Home Assistant for iOS 2.0 Beta Testing

Hello everyone, I’m new to Hass.io
I have a beacon at home so when I come home it updates status home on my HA page, I’m wondering how do I setup so I can see when I’m home on HA Apple Watch app and also get a notification on my watch and also it shows up on my Apple Watch face ?

//\Sorry about my spelling I’m dyslexic and Eng isn’t my English is not my mother tongue//\

Is there any way we can already test the “critical alerts”? Would love to utilize this with my smoke and motion detector automations.

Go to “Services” under the developer tools and select your ios notify target and paste this in the “Service Data” field:

  "message": "ALARM TEST!",
  "data": {
    "push": {
      "category": "alarm",
      "sound": {
        "critical": 1,
        "name": "default",
        "volume": 0.1

credit: @olbjan


Looks like in the 2.0 version of the app, the zone exits via iBeacons do not seem to work (when iBeacon disconnects, there is no trigger update so the zone does not change). I noticed comments above about using GPS triggers for zone exits instead. Is this true that this has changed from the 1.5.1 beta? @robbiet480

If so, how would this work for stationary use like tracking keys or using one in the car?


I have exactly Same problem :,(

If anyone is having issues with actionable notifications I’ve included a working example below.

This automation fires the notification with 2 actionable options.

- id: im_home
  alias: I'm Home (Notifications)
  - entity_id: device_tracker.my_iphone_beta
    from: not_home
    platform: state
    to: home
    service: notify.ios_my_iphone_beta
      message: Welome Home
          category: ARRIVE_HOME

In the iOS app I went to notifications and created a “Category” named “Arrive”. When I go into the arrive category this is what I see.

When you scroll to the bottom there is a section for “Actions” I created two here

Going into the “Open Garage” action looks like this.

The automation that handles the “Open Garage” option presented in the first automation looks like this.

- id: 'open_garage_notification'
  alias: Open Garage (notification)
  - event_data:
      actionName: OPEN_GARAGE
    event_type: ios.notification_action_fired
    platform: event
  condition: []
  - data:
      entity_id: cover.garage_door
    service: cover.open_cover

Here is what it looks like when I get home and the first automation fires.


cc @Skaven

Thanks, @robbiet480. Would it be possible to have a simple on/off switch in settings to ignore or not ignore iBeacon exits? Ideally, I only want to use iBeacons for updates and ignore GPS updates.

Gotta ask @jjlawren, I defer to him on all matters iBeacon as I don’t use them myself

Hello. Thank you a lot for your work
Two questions if you will find some time:

  • Will it ever be possible to use theme color at the top of the app? Themes are not usable on Iphone X (and plus) because of blue line at the top.
  • Will it be possible to use new kind of notifications if I want to send picture from camera whitch was done at certain time and was saved at files? I do have remote access via duckdns. If it is needed - I can use nabu casa remote UI.

@Argo The answers to your questions:

  • On the 2.0 beta the theme color is already being used by the app:
  • You can already send notifications with picture attachments. This has been possible for quite a while.

Is documented somewhere how these apple watch actions work? I can add one and it appears on the watch, but how can I make it perform an action in HA?

This was already possible with the 1.5 version of the app, however you can not use theme selector in the frontend for it. You will have to have it set in themes.yaml and have it start that way. Works fine for me on my iphone x.

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HI @jimz011

that is a very nice setup you have there, especially the person tiles. Would you care to share how you split-up the one image over 2 tiles, and what the underlying yams code is for these picture cards?

Greetings from West-Brabant :wink:

And ofcourse, it is just cut in half and made into two pictures.

thx, watching you now ;), cool setup

Hello klm
Thank you for showing the example. I have managed to get notification on the iPhone for coming home and for opening the garage. But when I click the notification “Open Garage” nothing happens. And as far as I can see there is no connection to the entity that performs the actions. Can you help me the last way?
I have copied everything exactly as written in your post

I am new to automation so perhaps it is a step question but not for me

Not sure what it is exactly, but here are a few things to try.

In your iOS app go to notification settings and tap “Import push configuration from server”. I’m not sure if this is required as the app handles more of the setup, but I know it was with older versions of the app.

Restart Homeassistant if you’ve made any changes to config files, iOS app settings etc.

If you have your automations in your config file and you copied my text exactly, you’ll need to indent 2 spaces for all lines. Mine is stored in its own automations.yaml file so the indentation will be different if yours are in your config.yaml file.

Have you manually triggered the automation to ensure it functions? I will open the automation (in my case “open_garage_notification” automation, not the one that triggers upon your arrival) and click “trigger” to ensure everything in the “action” section is written/formatted correctly.

Let me know if anything here gets you up and running!

Thank you klm. I already did all what you suggested. I am also using automation.yaml.

My ignorance is so basic that I can’t see which part of the code actually opens the garage. Is it the entity_id line?

Yes, that’s correct. The service will still be cover.open_cover, but the entity_id will need to be whatever you have named your garage door. Mine is simply named “cover.garage_door”.