Home Assistant coming for your car!

Very cool!

I hope that future version we can create a mini-panel with more usefull entities (garage door, alarm…).

Can android auto get data form car?, fuel level, odometer…?


Instead of a one dimensional value for the entity, could we get which vehicle is using android auto? It’d be nice to automatically open the garage door when I’m using my car, but not another, for example.


I’m not seeing the binary sensor for Android Auto under sensors…

No streaming is not allowed per Google’s guidelines last I checked otherwise you’ll have YouTube and Plex :slight_smile:

If Android Auto allows for that data to be pulled then we can, personally I have not seen the docs around this.

Feel free to submit a feature request for this :slight_smile:

This particular feature will be available in the beta that gets pushed to the play store tomorrow evening, alternatively you can grab the APK off the GitHub releases page and sideload it in the meantime.


It certainly would be great to have while driving over the Port Hills @nickrout

I use an app called AAStore, which has a load of third party apps you can use on Android Auto. You can use AAStore to convert up to 10 websites into Android Auto apps, so I have my whole Home Assistant Lovelace dashboard accessible via my car’s touchscreen. Of course, it only works when the car is in “park”.

I followed this:

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Stoked. This was literally the only reason I still used SmartThings…

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Awesome! And thank you for the inclusion of the binary sensor. That will greatly help my “just got home” automations

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This is amazing! AAStore sketched me out and didn’t work well.

As someone with 1474 entities currently, it would be nice to filter in what entities we want shown.

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Are you also planning to support Android Automotive?
My Polestar 2 runs Android Automotive which means it won’t run Android Auto (crazy I know!)


This is awesome, So we will be able to set notifications to pop up when let’s say the garage is closed? I currently use TTS to do this but a pop up would work better :slight_smile:

“Android Automotive supports apps built for Android as well as those built for Android Auto” source

“In-car infotainment systems are heavily regulated due to safety concerns to the point that every app and individual interface needs to be vetted by regulatory bodies around the world. This is incredibly difficult, expensive, and time-consuming for app developers” source

It doesn’t exactly sound like a perfect match for a open source project with a fast development pace. However IoT-apps are supported as a category (source) so it’s possible in theory…


I find this!

Car App  |  Jetpack  |  Android Developers ← Level 3

API Level 3: CarHardwareManagerthat can be used to query vehicle’s hardware data, such as model and make, fuel levels and other sensors.

I am doing this currently by checking the Bluetooth Address my phone is connected to. As Android Auto does connect (not only but) also via Bluetooth this could already be done


Would be great to see functionality for Android automotive too.

Did Android Auto publish some sensors and vehicle data to application?
It would be great to stream them to HA!


Not sure what is possible with the limitations but a simple dashboard view as the default would be ideal for me.


Make it ANDROID TV compatible, that’s probably where ALOT is sitting and needing HA.


Would be nice to explore indeed!

Maybe not a popular opinion, but I prefer using the google assistant with voice commands instead of navigating lists and buttons while I’m driving.
Still a cool feature to have, but maybe a location aware screen with a few buttons would be better suitable when you’re driving. For example, when you’re near your house it would show a button to open the garage door at home but that button won’t show up when you’re at the office. It would minimize the amount of interactions (and distractions).