Home Assistant Companion for Android 1.5.0

I’ve got zone based turned off and it seems to be working better now. I will monitor as well

This is not another HA docs bashing post (I’ve recently supported an argument on here that they are VERY good).

But really? This link gives just a cursory glance to the Android app!

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Still having to open the app to report my location …

Could you please also put the app on F-Droid?

I am having an issue where the notification doesn’t close when I tap one of the action links. Do I have to manually add a dismiss action when a click event fires?

Do you have tag defined in the service call?

Yes, I ended up using Node-RED to add a dismiss to the tag when a click event is received. Just not sure why a click action doesn’t natively close the notification.

Update to the latest version of the mobile app, this was fixed in https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant-android/pull/461

Doesn’t look like this has made it into the latest released Android app yet. But good to know it’s coming. My work around is work arounding for now.

Are there plans to allow connecting to multiple HA instances?

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Why does the App not connect to the internal IP address like now when duckdns.org seems to be down?

I added my SSID and the IP address internally, but it never connects.
If I try the same internal address in my browser it connects right away.

Mine works. Your SSID is case sensitive and the internal address needs to be: http://192.168.1.XXX:8123/

Exactly - I entered it as it is named.
Hmm, I’m not able to access my internal address with only http? I need to use https.

How do I get notification channels to show in android? I still only have a default channel even though I have added channels in notifications.

Make sure you are running the latest version 1.9.0 and follow the docs after you updated: Introduction | Home Assistant Companion Docs

The app will not work with a valid SSL cert on a local IP because you need to accept the certificate, see if you can enable NAT Loopback on your router to solve the issue.


Yes I followed that info and I am on the latest version of the app on Android 9 but still only have a default channel.

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Can you share the code your using to send the notification, that way people might be able to see what’s going wrong.

hi, here is one of the ones i have set up.

my include smoke alarm yaml

- alias: Smoke Alarm Triggered
    platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.smoke_alarm
    to: 'on'
    - service: homeassistant.turn_on
          - group.all_downstairs_lights
          - switch.landing_light_switch_top
    - service: notify.jmg
        message: Smoke Alarm Alert
        title: Smoke Alarm
          channel: Alarm Alert

and my apps notifications settings screen.

Hmm, but not all routers are able to do that. Maybe a request could be to bypass the cert, like Fully Kiosk can and so on.

Thanks for the response, at least I now know why :blush:

If you still don’t see your custom channel, I would try changing the name to be one word (no spaces). I have never created a 2 word channel so I don’t know if it’s supported.
Put “Alarm Alert” in quotes :man_shrugging:

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