Home Assistant OS (HAOS) with Proxmox VE 8.0 Install Guide

Remote access is not only possible, but basically a requirement.

You are correct in your assumption. The only downside of that approach is the change in location might impact your z-wave mesh network. So ideally, defer adding most or all of the z-wave devices until you have the z-wave hub (commonly a dongle plugged into the HA box) moved to its permanent location.

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Thanks for the excellent guides! I installed on an older Dell laptop with no major issues. Followed almost all your suggestions and all went well. Until I closed the lid on the laptop. The machine suspends… I had paid close attention to power settings in the BIOS. Finally found the issue. In the Proxmox /etc/systemd/logind.conf un-comment the following and change their values to “ignore”.


Thanks again for the Guides!

Is there a trick to mounting NFS drives from within the HA VM? I’m getting a “Permission Denied” error when attempting to do this from the console.

That error is probably from your NAS, not HA.

I thought so, but I’m able to mount the NFS shares from an Ubuntu LXC on the same Proxmox host. I removed any “Allowed Network” filtering on the share and I’m still getting the same error - I was wondering if it might be an issue with the 172.xxx.xxx.xxx network that seems to be what’s configured on the HAOS VM, although the VM does receive an IP on my network from my DHCP server so there’s some translation/mapping happening somewhere but it doesn’t show that via ip addr list.

[core-ssh ~]$ ip addr list
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
17: eth0@if18: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP,M-DOWN> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP 
    link/ether 02:42:ac:1e:21:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global eth0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

I’ve also checked in Proxmox and “Protection” is set to “No” for the VM (found another post that seemed to indicate that might be part of the issue), so I’m not sure where else to look.

Thank you for this! Your instructions were perfect. I just installed it and it went seemless.

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Created an account just like this post. Thank you for writing and maintaining such a high-quality guide!

Thank you! Super appreciate it.

Link to the guide is timing out. Is it still active?

There is something SERIOUSLY wrong with the VM I wound up with using this guide. Even though I only allocate it 6GiB of ram, the actual RAM usage of the VM grows uncontrolled, until all 32GiB of RAM on the host are used, and the host OOM killer kills the VM.

I posted the details of the behavior over at Single KVM process consuming all RAM, triggering OOM | Proxmox Support Forum, but so far all I’ve gotten is confirmation that something is wrong with the VM…

Try this guide.

Sounds like Proxmox bug to me. The scripts in the guide just build a normal Linux VM.

It’s up…should be working.

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking, thus the reason I posted the details over on the proxmox support forum. That said, I did go ahead and re-create the VM manually (which is quite easy, BTW), so we’ll see if that fixes anything.

The script is almost certainly fine, it’s just something about when I ran it caused me to end up with a broken VM. Probably one of those one-off really weird and inexplicable issues I seem to be really good at running into :grin: I only mention it because a second VM set up with a generic Debian install is working fine - it’s only the VM that was set up with the script that is having issues, for what that’s worth.

Hello, I would like to move the HomeAssistant installation, all configs, addons, HACs, etc. from Raspberry Pi 4 Supervised, made by tutorial from Guide: How to install Home Assistant supervised on Rpi4 with RaspiOS (64 bit) - October 2022, to Proxmox installation. The installation in Proxmox is “clean”, and implemented according to this guide. I tried using a backup from the Raspbian version during the first run of the Proxmox installation, but it grinded indefinitely and ultimately seemed to kill the restoration process. I tried copying over SSH (the image shows that the contents of the /usr/share/hassio directory on Raspberry Pi roughly corresponds to the structure of the main directory on the Proxmox installation, although there are more JSON files there), but I couldn’t raise the permissions enough to be able to replace some of these files. How to do it so that it works?