Homematic ip

I just ran into this one:

Before starting it myself, anyone already working on a hass plugin for this ?


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Not that I am aware of. Maybe once or twice there was the question if the IP access point is supported with the current implementation. Which it is not as we only support the CCU. So my bet would be, that you could give it a try.

Hey Sander… I would be very interested in a plugin did you had already time looking into it?


Hi Sven,

Have a look here:

But I have a custom component using async, which we will later implement in the above…

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homematic IP is running now… Thx

Maybe your are the right one for another HIP issue? :slight_smile:

In my custom components there already is a door sensor. I use it myself too. Have a look. Let me know if you have any questions…

Are we are talking about the same sonsor… https://goo.gl/c8cv82

Yes. Working perfectly at my home…

Sensor is located here: https://github.com/sander76/custom_components/tree/master/binary_sensor

Looking at it a bit in more detail: Is your sensor HomeMatic or HomeMaticIP ?

HMIP… I guess that the custom component is not loaded properly.

You’re configuring it like this ?

  authtoken: yourtoken
  accesspoint: youraccesspointid

config working AP and sesnor are available in states section

sensor.hip_access_point_status 0.0 home_label: hip
home_id: xxxx
friendly_name: hip Access Point Status
icon: mdi:access-point-network
sensor.hip_frontdoor_status ok home_label: hip
device_label: Frontdoor
home_id: x
device_id: x
status_update: 2018-04-16T11:26:56.462000
firmware_state: up_to_date
low_battery: false
rssi: -52
friendly_name: hip Frontdoor Status
icon: mdi:check

But I thought you implemented something more comfortable reading the rssi value… Just getting state “ok” from sensor so templating is my current config. open/closed as status would be nice. :slight_smile:

Why do you want to use the rssi value ?

How do you controll open/closed status?

In your states it should display the sensor. The state property should display open/close or something.
Cannot check myself now. I’m not at home

Is your implementation different to the build in from HA?

This is what I currently get from the sensor. Only rssi value is changing. Status always set to “ok”.

sensor.hip_frontdoor_status ok
home_label: hip
device_label: Frontdoor
home_id: xx
device_id: xx
status_update: 2018-04-16T11:26:56.462000
firmware_state: up_to_date
low_battery: false
rssi: -52
friendly_name: hip Frontdoor Status
icon: mdi:check

The built in version of homematic cloud is different from my custom component…