Hörmann garage door via MQTT

I always download whole code from github as zip, extract it and open the folder in VSCode. Then just change config that I need to and upload it to the ESP.

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Hi everyone,
Nice to see that this thread is living. I saw it a while ago but miss to check it again before I ordered a PCB design on Fiverr.
@vladimirzrnic your PCB looks so much better than mine. May I ask you if you could submit the easyeda source file export. I would like to add some trace for some additional sensor like temp, proximity (to know if a car is below,…)
@fisch55 half open in the webui is fixed in dev Version of gifford47
Thanks to all who makes this project working


@14yannick I don’t mind sharing the PCB easyeda source file, but everything is pretty packed and I’m not sure you’ll be able to fit anything except the temperature sensor. The PCB is designed to be inserted into the Supramatic 4 enclosure, so I am not sure where and how you plan to add the proximity sensor.

PCB easyeda source file:

Hi many thanks my idea is to make a 3d custom lid for the motor and hold the sensors there. On the board I just wanna add some pin headers to plug the wires.

Figured out my problem; these lines were forcing the build to a state that was not compatible with my ESP32

board_build.f_cpu = 240000000L; set frequency to 240MHz board_build.f_flash = 80000000L; set frequency to 80MHz board_build.flash_mode = qio; set flash mode to qio

Everything is now working perfectly in my HA; awesome. Thank you everyone :slight_smile:

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I have 4 spare, if anyone is interested in happy to sell them for USD$20 each. Basically that’s cost + a beer.

Very nice!
But do they work on Supramatic 3 as well?

Sorry I dont think so, these are for the Supramax 4; as designed by Profile - vladimirzrnic - Home Assistant Community

Hmm, that is unfortunate.
This thread has become so big and so many changes has happened, but wasn’t this setup initially made for Supramatic 3?
I wonder what is the difference between 3 and 4

Sorry I really dont know, and cannot test that. Hopefully someone else can chime in.

My project, the one with which this thread started, is for a Supramatic E3.
The last 50 or more replies in this thread concern version 4 drives.
Hörmann changed the whole protocol between version 3 and version 4 drives, so that they are totally incompatible to each other. For more info read through the closed issues on my github page.

Ah, I remember now.
I could never figure out what parts to purchase, so it ended up in nothing :frowning:

Hi Dal, in the GitHub link on the second post of this thread, there is a folder named Board. There is a part list insight. You can get a quote for a fully assembled including flashing the it from pcbway. You can also get the parts from AliExpress. Or find a local electro nerd :nerd_face:. In which country are you maybe I can help you.

Sounds wonderful! I will check it out right away.
I’m from Norway, btw

Phew, PCBWay was not easy to navigate.
Is there a guide or something to choose the correct options?
Can they also include / connect the optional BME 280 HT Sensor?


Anyone having a spare board to Supramatic E3? Soldering those small parts can be pain in the ass when you can’t solder. :wink:

Hi Brad,

Do you still have a free piece to get hunted for myself?


Ps: I have sent a private note for the same reason a day or two days ago…

Sorry I’m a new father (3 weeks) she is changing my schedule a lot!!!

Yes, I have few. I will message you

Weren’t you able to automize her through HA? :grinning: :rofl:

Just kidding, of course. I’ve been there myself. And she’s more important. :+1:

But ain’t yours for Supramatic E4? It seems like those for E3 don’t work with E4? Are they backward compatible?

Hi all,
I was about to proudly present UAP ESPHome Extender on the HomeAssistant forum when I found this thread which made me hide back in my hole with shame that while I was toying with the UAP1 board folks have reverse engineered the bus protocol and get all the fine details and precise control one could wish for.

I will likely use this threasure throve in the future too but in the mean time one particular post there caught my attention. It was the discovery that if Bluetooth is enabled on the motor it constantly broadcasts the door status. And since all I was really missing was the precise door position and it is actually present in this stream I have now a solution that at least for me does all I care about.

While it is not as refined as the UAP emulator it is much simpler and cheaper to build on top of a single ESP32 dev board.