Home Assistant - New Zealand

Unfortunately they don’t do this.
It works ok if your on a flat rate plan though.
But they don’t have a way to upload your hourly usage data, so it can be mapped to each providers off peak/peak plans.

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I found it hard to find out when Meridian’s of peak hours actually were!

I 2nd DataBitz comment regardng the Shelly EM. I gave up with glow. Too “touchy”. I ran it for a number of years but about every 4-6 months something would go awol and I’d have to fix it, filtering out spikes in YAML, or the potentiometer would move ever so slightly by itself (possibly due to moisture) or even when the annual manual reading by power company the guy moves the glow unit and I’d have to fix.

Although a little more expensive I got the dual clamp Shelly EM, one clamp on main feed and one on the HWC. Very accurate when comparing against power company reports. Got one when they had a special on with 1 x 120A clamp and 1 x 50A clamp from AUS Shelly EM Wi-Fi Energy Meter - SmartHome

Works flawlessly and piss easy to install (yes in theory you need a sparky to install, but realistically its so easy to install there is little point, just turn the mains off first!)


I am also in Christchurch (NE), now retired. (Electrician by trade, a bit geeky by nature, been using HA for several years)

I am also happy to help.

This worked perfectly to pull my kids Snapper Card balances :slight_smile:

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I’ve added support for Mercury NZ via Opower which should be available with the next HA release. Here we’re bypassing the Mercury NZ website altogether and interacting with the data provider directly using their public API which should hopefully be more reliable long term.

If anyone feels like testing in the meantime you can create a custom component with the latest opower release: Release v0.6.0 · tronikos/opower · GitHub


Keen to try this out :slight_smile:
I know people don’t like Mercury because they are costly but sometimes convenience of a single bill outweighs that in a busy household

NFCTags and Readers.
I know this is mentioned everywhere but I wanted NZ people’s opinion.

Does anyone have a NFC reader (not phones) and make use of tags in their home?

My current thought is for a NFC reader to be set up so kids can “mark complete” their medication for the day without having to go back to a console / tablet.
I had thought of a smart button but when 4 kids take medication on various days and AM/PM it’s a lot of buttons… so thus my idea of NFC tags.


There was a core update this morning, does that mean I can use it now?

Though to be honest I had no idea what to select as mercury wasn’t in the list. Or is it not updated yet.
I’ve been trying to narrow down where excess 500kwh are going in our house… the only things not monitored are the hot water cyl, stove & external garage with some battery chargers and fluoro lights. Doubt whether those are equaling 500kwh hah. Would like to monitor without getting off my arse the numbers from the meter by making the ha glow once the parts arrive so I can compare the two.

You should look in the release notes to see what has changed, but usually .x releases are bugfixes only, so new functionality is more likely to be in 2024.8. The beta of that should be live tomorrow morning (in NZ), or wait a week. :slight_smile:

First time I’ve seen the Opower integration.
What’s the advantage of using it over the providers API?

I’m looking at setting up Genesis/Frank (who also use Opower) and now wondering if this is the way to go instead.

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Is there any way to pull this into Home Assistant? Pysäkkiaikataulut

I’ve been playing with it. Have a reader on my workbench, just got to finish soldering it up. I plan to mount it in the kitchen in a standard lightswitch blank plate and have it permanently wired in. I found that I can also call a HA service to use the buzzer for other notifications (a chime when the porch door is opened). I have some credit card style blank tags, keyring style and some stickers. The stickers could be attached to the pill containers.
GitHub - adonno/tagreader: Simple to build/use NFC tag reader, specially created for Home Assistant

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A map? HA already has one.

Are you sure Frank uses Opower? I was having a poke around viewing the Frank energy usage charts yesterday and all the usage data requests appeared to be sent to an energyonline API (Energy Online being Frank’s old name). The documentation for the Opower integration suggests it only works if the calls are to the Opower API.

I would love to be able to integrate Frank energy into HA, but to do so is currently way beyond my knowledge/skills.

How do you feel tell if a site uses Opower?

this one shows a live tracking of the buses around the city

I haven’t looked into it yet, but a quick google showed indications that Genesis were using Opower in their Energy IQ app. I assume it’s the same for Frank.

Excess Home Automation products:

I have the following items available if anyone is interested. Make me an offer. All in good working order when they were last used. All Z-Wave gear is AU freq of 921.42MHz

6 x Z-Wave Smart Switches:
- 2 x Aeotec Micro Double Smart Energy
- 2 x Aeotec Micro Smart Smart (2nd Edition)
- 2 x Philio Tech PAN0404B Dual Relay

2 x Sonoff ZB-Mini Zigbee In Wall Switches

2 x Sonoff Wi-Fi Touch Switches (flashed with Tasmota)

Honeywell EvoHome Boiler \ Radiator control system. - happy to ship for you paying for the courier fee. Someone might find it interesting.

Feel free to ask any questions.

I’ve just added a quick integration for Frank Energy.

It works the same as the Watercare one, by just pulling the hourly consumption & cost data from the last week into the Energy Dashboard.

  • I’m guessing it’s also probably quite similar to Genesis if anyone wants that…