
  - id: check_zone2_vaild
      - lambda: |-
          if (id(zone2_x_begin).state > id(zone2_x_end).state){
            id(tips_zone2_conf).publish_state("Err: X-Begin > X-End");
          if (id(zone2_y_begin).state > id(zone2_y_end).state){
            id(tips_zone2_conf).publish_state("Err: Y-Begin > Y-End");
          if (id(zone2_x_begin).state == 0, id(zone2_x_end).state == 0, id(zone2_y_begin).state == 0, id(zone2_y_end).state == 0){
            id(tips_zone2_conf).publish_state("Configure below");

          int x_size = id(zone2_x_end).state - id(zone2_x_begin).state;
          int y_size = id(zone2_y_end).state - id(zone2_y_begin).state;

          char combined[80]; 
          sprintf(combined, "Curr Size: %d x %d", x_size, y_size);
  - id: check_zone3_vaild
      - lambda: |-
          if (id(zone3_x_begin).state > id(zone3_x_end).state){
            id(tips_zone3_conf).publish_state("Err: X-Begin > X-End");
          if (id(zone3_y_begin).state > id(zone3_y_end).state){
            id(tips_zone3_conf).publish_state("Err: Y-Begin > Y-End");
          if (id(zone3_x_begin).state == 0, id(zone3_x_end).state == 0, id(zone3_y_begin).state == 0, id(zone3_y_end).state == 0){
            id(tips_zone3_conf).publish_state("Configure below");

          int x_size = id(zone3_x_end).state - id(zone3_x_begin).state;
          int y_size = id(zone3_y_end).state - id(zone3_y_begin).state;

          char combined[80]; 
          sprintf(combined, "Curr Size: %d x %d", x_size, y_size);
  - id: check_zout1_vaild
      - lambda: |-
          if (id(zone_ex1_x_begin).state > id(zone_ex1_x_end).state){
            id(tips_zone_ex1_conf).publish_state("Err: X-Begin > X-End");
          if (id(zone_ex1_y_begin).state > id(zone_ex1_y_end).state){
            id(tips_zone_ex1_conf).publish_state("Err: Y-Begin > Y-End");
          id(tips_zone_ex1_conf).publish_state("Zone Exclusion 1");

  - platform: restart
    name: "ESP32 Restart ${friendly_name}"
  - platform: safe_mode
    name: "ESP32 Safe Mode Boot ${friendly_name}"
    entity_category: diagnostic

  - platform: template
    name: "Pulse LED ${friendly_name}"
    optimistic: True
    - light.turn_on:
        id: led
        effect: pulse
    - light.turn_off:
        id: led
  - platform: template
    name: "Presence LED ${friendly_name}"
    id: presenceLED
    optimistic: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zout1 Enable ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone_ex1_enable
    optimistic: True
    icon: mdi:account-cancel
    entity_category: config
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF

  - platform: wifi_info
      name: "ESP IP Address ${friendly_name}"
      name: "ESP Connected SSID ${friendly_name}"
      name: "ESP Connected BSSID ${friendly_name}"
      name: "ESP Mac Wifi Address ${friendly_name}"
      name: "ESP Latest Scan Results ${friendly_name}"
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone1 Info ${friendly_name}"
    id: tips_zone1_conf
    icon: mdi:information-outline
    entity_category: config
    lambda: |-
      return {"Configure below" };
    update_interval: 1000s
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone2 Info ${friendly_name}"
    id: tips_zone2_conf
    icon: mdi:information-outline
    entity_category: config
    lambda: |-
      return {"Configure below" };
    update_interval: 1000s
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone3 Info ${friendly_name}"
    id: tips_zone3_conf
    icon: mdi:information-outline
    entity_category: config
    lambda: |-
      return {"Configure below" };
    update_interval: 1000s
  - platform: template
    name: "Zout1 Info ${friendly_name}"
    id: tips_zone_ex1_conf
    icon: mdi:information-outline
    entity_category: config
    lambda: |-
      return {"Zone Exclusion 1" };
    update_interval: 1000s

