Home Assistant on Rock pi 4

Dear Community,

Any feedback or experience to share regarding using Rock Pi 4 for HA? Do you have any tutorials or materials to share?

Many thanks.

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Any feedback please?

I expect to buy Rock Pi for my HA installation, and I would confirm that HA can be installed on Rock pi without any issues.

Many thanks for your feedback.

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As Home Assistant allows various installation methods:

Iā€™m certain than more than one should work. The OS type is probably out of scope as by the looks no image for the rock pi 4 is available at the moment. :man_shrugging:

@orange-assistant Many thanks for your feedback.

I am aware that is possible by using Home Assistant container installation, but do you have any experience with Rock pi for HA? can work for long time without issue?

I am using now Rpi and I am planning to move to Rock pi as came with eMMC storage et M.2 extension on board.

Depending on your Linux skills, this page from DigiKey regarding the RockPi systems may be helpful.

Thanks a lot for sharing, I have already started the installation of linux on Rock pi and then I will install HA.

I will share my experience later.

Have you got it up and running?

I ported Home Assistant OS to the Rock Pi 4: GitHub - citruz/haos-rockpi: Home Assistant OS for Rock Pi 4B+
Itā€™s tested on the 4B+, should work with 4B and maybe 4SE.
Just install like you would the normal HAOS by flashing to an SD card. Happy to hear your feedback.
I can also add support for more Rock Pi boards if someone is willing to debug things.


I tried to install ā€šyourā€˜ ported Home assistant version on an OKdo rock 4c+. It didnā€˜t start the installation for some reason. I would be very greatful if you could adapt the OS so that it is working with the rock c+.

Did you have any output on serial or HDMI?

Did you get it to work on your c+? I recently picked one up aswell.

@citruz I havenā€™t tried installing it yet, has any modifications been made since?

No, nothing has been changed in the meantime.
If you can provide debug logs, I am happy to assist with making it work.

I am a bit confused though. Is OKdo Rock the same as Radxaā€™s RockPi? It looks like that since they are linking to the Radxa site for downloading an OS image :thinking:

@citruz Went through the install, added a few stuff and it seems to work as intended so far! Will let you know if any hickups occur, thanks for your contribution! :100:


Awesome! I will add a list of supported devices to the GitHub repo. Looks like it is compatible with more rk3399 boards than I thought.


I donā€™t know if this can help, I was using a rockpi to do it :

Hi! I tried for some time and decided to send it back and got a RaspPi 4B. Since I had HA running on a RaspPi 3B I was able to transfer all data via backup to the RaspPi 4. That suited me bestā€¦.

Super. Thanks for the image file.

I am a bit new in this sphere and was trying to install with an installation guide to a ā€œnormalā€ Raspberry Pi, it didnt work. I am curious to why it did not work and what you had to do, in laymans terms, to get a working installation image?

Hey, Im trying to edit the config.txt file for an add-on.
I canā€™t seem to find it on SD card after flashing the image.
Any idea how I can do this?

Not sure if I follow. Did you try to flash the image to a Raspberry Pi or did you follow instructions which are meant for a Raspberry Pi but flash to a Rock Pi?
I assume the latter. Which steps did you do exactly? What does not work?