Home Assistant for iOS 2.0 Beta Testing

This isn’t the beta app on my watch is it?

No. Mine looks like this. Have you checked farthest down in the list, if you have it for installatiob?

Done the same, watch app still empty. Black screen when opening.

Maybe my watchOS is too old :frowning:

I’ve not played around with it yet, but my guess would be that in the Name field you enter the actionName in all CAPS just as you would for actionable iOS notifications. My guess is then that it triggers an automation based on that action, just like actionable notifications. Could anyone that’s tried it confirm/deny?

You need to set actions in the app settings to make something appear.

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The action fires an event on the event bus, you need to catch that and do something, e.g trigger an automation.


Ok Thanks. That does give an entry in the app on the watch. So not empty anymore but it does nothing becaus i Cannot define any real Action in the app itself. Besides that No idea hoe to show a sensor data on the watch instead of an Action.

I updated to the beta and my camera notifiaction no longer works. I can see the doorbell.jpg being updated. Does the notify.ios service no longer work?

** EDIT ** Figured it out. Didn’t realize it changed the device id name by adding the _beta to it.**

- id: doorbell_alert
  alias: 'Side Doorbell Alert'  
    entity_id: binary_sensor.ring_side_door_elite_ding
    platform: state
    to: 'on'
    condition: template
    value_template: "{{ (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(state_attr('automation.doorbell_alert', 'last_triggered') | default(0)) | int > 5)}}"
  - service: camera.snapshot
      entity_id: camera.side_door
      filename: '/config/www/doorbell.jpg'
  - service: notify.ios_gary
      message: Someone has pressed the doorbell.
          sound: "Doorbell.wav"
          url: https://xxxxx.duckdns.org/local/doorbell.jpg

Weird, it works 100% fine for me on the release version (1.5.1). It may not work properly on shorter pages. Will make a note to investigate.

Mostly a debug function for use with Apple Watch, will probably be removed before release. We are only allowed to send data for complications from phone to watch 50 times per day, so roughly every 30 minutes.

You only need the ios component loaded if you want to configure actionable notifications via YAML instead of in app.

It should only nag you if you previously had it enabled and later disabled it. It’s to ensure that permissions don’t get reset after app updates which I’ve seen more and more reports of recently.

No, do not manually add mobile_app to your configuration. The integration will be automatically created once the iOS app is opened for the first time.

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Not yet, but I believe we discussed this further on Discord anyway. It’s not super useful due to the way we do location at the moment.

This is a problem similar to PR #21780 which was fixed in 0.90. Do you have any weird internet configuration? Can you successfully run curl https://home-assistant.io/iOS/beta-auth or visit the URL in your browser?

No need, mobile_app will be automatically loaded upon opening the iOS app.

Watch app minimum requirement is watchOS 5 due to Apple no longer accepting apps for watchOS 4.

Yep, working on improving sync logic with the watch. Have to be careful because we have strict limits around how much communication we can do due to energy limitations.

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