Been running this addon for quite a while now, but the amount of camera’s is also growing (so is CPU usage). Did anyone ever managed to use this addon with offloading/hw acceleration to the GPU? My NUC has got a VAAPI capable Interl GPU which is currently idling and would love to leverage it to keep my CPU a bit cooler…
Wondering about the same as fversteegen, but I got a old amd processor with built in gpu. Currently running HA and nextcloud, RAM is a issue but I will upgrade if needed, CPU is weak but not used that much now. I’m thinking 4 IP cameras, possible 5MP or 4k. I believe I have to upgrade my “server” to get this to work.
@frenck: Is there a way to SSL/TLS encrypt the stream? My normal HA installation is available at https://myha.mydomain.tld. The Snapshot URL and the Embed URL are working properly, only the Stream URL with port 8081 is unencrypted (http://myha.mydomain.tld:8081).
I also tried this (that’s the whole config):
motion_webcontrol: false
ssl: true
certfile: fullchain.pem
keyfile: privkey.pem
action_buttons: []
stream_tls: true
webcontrol_tls: true
webcontrol_cert: fullchain.pem
webcontrol_key: privkey.pem
following this guide: Motion // stream_tls (
I have some issues with using the latest version of HA running as a VM on VMware. Ingress works fine and I can reach my cameras from the sidebar without issues. But when I publish any camera on a page as an webpage card iframe by using the Video Stream/Embed URL in MotionEye I get “401 - Unauthorized”. BUT - if I first launch MotionEye from the sidebar, and then access the webpage card in HA it works. So it seems like the session needs to be initialized first before the ingress link on the iFrame works.
Anyone have any ideas to make the links work directly without first having to enter into MotionEye?
This addon is wonderful, I’m using it since a few days and loving it
Just a question : is it possible to have the addon available in Hass’s sidebar for non admin user ? I can’t figure out how to add it …
I couldn’t either so I added a port number in the add-on settings.
Now the web interface is available separately on that port.
Downside is that anyone can now access the cameras assuming they know the port number.
Im running Home Assistant on a hyper-v with motioneye and port 8081-8084 are not open.
Does anyone know how i add these ports to the config?
I randomly realized that motioneye was occupying 90% of the CPU (without opening the interface) and hassio was going slow or even unresponsive from time to time when for example i was compiling something on esphome through the webui. Everything went back to normal once i turned off the addon.
I have 4 cameras connected to motioneye.
Anyone else experiencing the same?
Yes that is why I moved Motioneye from the RPI3 with HASSIO to my RPI4 which only had low CPU usage tasks (Open Media Vault as NAS and DSMR for energy monitoring). Still have peaks of 90%-100% on that device which mainly happens when video is recorded in case of motion.I have not been able to really tune this to an acceptable level up to now.
Have you tried playing with the Frame Rate setting and resolution settings in motion eye ?
Yes I did and also tried to tune other settings, this has some effect but in the end I still have high CPU peaks. But up to now I do not notice any negative side effects of that on that device. CPU temperature also is acceptable low because of fan. On RPi 3 other processes got stuck and device became unresponsive. I use it with 2 camera’s by the way. What also helped is to use the SD quality stream for motion detection instead of the HD stream.
Hey Man did you get an answer to this? I am having the same issue and I am selecting Network Camera
Hie henaa !
May I ask you help please ? I am using HA from 1 year.
Another time, thanks to the developpers @Frenck…etc Today, I wanted to integrated my ESP32S cam in Motion Eye.
They are already been integrated in the lovelace
I used ESPhome with that code
name: cameraessai
platform: ESP32
board: nodemcu-32s
ssid: "ssidwifihome"
password: "pwdwifihome"
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
ssid: "ssidcameraessai"
password: "pwdcameraessai"
# Example configuration entry
port: 80
username: "admin"
password: "pwd11"
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
safe_mode: True
password: VERYSECURE
# Example configuration entry
name: cameraessai
pin: GPIO0
frequency: 20MHz
sda: GPIO26
scl: GPIO27
data_pins: [GPIO5, GPIO18, GPIO19, GPIO21, GPIO36, GPIO39, GPIO34, GPIO35]
vsync_pin: GPIO25
href_pin: GPIO23
pixel_clock_pin: GPIO22
power_down_pin: GPIO32
resolution: 800x600
max_framerate: 8 fps
jpeg_quality: 10
# Image settings
- platform: version
name: "cameraessai Version"
- platform: restart
name: "cameraessai Restart"
- platform: status
name: "cameraessai Status"
- platform: uptime
name: Uptime Sensor
- platform: wifi_signal
name: "cameraessai Signal Sensor"
update_interval: 60s
I uploaded succesfully
BUT… I would like to record the video with a nice CCTV server like Motion Eye.
Now, I became in trouble to access the stream. Impossible to find it.
I can access the web server of my cam in an explorer
But in motion eye I really have difficulties with.
Is there a trick with the stream please ?
I added that in my configuration.yaml :
service: camera.record
entity_id: camera.cameraessai
filename: "/config/www/cameraessai.mp4"
duration: 30
Where am I wrong please
- Does it comes from my network ?
- Does I must setup the platform and how ?
Motion Eye
Thanks for you help
(Bonus : I take advantage of it but “do you have any idea of a battery for this type of ESP32 please?” I would like to put them outside without any outlets nearby. "
Hie Frenck ,
Thanks for all your hard work
! I am looking for a solution about this addon. Here’s the difficulty
If you have an idea (without spending a lot of time just for me) that would be great, otherwise no pb!
Best regards and once again your work is so nice
Try to add the camera with the url
Thx Luitertje. I have the same messages
My bad… it seems there’s not a normal option to do this.
There’s a workaround to do this.
I had a look on your link but no way… I hope something will find the trick but Many thx.
Help please!!! I just integrated Motion Eye into HA but whenever it runs, HA becomes non-responsive w/ messages below. Motion Eye addon CPU/RAM runs at very high rates even though Supervisor CPU/RAM are well below 5%. Any feedback/help is greatly appreciated.
We don’t do pictures of logs.
Where is that log from?
Please post the text of the log, and tell us what it is.