Homeassistant as DMX gateway to KNX

Hi there,

I want to use Homeassistant as a gateway between KNX and DMX. There are KNX DMX interfaces out there, but everything is super overpriced and only supports a few channels, therefore I decided to go with HA.

I setup up HA, Artnet, Knx and I am able to control lights via HA in DMX as well as receive KNX telegrams in HA.

Now I do not know how to continue. I tried defining the knx entites in the configuration.yaml file, which worked so far, but I have separate entites. One for the dmx light (the actual light) and one for the knx light (which is actually just a toggle switch which supports dimming when pressed long)

I feel it would be cleaner to not create entites for the KNX stuff and simply react on the sent group messages. Though I also want to update the state of my toggle switch based on the actual light state.

If the light is on, a little led in the toggle switch should also be on.

I tried creating a group and putting both entites in. Turning on works fine, turning off or setting brightness does not.

Any Idea how to connect basically KNX group messages to lights in HA are very much appreciated.

Best regards

Hi :wave:!

Yes! Don’t create knx entities for non-knx lights.
Use either knx_event or interface device trigger to react on telegrams.
Use expose to send state updates to knx.

Also have a look here KNX - relative dimming for lights
And here Advanced control of any light entity from KNX (state, brightness, dim, temperature, color + states feedback)
And here GitHub - envy/knxsync: Home Assistant custom component to easily sync HA entities to KNX


“Advanced control of any light entity from KNX” was a good hint, works well.

While installing the custom component from the UI I do get the following error:


Der Konfigurationsfluss konnte nicht geladen werden: {“message”:“Invalid handler specified”}

Any hints how to solve that? Maybe @farmio since he seems to use that custom component…

No, I don’t have any DMX devices. I only answered a generic Knx integration question here.