Home Assistant Community Add-on: Plex Media Server

Look above, there is a fork that will let you access network drive, I am using it everyday without issue

N00b questions here: I have installed Plex and i’m using NginxPM and Cloudflare, I have set up a DNS for plex.mydomain.com to redirect to Plex on port 32400, and I can access this just fine. However, I’m unable to enable remote access in Plex WebUI.

  • Is enabling remote access relevant as I have a direct URL to my server? Should I forward my router for UDP/TCP port 32400 (Or any of the GDM ports) to my server IP at 192.168.x.x, or does this go through NGINX? I mean, I believe Plex has a 172.x.x.x IP on the docker network, so this confuses me a bit.

  • When I stream inside my own house, I have my app connected to plex.mydomain.com. Does that send the stream out on the internet and back to my house, or is it just streamed on my local network?

Also, you can install SambaNas, that mounts an external drive into the media folder and it can be accesed by every addon, included this Plex Media Server.

Is it possible to cast media as a managed user instead of the server owner? I would like to cast media from my kids account and not my in order to not have wrong statistics for my user :slight_smile:

Just an appreciative Shout Out to @frenck @dianlight @lbouriez

It took me three days to get it goin–but I got it goin! Thank you for this add-on, Plex ia a big deal for my setup, and Im sure for alot of others. What ever you have your HA installed on, chances are there’s not much hard drive space for movies on it. There is a big need here for this add on, I really hope you guys will continue with it.

For the other newbies and ex-insteon users (like me) out there who just started with HA a few weeks ago, this was a tough one! I wouldnt go thru it again, wait for a youtube video from one of the masters. Or better yet, leave Plex on its own, dont integrate to HA unless you have to (like me), or wait until its developed a little further, or a video walk thru so you dont have to spend 3 hours trying to figure out what a “forked” repository is and how to get it on your device :sweat_smile:

All that said, Im still extremely greatful to all the very smart developers, forum staff, and helpful members of the Home Assistant Community , thank you!

I installed the Plex media server add on today and I am having issues connecting remotely. My HA instance uses IP: but this is showing another IP. I can connect locally with no issues however I cannot connect remotely … if anyone can help

I’m having this same issue. I added a port forwarding rule from my public IP to the IP of my Home Assistant instance but the remote access in plex isn’t working. Any advice on how to get this working?

I got it to work!

  • On my router I forwarded port 32400 to the IP of my Home Assistant (TCP only)
  • In Plex under settings > Network > Advanced > Custom server access URLs I added http://homeassistant.local:32400/,http://(local ip):32400,http://(dynamic dns):32400/
  • In Plex under Remote Access > Advanced I clicked “Manually specify public port” and picked 32400 (the default)

And it started to work, Not sure if all of the steps above are required (If any of this is redundant let me know!)

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Thanks for this solution!!

After a lot of fiddling around Plex told me it had access but it was never good lots of buffering and inability to browse folders. In the end I installed the Wire Guard add on. Bonus fewer port forwarding

Hi. question. 2 weeks ago the plex docker file was update on/in github to pull a newer plex version, but no new release was created. was this an oversight or on purpose? if it was on porpose is there a way to pull the new plex image to run it ni a supervised environment?

Hi, just did a fresh install of HA on Intel NUC (HA os) and wanted to check out the capability to run Plex on the same machine using the add-on (been running plex for many years on a windows server).

For some reason it fails almost immediately, not being able to start the plex server even. Seems like there is an issue resolving plex.tv, but it resolves just fine on any other machine at home. Have now tried this multiple times with fresh tokens, same result. Any ideas?

I’ve been playing around with the Plex settings and managed to get it crashed, uninstalling and reinstalling, restart HA, didn’t help. I’m seeing the following in the log:

[12:17:43] TRACE: bashio::exit.nok:
[12:17:43] TRACE: bashio::var.has_value: 
s6-rc: warning: unable to start service init-plex: command exited 1
/run/s6/basedir/scripts/rc.init: warning: s6-rc failed to properly bring all the services up! Check your logs (in /run/uncaught-logs/current if you have in-container logging) for more information.
/run/s6/basedir/scripts/rc.init: fatal: stopping the container.
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: stopping
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: stopping
s6-rc: info: service base-addon-timezone: stopping
s6-rc: info: service base-addon-log-level: stopping
s6-rc: info: service base-addon-timezone successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service base-addon-log-level successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service base-addon-banner: stopping
s6-rc: info: service base-addon-banner successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: stopping
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully stopped

I have a feeling some of the old settings are persisting. Is there a way to reset all the settings to default? Or maybe reach the settings via SSH?

Hey 2 questions here as I weigh moving from a standalone plex install peer to HA to this. I love the idea of having plex media server as an addon inside home assistant, but I want to get a bit of info while I weigh up that move.

  1. is it possible to add source/media directories that are network mounted onto the base hardware HA is running on?
  2. does this support encoding/transcoding that the base hardwares cpu supports?

just a note that I currently have plex media server running side by side to HA with no issues on a debian machine. I’m here because I want to move plex ito HA as an add-on. but I have some questions re including sources that were network mounted to the debian server as well as about using the cpu transcoding from the debian box.

Not a lot of activity in this forum…

Hi. Anyone might know why I get this message when trying to install this addon? Installing any other addon works just fine.

“Can’t install ghcr.io/hassio-addons/plex/aarch64:3.3.0: 500 Server Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.42/images/ghcr.io/hassio-addons/plex/aarch64:3.3.0/json: Internal Server Error (“readlink /mnt/data/docker/overlay2/l: invalid argument”)”

Issue solved, turned out that the DNS container was broken in HAOS

Plex shows there is an update for the Plex Media Server running on “Home Assistant” I take it I just wait until the Add-On gets updated? Also HA add-on (3.3.2) shows Plex Media Server is running but sometime the app shows it as off-line? anyone else see this issue?

Plex add-on shows running but I can not access it?