  - platform: status
    name: "ESP Status ${friendly_name}"
  - platform: template
    name: "Any Presence ${friendly_name}"
    id: any_target_exsits
    device_class: occupancy
      - delayed_off: !lambda |-
          if (!id(init_zone_publish)) {
            return 0;
          return id(any_presence_timeout).state * 1000.0;
        - if:
              switch.is_on: presenceLED
              - light.turn_on: led
        - if:
              switch.is_on: presenceLED
              - light.turn_off: led
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone1 Presence ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone1_target_exsits
    device_class: occupancy
      - delayed_off: !lambda |-
          if (!id(init_zone_publish)) {
            return 0;
          return id(zone1_x_timeout).state * 1000.0;
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone2 Presence ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone2_target_exsits
    device_class: occupancy
      - delayed_off: !lambda |-
          if (!id(init_zone_publish)) {
            return 0;
          return id(zone2_x_timeout).state * 1000.0;
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone3 Presence ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone3_target_exsits
    device_class: occupancy
      - delayed_off: !lambda |-
          if (!id(init_zone_publish)) {
            return 0;
          return id(zone3_x_timeout).state * 1000.0;
  - platform: template
    name: "Zout1 Presence ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone_ex1_target_exsits
    icon: mdi:account-multiple-remove
    device_class: occupancy

  - platform: internal_temperature
    name: "ESP Temperature ${friendly_name}"
  - platform: wifi_signal # Reports the WiFi signal strength/RSSI in dB
    name: "WiFi Signal dB ${friendly_name}"
    id: wifi_signal_db
    update_interval: 60s
    entity_category: "diagnostic"
  - platform: copy # Reports the WiFi signal strength in %
    source_id: wifi_signal_db
    name: "WiFi Signal Percent ${friendly_name}"
      - lambda: return min(max(2 * (x + 100.0), 0.0), 100.0);
    unit_of_measurement: "%"
    entity_category: "diagnostic"
  - platform: uptime
    name: "ESP Uptime ${friendly_name}"
  - platform: template
    name: "All Target Counts ${friendly_name}"
    id: all_target_count
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    icon: "mdi:counter"
    unit_of_measurement: "targets"
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone1 Target Counts ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone1_target_count
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    icon: "mdi:counter"
    unit_of_measurement: "targets"
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone2 Target Counts ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone2_target_count
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    icon: "mdi:counter"
    unit_of_measurement: "targets"
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone3 Target Counts ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone3_target_count
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    icon: "mdi:counter"
    unit_of_measurement: "targets"
  - platform: template
    name: "Zout1 Target Counts ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone_ex1_target_count
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    icon: mdi:account-multiple-minus-outline
    unit_of_measurement: "targets"
  - platform: template
    name: "Target1 X ${friendly_name}"
    id: target1_x
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance
  - platform: template
    name: "Target1 Y ${friendly_name}"
    id: target1_y
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance
  - platform: template
    name: "Target1 Speed ${friendly_name}"
    id: target1_speed
    accuracy_decimals: 2
    unit_of_measurement: 'm/s'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: speed
  - platform: template
    name: "Target1 Resolution ${friendly_name}"
    id: target1_resolution
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance
  - platform: template
    name: "Target2 X ${friendly_name}"
    id: target2_x
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance
    # update_interval: 1s
  - platform: template
    name: "Target2 Y ${friendly_name}"
    id: target2_y
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance
  - platform: template
    name: "Target2 Speed ${friendly_name}"
    id: target2_speed
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'm/s'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: speed
  - platform: template
    name: "Target2 Resolution ${friendly_name}"
    id: target2_resolution
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance
  - platform: template
    name: "Target3 X ${friendly_name}"
    id: target3_x
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance
  - platform: template
    name: "Target3 Y ${friendly_name}"
    id: target3_y
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance
  - platform: template
    name: "Target3 Speed ${friendly_name}"
    id: target3_speed
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'm/s'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: speed
    # update_interval: 1s
  - platform: template
    name: "Target3 Resolution ${friendly_name}"
    id: target3_resolution
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    state_class: measurement
    device_class: distance

