Home Depot EcoSmart Smart Bulb (zigbee) with Remote

Are you guys using the ‘device_ieee’ or the ‘unique_id’?


Here’s an example of a trigger in an automation:


  • event_data:
    command: move_to_color_temp
    device_ieee: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    event_type: zha_event
    platform: event

Also you can monitor what events are sent by the remote when a button is pressed using “Developer Tools” > “Logs” > scroll to bottom for “Listen to events” > enter “zha_event” >“Start Listening”

This info can then be used to build your automation for the the button.

Here is the one that toggles the light bulb using the on/off button of the remote:

- alias: LC Basement Bath Light Toggle from Remote Press
    - platform: event
      event_type: zha_event
        command: 'on'
        device_ieee: cc:cc:cc:ff:fe:c1:52:da
    - platform: event
      event_type: zha_event
        command: 'off'
        device_ieee: cc:cc:cc:ff:fe:c1:52:da
    - service: light.toggle
      entity_id: light.basement_bath_light

Here ios the one that toggles the rest of my basement lights on & off using the second button down:

- alias: LC Basement Lights Toggle from Bath Remote Press
    - platform: event
      event_type: zha_event
        command: 'move_to_level'
        device_ieee: cc:cc:cc:ff:fe:c1:52:da
    - service: switch.toggle
        - switch.main_basement_lights_switch
        - switch.basement_workshop_lights

as you can see the first one uses the device_ieee along with the actual on or off command since those remote buttons seem to “remember” which command was last sent.

the second one only ever uses the same command as it’s trigger because that button only ever sends that same command over and over when pressed and released (but with different “args” on every press).

I’ve been using the built in Automation Editor and, after a ridiculous amount of trial and failure, I figured out that the command won’t be recognized if it was surrounded by single quotes (ie. ‘move_to_level’). However the device_ieee required the quotes. One time, the editor was refusing to accept the event type.

But that all seems to mean nothing, because when I look at my yaml file, the editor did whatever it wanted and the quotes were removed most of the time. My code turned out like this:

- id: '1583457995038'
  alias: LRO Remote
  description: ''
  - event_data:
      command: move_to_level
      device_ieee: cc:cc:cc:ff:fe:c3:66:9f
    event_type: zha_event
    platform: event
  condition: []
  - device_id: 47ccae40044d470a9b717ebaee62eb89
    domain: switch
    entity_id: switch.jasco_products_14288_duplex_receptacle_switch
    type: toggle
- id: '1583458631045'
  alias: Tall Remote
  description: ''
  - event_data:
      command: 'on'
      device_ieee: cc:cc:cc:ff:fe:c3:66:9f
    event_type: zha_event
    platform: event
  - event_data:
      command: 'off'
      device_ieee: cc:cc:cc:ff:fe:c3:66:9f
    event_type: zha_event
    platform: event
  condition: []
  - device_id: 2c08cefd28e14e8cae40e38f34d6541c
    domain: light
    entity_id: light.the_home_depot_ecosmart_zbt_a19_cct_bulb_d38cd9fe_level_light_color_on_off
    type: toggle

I appreciate everyone’s help!

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Thats why i never use the ui editor. It just seems to make things more complicated.

Just got a couple of these… Seem pretty nice, what’s everyone doing to relabel the buttons on the remote so they don’t wear away from use… I was thinking maybe buying some asset tag labels which are more durable than just stickers… and cutting them to fit on the buttons. what’s everyone else doing for identifying which button does what… and what is everyone doing with their remotes, any good suggestions of stuff to automate with a remote aside from lights obviously

I think you’d be the first to re-label, I think most of us are just using as is. I bought 6 of these lights so I have 6 remotes, the remotes I’m using I only use a few buttons though light power on/off and brightness.

Also I notice that my Home Depot is selling these for $7.38, not the killer December deal, but still a really good deal. For anyone new to the thread, the light is great with dim levels that get get really low and the ability to change color temp. Heck I think the remote alone is worth $7.38 now that it works with HA and be configure to control any device that is controlled by HA!

Yeah, I really didn’t plan on using them for light adjustments so the symbols don’t really make sense for me. We are pretty used to having Alexa do everything so probably wouldn’t really look around for a remote to change something … but I did see the color temp steps above which I setup last night.

I agree it’s a pretty awesome deal, the lights seem to work very well… I’d love to buy up some more but I’m at the point where automating the lights i have left is kind of just silly and just starts to become a nuisance… at least from the wife’s POV… :grimacing:

edit: after writing this post I went back to the website to check the price and ended up buying a few more… :joy: with my Lightify gateway gone I need to bolster my zha network right?

I hate to bring up an old thread but I recently picked up a few of these for cheap at Home Depot. They seem to pair fine but they don’t send anything for zha_event for button presses. Is there a trick to getting these setup so you can see the button presses?

Wondering if they maybe changed something on them. The bulbs pair and work correctly but I don’t really have a use for them.

You have to reset/unpair the remote from the bulb then pair them with HA directly… I don’t remember the button presses are but whatever the instructions say for pairing the remote with the bulb, do that after unpairing from bulbs and add devices in ZHA

Once you unpair and pair to HA, you can then go into “Developer Tools” > Events. At the bottom called “Listen to Events” type “zha_event”. Now when you press a button on the remote (after you paired), you’ll see info regarding the device type and button that was pressed on the remote that you would use in automatons.

Here is one example I use to turn on/off power to a computer using the first button on the remote.

- id: '1579472899565'
  alias: Computer Remote ON
  description: ''
  - event_data:
      command: 'on'
      device_ieee: cc:cc:cc:ff:fe:d4:cb:99
    event_type: zha_event
    platform: event
  condition: []
  - entity_id: switch.centralite_3210_l_0e94e781_1
    service: switch.turn_on
- id: '1579474821747'
  alias: Computer Remote OFF
  description: ''
  - event_data:
      command: 'off'
      device_ieee: cc:cc:cc:ff:fe:d4:cb:99
    event_type: zha_event
    platform: event
  condition: []
  - entity_id: switch.centralite_3210_l_0e94e781_1
    service: switch.turn_off

Did you ever find a way to use all of
The buttons? The other ones that normally cycle through color temp never gave me a consistent event, it cycled through other event codes so I was only ever able to use the first one or two buttons (don’t remember the exactly which ones as I really don’t use it often)… but just curious if anyone found a way to make use of the other buttons

So I initally paired it by doing a factory reset on the remote (the hole in the back). That pairs, but no button presses register. I then tried pairing back to the bulb, unpairing it then using the button presses to pair it to my home assistant, still no button presses register. Very frustrating.

I never tried, I really bought them for the light which was crazy cheap for a smart bulb, the remote was just a bonus to me.

I’ve only used a couple of the remotes for basic on/off switches where I needed something simple.

Kind of same thing for me… one of them just makes Alexa say something silly the kids
Get a kick out of… I bought a few with the remotes, but the 2 packs of bulbs have been like 5 bucks for awhile and they have been super reliable for me…

@TFer6 I checked the manual and I’m pretty sure I did the factory reset, then paired with HA, do you get an entity created in the zha page for the remote once paired?

@TFer6 I assume you have a zigbee hub or zigbee USB stick attached to HA. I think as Bartem mention, I unpaired the remote from the bulb and then added the device following the steps on the ZigBee integration.

Yes, it does create a sensor for the battery life %. Very strange.

That’s all it will create, you have to manually add in the rest via the zha_events I listed in my prior post. The remote is not quite as integrated as the light bulbs.