Home Assistant - New Zealand

yip have gathering dust affter an update screwed dolby atmos. which i see now fixed altho id hardly use it

Yeah I have the Govee H6199
Home Assistant integration isnā€™t that great as you canā€™t change between TV screen mode (camera watches TV for lighting effect) and other generic lighting modes.
Also during the day the camera picks up sunlight in the room and causes the effect to be changed.
Overall though itā€™s ok, I mostly use it for movies at night.
I did have thoughts of using it to indicate events within the house but because I can change the lighting modes I wasnā€™t able to use it for that.

My ring doorbell appears to be largely a brick. Ring supports said its got bad firmware and now canā€™t update to the correct firmware and they wonā€™t send me the firmware to flash myself zz, Does anyone know a battery powered doorbell option thatā€™s local and has the ability to update manually?

I am using Aqara Doorbell G4.

Requires homekit though right?

Thatā€™s right.

Has anyone in Auckland looked into the Watercare API for the useage data?

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no, but also interested!

watercare donā€™t have digital meters on consumers (that I am aware of), they have only started installing them for Business in the past year, FYI I work for Spark IoT and supply the devices and platform they use :slight_smile:
Also, I only get a Actual readings every 2 months so is not very granular data

They rolled out digital meters in Auckland (I have one).
Iā€™ve grabbed some API endpoints from the app (which was a bit annoying as they use SSL pinning) but Iā€™ve never made a home assistant extension before.

Let me know if anyone is keen to help out.

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  • the data is every half hour for a requested timeframe & has daily totals with stats (efficiency etc).

Nice, I donā€™t have one :frowning:

It currently exposes yesterdays usage to a sensor although the API is there for the half hourly data, just need to check to see what format energy dashboard needs to show it allā€¦

Anyway the biggest hurdle for people will be that it requires the refresh token to be pulled from the app, so if anyone wants to help set it up for username/password it would definitely make it more accessible.

Anyway if anyone wants it/wants to help itā€™s at:


Just wrote a template that reads the names of your windows and doors that are open and does so in a human like manner if anyone wants to adjust it for their usage.

{% set open_sensors = [
  ("bathroom window" if is_state('binary_sensor.bathroom_window', 'on') else None),
  ("bedroom window" if is_state('binary_sensor.bedroom_window', 'on') else None),
  ("kitchen window" if is_state('binary_sensor.kitchen_window', 'on') else None),
  ("living room window" if is_state('binary_sensor.living_room_window', 'on') else None),
  ("front door" if is_state('binary_sensor.front_door', 'on') else None),
] %}

{% set open_windows = open_sensors | select('in', ['bathroom window', 'bedroom window', 'kitchen window', 'living room window']) | list %}
{% set open_doors = open_sensors | select('in', ['front door']) | list %}

{% if open_windows | length == 0 and open_doors | length == 0 %}
  All windows and doors are closed.
{% else %}
  {% set window_phrase = "window" if open_windows | length == 1 else "windows" %}
  {% set door_phrase = "door" if open_doors | length == 1 else "doors" %}

  {% set open_window_names = open_windows | map('replace', ' window', '') | list %}
  {% set open_door_names = open_doors | map('replace', ' front door', '') | map('replace', ' door', '') | list %}

  {% if open_window_names | length > 0 and open_door_names | length > 0 %}
    The {{ open_window_names[:-1] | join(', ') }}{{ ' and ' if open_window_names | length > 1 else ' '}}{{ open_window_names[-1] }} {{ window_phrase }} {{ 'are' if open_window_names | length > 1 else 'is' }} open, along with the {{ open_door_names[0] }} {{ door_phrase }}.
  {% elif open_window_names | length > 0 %}
    The {{ open_window_names[:-1] | join(', ') }}{{ ' and ' if open_window_names | length > 1 else ' '}}{{ open_window_names[-1] }} {{ window_phrase }} {{ 'are' if open_window_names | length > 1 else 'is' }} open.
  {% elif open_door_names | length > 0 %}
    The {{ open_door_names[:-1] | join(', ') }}{{ ' and ' if open_door_names | length > 1 else ' '}}{{ open_door_names[-1] }} {{ door_phrase }} {{ 'are' if open_door_names | length > 1 else 'is' }} open.
  {% endif %}
{% endif %}
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Hi Cody,

Thanks for the integration. I have configured everything and tried to set both comsumption entities but no data still. Everything is showing 0 value. Itā€™s been more than 24hrs so I donā€™t think itā€™s that. I am on good night plan(9-12 free).
Any pointers?

Iā€™m not sure this is working anymore, Iā€™ve had it set up on a development server for 3 weeks, itā€™s not pulled any data. Thereā€™s a few people reporting it on the Github.

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Iā€™ve seen some people setting up cameras + OCR to monitor the meter readings. e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUgxwbfkIqU

Could be a fun project

I would be tempted to try something like this, although Watercare are already putting in smart meters all over Auckland that give 30min stats - which is enough for me.

Have managed to intercept the oauth flow too now so should be able to add that in when I get the time.

Hi All, dont know if im just late to the party, but this popped up in HACSā€¦


You heard anything back yet?