  - platform: template
    name: "Any Presence Timeout ${friendly_name}"
    id: any_presence_timeout
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 600
    mode: box
    device_class: duration
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: s
    icon: mdi:timer-off
    step: 1
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone1 Timeout ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone1_x_timeout
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 600
    mode: box
    device_class: duration
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: s
    icon: mdi:timer-off
    step: 1
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone1 X-Begin ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone1_x_begin
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    mode: box
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    icon: mdi:arrow-left-bold
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone1 X-End ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone1_x_end
    mode: box
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-right-bold
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone1 Y-Begin ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone1_y_begin
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-up-bold
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone1 Y-End ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone1_y_end
    icon: mdi:arrow-down-bold
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    initial_value: 0
    entity_category: config
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone2 Timeout ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone2_x_timeout
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 600
    mode: box
    device_class: duration
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: s
    icon: mdi:timer-off
    step: 1
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone2 X-Begin ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone2_x_begin
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    mode: box
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    icon: mdi:arrow-left-bold
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone2 X-End ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone2_x_end
    mode: box
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-right-bold
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone2 Y-Begin ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone2_y_begin
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-up-bold
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone2 Y-End ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone2_y_end
    icon: mdi:arrow-down-bold
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    initial_value: 0
    entity_category: config
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone3 Timeout ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone3_x_timeout
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 600
    mode: box
    device_class: duration
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: s
    icon: mdi:timer-off
    step: 1
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone3 X-Begin ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone3_x_begin
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    mode: box
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    icon: mdi:arrow-left-bold
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone3 X-End ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone3_x_end
    mode: box
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-right-bold
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone3 Y-Begin ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone3_y_begin
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-up-bold
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zone3 Y-End ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone3_y_end
    icon: mdi:arrow-down-bold
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    initial_value: 0
    entity_category: config
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zout1 X-Begin ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone_ex1_x_begin
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    mode: box
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    icon: mdi:arrow-left-bold
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    initial_value: 0
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zout1 X-End ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone_ex1_x_end
    mode: box
    min_value: -4000
    max_value: 4000
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-right-bold
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zout1 Y-Begin ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone_ex1_y_begin
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    device_class: distance
    entity_category: config
    icon: mdi:arrow-up-bold
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    initial_value: 0
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True
  - platform: template
    name: "Zout1 Y-End ${friendly_name}"
    id: zone_ex1_y_end
    icon: mdi:arrow-down-bold
    mode: box
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 6000
    initial_value: 0
    entity_category: config
    device_class: distance
    unit_of_measurement: mm
    step: 10
    optimistic: True
    restore_value: True

  id: uart_ld2450
    number: GPIO17
      pullup: true
    number: GPIO16
      pullup: true
  baud_rate: 256000
  parity: NONE
  stop_bits: 1
    direction: BOTH
    dummy_receiver: True
     delimiter: [0X55, 0XCC]
      - lambda: |-
          if ((millis() - id(last_update_ld2450)) <= 500) { 
          id(last_update_ld2450) = millis();

          // p1
          int16_t p1_x = (uint16_t((bytes[5] << 8) | bytes[4] ));
          if ((bytes[5] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p1_x -= pow(2, 15); 
            p1_x = 0 - p1_x;

          int16_t p1_y = (uint16_t((bytes[7] << 8) | bytes[6] ));
          if ((bytes[7] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p1_y -= pow(2, 15);
            p1_y = 0 - p1_y;

          int p1_speed = (bytes[9] << 8 | bytes[8] );
          if ((bytes[9] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p1_speed -= pow(2, 15);
            p1_speed = 0 - p1_speed;
          int16_t p1_distance_resolution = (uint16_t((bytes[11] << 8) | bytes[10] )); 

          // p2
          int16_t p2_x = (uint16_t((bytes[13] << 8) | bytes[12] ));
          if ((bytes[13] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p2_x -=  pow(2, 15); 
            p2_x = 0 - p2_x;

          int16_t p2_y = (uint16_t((bytes[15] << 8) | bytes[14] ));
          if ((bytes[15] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p2_y -= pow(2, 15);
            p2_y = 0 - p2_y;

          int p2_speed = (bytes[17] << 8 | bytes[16] );
          if ((bytes[17] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p2_speed -= pow(2, 15);
            p2_speed = 0 - p2_speed;
          int16_t p2_distance_resolution = (uint16_t((bytes[19] << 8) | bytes[18] )); 

          // p3
          int16_t p3_x = (uint16_t((bytes[21] << 8) | bytes[20] ));
          if ((bytes[21] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p3_x -=  pow(2, 15); 
            p3_x = 0 - p3_x;

          int16_t p3_y = (uint16_t((bytes[23] << 8) | bytes[22] ));
          if ((bytes[23] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p3_y -= pow(2, 15);
            p3_y = 0 - p3_y;

          int p3_speed = (bytes[25] << 8 | bytes[24] );
          if ((bytes[25] & 0x80) >> 7){
            p3_speed -= pow(2, 15);
            p3_speed = 0 - p3_speed;
          int16_t p3_distance_resolution = (uint16_t((bytes[27] << 8) | bytes[26] )); 

          bool p1_vaild = (p1_x != 0 || p1_y > 0);
          bool p2_vaild = (p2_x != 0 || p2_y > 0);
          bool p3_vaild = (p3_x != 0 || p3_y > 0);

