Home Depot EcoSmart Smart Bulb (zigbee) with Remote

I’m currently using the sonoff zigbee bridge flashed with tasmota as my zigbee hub. I have 5-10 routers and a handful of wireless devices throughout my house without issue.

So your saying that i need to add the button them before they’ll register on when I listen to zha_event? I was under the impression that they would show up in zha_event regardless. That’s the way I currently have my smartthings buttons working.

Yes, you need to add the buttons to your configuration manually…this remote is not as seamless of an integration as other Zigbee devices…the buttons won’t automatically appear.

When I first posted a link to these bulb’s a year ago the remote didn’t even work, but someone was able to get a integration built for the remote. it’s nice it works now, but does require a bit more effort then other zigbee devices.

Gotcha. I still think my remotes aren’t working right. I still get nothing when listening to zha_event under dev tools for any of the button presses.

Appreciate the help though.

Yeah you should see something. I just tried it on my HA instance and see the following when I press a button on the remote.

Did this zha quirks thing ever get released? I have several of these remotes that I want to setup but it certainly doesn’t do anything right now with the latest HA version other than report battery.

You should see an event as mentioned above… the only thing created automatically will be the battery sensor. You would then make an automation with an event trigger…

- alias: EcoSmart Remote Button 1
    - platform: event
      event_type: zha_event
        command: 'on'
        device_ieee: cc:cc:cc:ff:fe:d4:a4:1d
    - platform: event
      event_type: zha_event
        command: 'off'
        device_ieee: cc:cc:cc:ff:fe:d4:a4:1d

I got it working sorta. All button events I can trap and use as a toggle (essentially).

Is there a way to emulate the ramping of the brightness and color temp?

Also, how in the world do you rename the bulb. It seems HA doesn’t want me renaming Zigbee devices…

I was never able to do much with the brightness and temp buttons… seemed inconsistent with the events it was sending, like it just went through a few of the different events from the other buttons with no real consistency.

You should be able to rename the bulb by clicking on it under Integrations>Zigbee (ZHA) > Devices> The Bulb you want to rename and then clicking the gear icon in the upper right, or click the light entity itself on the lower left of that page…

There has to be some rhyme or reason to it, otherwise Smartthings and other hubs would not have seamless integrations with the remote.

Is there a smartthings device handler for it? Maybe we could look at it to figure out what’s going on with those buttons.

Yeah it exists… I was using it. Habitat has one also

Any links you could share? Did you happen to look at it at see what they are doing for those buttons in question?

Here is the main Hubitat discussion: https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-zigbee2mqtt-ecosmart-remote-zbt-cctswitch-d0001/29713

The smartthings device handler: https://community.smartthings.com/t/ecosmart-zigbee-remote/180185/250

Okay, so i got all 4 buttons working… little bit of a pain to setup but it seems to work consistently. There is also some buttons that you press and hold instead of a single click to do different things but I didn’t get into that yet. This was just to get all 4 buttons working with single presses.

So what I had to do was create an automation for each button press event, but button 4 sends a button 3 event right after the button 4 event, so those are combined into one. (Thanks for your links to the Device Handlers)
You may have to reset your remote if you programmed the “memory” feature of button 4
I played with different conditions to make sure it didn’t accidentally pick up the second event from button 4 and they actually seemed to make it more likely to falsely trigger button 3…

I’m guessing someone could figure out how to handle this with a zhaquirk or something but I would have no idea where to start with this… there is also a good chance that depending on your system the method may process too quickly or too slowly to have the same consistency I am getting. My next step was to see if I could compare the “time_fired” data from the event…

I made input booleans for the purposes of testing this and seeing which button event fired, which you obviously could just ignore and trigger your services from the automations directly, but since the last one is combined it may be easier to just have it toggle an input boolean, and use that as your automation trigger…
You will also see the commented out light toggles… and for me it is remote “2” because I have multiple and that was the one I happened to be messing around with.

Please let me know if this works for you, I am wondering if the speed (or lack there of) on my system is the determining factor for the consistency.

# ############################### ECOSMART REMOTE 2 BUTTON 1
- alias: EcoSmart Remote 2 Button 1
    - platform: event
      event_type: zha_event
        device_ieee: cc:cc:cc:ff:fe:c1:5c:b4
        command: 'on'
    - platform: event
      event_type: zha_event
        device_ieee: cc:cc:cc:ff:fe:c1:5c:b4
        command: 'off'
    # - service: light.toggle
    #   entity_id: light.light_by_window
    - service: input_boolean.turn_on
      entity_id: input_boolean.ecosmart_remote_2_button_1
    - service: input_boolean.turn_off
      entity_id: input_boolean.ecosmart_remote_2_button_1

# ############################### ECOSMART REMOTE 2 BUTTON 2
- alias: EcoSmart Remote 2 Button 2
    - platform: event
      event_type: zha_event
        device_ieee: cc:cc:cc:ff:fe:c1:5c:b4
        command: 'move'
    - platform: event
      event_type: zha_event
        device_ieee: cc:cc:cc:ff:fe:c1:5c:b4
        command: 'stop'
    - platform: event
      event_type: zha_event
        device_ieee: cc:cc:cc:ff:fe:c1:5c:b4
        command: 'move_to_level'
    # - service: light.toggle
    #   entity_id: light.light_by_recliner
    - service: input_boolean.turn_on
      entity_id: input_boolean.ecosmart_remote_2_button_2
    - service: input_boolean.turn_off
      entity_id: input_boolean.ecosmart_remote_2_button_2

# ############################### ECOSMART REMOTE 2 BUTTON 3 AND 4
- alias: EcoSmart Remote 2 Button 3 and 4
  mode: single
    - platform: event
      event_type: zha_event
        device_ieee: cc:cc:cc:ff:fe:c1:5c:b4
        cluster_id: 768
        command: 'move_to_color_temp'
    - platform: event
      event_type: zha_event
        device_ieee: cc:cc:cc:ff:fe:c1:5c:b4
        cluster_id: 8
        command: 'move_to_level_with_on_off'
    - delay:
        milliseconds: 500
    - service: input_boolean.turn_on
        entity_id: >-
          {% if trigger.event.data.command == 'move_to_color_temp' %}
          {% elif trigger.event.data.command == 'move_to_level_with_on_off' %}
          {% endif %}
    - service: input_boolean.turn_off
        entity_id: >-
          {% if trigger.event.data.command == 'move_to_color_temp' %}
          {% elif trigger.event.data.command == 'move_to_level_with_on_off' %}
          {% endif %}

Hey everyone, I created a blueprint for the Ecosmart remote if you want to check it out and use it as-is or customize it.

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