Home Assistant Yellow

This should help: FAQ – Home Assistant Yellow

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Thanks. I have one follow up question. Is it possible to format the SSD after installing it in the HA Yellow? I don’t currently have a way to do it beforehand, and it currently is set up for the Steam Deck (since that’s what it came out of).

UPDATE: Got it figured out. Moving the data disk handles the formatting of the drive automatically.

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A quick update. With the newest Home-Assistant OS 10.3 all is working now. I have internal Zigbee and Homematic RF PCB on J11 working perfectly. The issue was fixed by @jens-maus :partying_face:


Managed to find a CM4 module ( CM4104000), the 4GB Lite version.
I’d ordered the full Yellow back in Nov 22, but with shipments way out still in August 2023, I’d ordered a Yellow PoE (without CM4). Should get that pretty quickly as that’s in stock and should ship July 11, 2023.
Currently working on a refund request for the prior Yellow with CM4 order.

At least the side benefit is that I already have a Samsung 1TB SSD nVME module on hand for the project and the CM4 will have 2GB more RAM than the one that would have been bundled in my original order.

Question? Does the additional RAM yield any performance benefits in Home Assistant? I know that 2GB is sufficient, but curious if the HAOS is able to take advantage of the additional resources.

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I have experienced with my 2GB CM4 Module that it is sufficient to run HA but i have regular issues to update ESPHome devices due to insufficient memory. Therefore 4GB is definitely better!


Yes, HAOS will utilize the additional RAM. I am running InfluxDB, Grafana, and Node-RED on my HA Yellow, using a 1TB NVMe drive and an 8GB CM4. Everything is running smoothly.

I’d be cautious with the Samsung drive, with my 980 (non-pro) 1 TB the host loses access to the drive every once in while (leading to a functional crash, even though the RPi continues to run happily).

What are the symptoms of a functional crash? I wondering if I suffer from the same issue.

Thanks! For price savings, I’ve a Samsung 970 EVO Plus 1TB. I’d noticed the 980 trouble mentioned here and elsewhere. Had not seen any issues related to the 970 EVO Plus mentioned. I’ll be sure to update based on my results.

Yeah, the issue might not occur with the 970. Most reports seem for the 980 Pro, which has been marked as “not supported” as HA can’t even be installed apparently.

The host OS continues to run, but all docker containers die one by one, including Supervisor. When you access the HA frontend, entity states appear outdated or unknown, if you can access the HA logfile via the frontend you’ll find a DB error (if using SQLite). Access via the serial console sees the host OS spamming the console with alternating squashfs and ext4 access errors.

the issue is different from what I experience,
In may case HA dies once o month completely.
and after powercylce there is nothing valuable in the log.

I also use a samsung SSD 980 1TB
I’m planning to replace to power adapter when I have some time.

I thied access via serial using an rpi but coudn’t firuge how to save the result while not logged in with putty

Na, that’s what you get when you are not monitoring closely or checking the serial console (via USB-C). Do you still see the Yellow’s LEDs being active? Then check your serial console.

The logs are always empty because the underlying block device going away is the root cause, no chance to log anything. (Remote logging via an add-on doesn’t work either because the docker container dies almost immediately.)

Regarding serial: You need something like screen, not sure what works on Windows. On Linux and macOS you can save the output via screen -L /dev/<your USB tty> 115200, i.e. baud rate needs to be set to 115200, -L enables logging to file.

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whenever I notice the issue occurs only the red led is burning, or it’s in the middle of the night and I just powercycle without checking.

I have an RPI3 connected to my HA and followed this manual
which works.
the -L option is great, it saves everything to file,
the other issue I’m strugling with is that when I close putty(ssh client) the terminal gets closed and so also screen.
I would like to have a way where I can run screen in silent mode or something.

You should be able to use nohup for that.

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thanks for all your suggestions,

I checked a little further and this seems to do some trick.

sudo screen -L -Logfile /home/pi/homeAssistantLog -dmS HomeAssistant  /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

at lease I see the bootlog now, So hopefully It will also log other issues.


@ogiewon can you describe the steps you took to disable the bluetooth on the CM4?


Here is an earlier post that describes what I did.

However, what I am not sure is whether or not the edit I made to config.txt actually has persisted through the various HAOS version upgrades. :thinking: I now see that Bluetooth is once again being suggested in the HA list of Integrations that are available…thus the reason I wonder if config.txt was overwritten by a new HAOS version.

Here is the Zooz guide that mentions needing to disable the Bluetooth on the RPi/CM4.


And the pertinent section describing what to add to config.txt from https://www.electronicsdatasheets.com/datasheet/Configuring-the-Compute-Module-4.pdf