          // zone exlude 1

          int16_t target_count_in_zone_ex1 = 0;

          int16_t zone_ex1_x_min = id(zone_ex1_x_begin).state;
          int16_t zone_ex1_x_max = id(zone_ex1_x_end).state;
          int16_t zone_ex1_y_min = id(zone_ex1_y_begin).state;
          int16_t zone_ex1_y_max = id(zone_ex1_y_end).state;

          bool p1_zone_ex_enter = false;
          bool p2_zone_ex_enter = false;
          bool p3_zone_ex_enter = false;

          if (id(zone_ex1_enable).state){
            if (p1_vaild){
              if (p1_x >= zone_ex1_x_min && p1_x <= zone_ex1_x_max && p1_y >= zone_ex1_y_min && p1_y <= zone_ex1_y_max){
                  p1_zone_ex_enter = true;
                  target_count_in_zone_ex1 ++;
            if (p2_vaild){
              if (p2_x >= zone_ex1_x_min && p2_x <= zone_ex1_x_max && p2_y >= zone_ex1_y_min && p2_y <= zone_ex1_y_max){
                  p2_zone_ex_enter = true;
                  target_count_in_zone_ex1 ++;
            if (p3_vaild){
              if (p3_x >= zone_ex1_x_min && p3_x <= zone_ex1_x_max && p3_y >= zone_ex1_y_min && p3_y <= zone_ex1_y_max){
                  p3_zone_ex_enter = true;
                  target_count_in_zone_ex1 ++;

          bool has_target_in_zone_ex1 = (target_count_in_zone_ex1 > 0);
          int16_t all_target_counts = 0;
          if (p1_vaild && !p1_zone_ex_enter){
            all_target_counts ++;
          if (p2_vaild && !p2_zone_ex_enter){
            all_target_counts ++;
          if (p3_vaild && !p3_zone_ex_enter){
            all_target_counts ++;

          bool has_target_in_zone_all = (all_target_counts > 0);

          // zone 1 check

          int16_t target_count_in_zone1 = 0;
          int16_t zone1_x_min = id(zone1_x_begin).state;
          int16_t zone1_x_max = id(zone1_x_end).state;
          int16_t zone1_y_min = id(zone1_y_begin).state;
          int16_t zone1_y_max = id(zone1_y_end).state;

          if (p1_vaild && !p1_zone_ex_enter){
            if (p1_x >= zone1_x_min && p1_x <= zone1_x_max && p1_y >= zone1_y_min && p1_y <= zone1_y_max){
                target_count_in_zone1 ++;
          if (p2_vaild && !p2_zone_ex_enter){
            if (p2_x >= zone1_x_min && p2_x <= zone1_x_max && p2_y >= zone1_y_min && p2_y <= zone1_y_max){
                target_count_in_zone1 ++;
          if (p3_vaild && !p3_zone_ex_enter){
            if (p3_x >= zone1_x_min && p3_x <= zone1_x_max && p3_y >= zone1_y_min && p3_y <= zone1_y_max){
                target_count_in_zone1 ++;
          bool has_target_in_zone1 = (target_count_in_zone1 > 0);

          // zone 2 check

          int16_t target_count_in_zone2 = 0;
          int16_t zone2_x_min = id(zone2_x_begin).state;
          int16_t zone2_x_max = id(zone2_x_end).state;
          int16_t zone2_y_min = id(zone2_y_begin).state;
          int16_t zone2_y_max = id(zone2_y_end).state;

          if (p1_vaild && !p1_zone_ex_enter){
            if (p1_x >= zone2_x_min && p1_x <= zone2_x_max && p1_y >= zone2_y_min && p1_y <= zone2_y_max){
                target_count_in_zone2 ++;
          if (p2_vaild && !p2_zone_ex_enter){
            if (p2_x >= zone2_x_min && p2_x <= zone2_x_max && p2_y >= zone2_y_min && p2_y <= zone2_y_max){
                target_count_in_zone2 ++;
          if (p3_vaild && !p3_zone_ex_enter){
            if (p3_x >= zone2_x_min && p3_x <= zone2_x_max && p3_y >= zone2_y_min && p3_y <= zone2_y_max){
                target_count_in_zone2 ++;

          bool has_target_in_zone2 = (target_count_in_zone2 > 0);

