Home Assistant Yellow

You should try and get hold of any Google Coral devices …

Anyway, this isn’t world stopping. You can still get hold of a computer, and once you have a computer, you can run home assistant. No one needs a Yellow. People just want one.


As I wrote, it’s not about the delay, it’s about the poor communication (not even the late communication really, but we are still missing any acknowledgment by Nabu Casa that maybe the July update was a little bit premature/overenthusiastic - the August update was from Crowd Supply!).

I switched from the POE version to the non-POE because of the POE delays. I probably would not have done that if I had known that both have been delayed similarly.


I’d like to repeat an old request: will there be some european shipping available in the (near) future? Is Nabu Casa even considering?

Currently, a 135$ Yellow POE Kit will cost
'+ 20$ Shipping
'+ 30$ VAT
'+ Customs
'+ currency exchange fees

So it’s getting quite expensive to replace a Home Assistant Blue.

I switched from the POE version to the non-POE because of the POE delays. I probably would not have done that if I had known that both have been delayed similarly.

How did you do this? I’d also like to switch to the non poe version if possible

You need to create a support ticket referencing your order ID at Crowd Supply. The link should be somewhere in their FAQ IIRC.

Thanks I’ll take a look!

Hi, does anyone already got the promised tracking id?

unfortunately no.

Still waiting…

I believe the expected date is end of October. Nothing expected as of yet.

“We expect tracking numbers will begin to be emailed to backers in the last week of September.”
Nope. Still waiting.


Would have been nice to hear something along the way aside from crickets since the last “we’re shipping…” just kidding we’re on a slow boat from China, check back in six weeks updates.

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mine says

Estimated to ship:
Sep. 30, 2022

So I do not expect any tracking Id before September 30, or October 1st because of the time difference.

I’m also keen on hearing an update instead of this internal panic that my order was lost / stolen / missing.

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Maybe they sent only empty boxes from China :smiley:

We are planning an update early next week. We were waiting for full test certification of PoE. The PoE-part has passed but they need to do the complete test. Once passing all, production of PoE will start soon.

The first batches of Yellow + Kit have been handed to Mouser end of July in Hong Kong. From there Mouser ships it by boat to their warehouse in Texas and then ships it directly to backers. Last update was that it was in LA. It’s unfortunately moving a lot slower than we had anticipated once we had handed it over to Mouser.


Nice to get a proper update finally :clap:

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that’s good news,
but after the packages arrive in Texas, how long will it take before they arrive in Europe?
It would even be uglier if some of them need to be shipped back to china.


If my home assistant yellow kit said estimated to Ship September 30th, will we be getting tracking numbers soon? Or is there still a delay in shipments? Thank you for all you do!



It sounds like the first batch of kits are somewhere between the port and Mousers distribution center in Texas. How long it takes them to unpack and repack is unknown. I wouldn’t expect to receive anything until at least the end of the month.

It also sounds like the PoE version has not entered production so I wouldn’t expect anything this year.

But this is all guesswork from someone who knows nothing about manufacturing.