          // zone 3 check

          int16_t target_count_in_zone3 = 0;
          int16_t zone3_x_min = id(zone3_x_begin).state;
          int16_t zone3_x_max = id(zone3_x_end).state;
          int16_t zone3_y_min = id(zone3_y_begin).state;
          int16_t zone3_y_max = id(zone3_y_end).state;

          if (p1_vaild && !p1_zone_ex_enter){
            if (p1_x >= zone3_x_min && p1_x <= zone3_x_max && p1_y >= zone3_y_min && p1_y <= zone3_y_max){
                target_count_in_zone3 ++;
          if (p2_vaild && !p2_zone_ex_enter){
            if (p2_x >= zone3_x_min && p2_x <= zone3_x_max && p2_y >= zone3_y_min && p2_y <= zone3_y_max){
                target_count_in_zone3 ++;
          if (p3_vaild && !p3_zone_ex_enter){
            if (p3_x >= zone3_x_min && p3_x <= zone3_x_max && p3_y >= zone3_y_min && p3_y <= zone3_y_max){
                target_count_in_zone3 ++;
          bool has_target_in_zone3 = (target_count_in_zone3 > 0);

          // public all info
          if (id(target1_x).state != p1_x){
          if (id(target1_y).state != p1_y){

          float p1_m_speed = float(p1_speed) / 100.0;
          if (id(target1_speed).state != p1_m_speed){
          if (id(target1_resolution).state != p1_distance_resolution){

          if (id(target2_x).state != p2_x){
          if (id(target2_y).state != p2_y){
          if (id(target2_speed).state != p2_speed){
          if (id(target2_resolution).state != p2_distance_resolution){

          if (id(target3_x).state != p3_x){
          if (id(target3_y).state != p3_y){
          if (id(target3_speed).state != p3_speed){
          if (id(target3_resolution).state != p3_distance_resolution){

          // publish target info
          if (id(all_target_count).state != all_target_counts){
          }else if (id(any_target_exsits).state != has_target_in_zone_all){

          if (id(zone1_target_count).state != target_count_in_zone1){
          }else if (id(zone1_target_exsits).state != has_target_in_zone1){

          if (id(zone2_target_count).state != target_count_in_zone2){
          }else if (id(zone2_target_exsits).state != has_target_in_zone2){

          if (id(zone3_target_count).state != target_count_in_zone3){
          }else if (id(zone3_target_exsits).state != has_target_in_zone3){
          // zout
          if (id(zone_ex1_target_count).state != target_count_in_zone_ex1){

          if (id(zone_ex1_target_exsits).state != has_target_in_zone_ex1){

          if (!id(init_zone_publish)){
            id(init_zone_publish) = true;

If you ticked ‘Backup’ before installing the ESPHome 2023.9 update, you should be able to go to Settings / System / Backups and then restore the ESPHome addon back to the previous version.

Thanks, that compiled just fine for my esp32dev board.
So there’s no need to use the external component for LD2450?

I just it find odd why the same default yaml working on previous version but not the latest 2023.9 update

Glad to hear you got it working.
I’m not sure about the external components but everything seems to be working fine with my ESP32 board. It may have been required previously with the ESP32-C3 boards. I noticed this in the change log for ESPHome 2023.9:

1 Like

I can confirm, with ESPHome 2023.9 no need for external_components. I use an ESP32-C3 and it works fine.

It can’t be related to deleting a folder
.esphome and replacing it with the data folder as mentioned in the latest ESPHome update 2023.9 ?

Is this good enough for esp32-s2?

I thought that was the case but i still get same error when compiling with a new yaml

1 Like

It should be more than enough for the LD2450. The S2 boards don’t have bluetooth but otherwise it should be fine.
Are you still having issues using the Screek 2A YAML? We may need to wait for Screek Workshop to take a look at it and reply as the YAML that I had put together based on the Screek 2A one is working ok for me.

Have you tried cleaning the build files for that board? Does the YAML validate successfully?

Thanks for the headsup, I’ll swap d1 mini with esp32c3 that i have. Need those bluetooth proxies working.
I have one screek 2a yaml that compiled succesfully, this one
If I use the beta/stable yaml for 2a and just compile as it is without changing anything it just give me the same errors as before

Still getting the same missing component error when cleaning the build unfortunately

Hi, could you please confirm it is ZH 1.5MM, 4P here:

I am using this and it works great.

10 SETS Mini Micro ZH 1.5 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10 Pin JST Connector with 100mm Length Wires Cables - AliExpress

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Thanks for your response.