Hörmann garage door via MQTT


do you still have a complete or equipped board?
I’d like one if it’s still available :slight_smile:

Would you have to flash the part and then provide it with a cable?

As soon as your new PCBs arrive I’d be happy to purchase one from you

Greeting Philip

got my new PCBs today and currently working on getting them to work :slight_smile: Send me a quick PN from which country you are and i note you on my preorder list.


I’ve send you a PN :wink:

Thank you.

Hi Brad,
Do you still have PCB,
I have Supramatic 4 door, just started exploring the topic
I’m interested in buying it

Hi Manuel,

Sent you a PM as well, also looking for a board for my ProMatic 4.


Since its based on a ESP32 chip, would it be possible to use the onboard Bluetooth as a Tracker?
Would be great if it could detect distance to either the phone and/or cars BLE to open/close the door.

Hi Manuel, been watching for a while and missed out on the previous batch, been on the look out for one for my E3, Could I be put on the preorder list (UK) if you’re making a second batch?

Warm regards, Lewis

it’s for E4 not E3 sorry, also UK is a Paint to ship to from Germany :slight_smile:

Hello everyone, i finally got the next Batch of PCBs ready, there where some issues with my own PCB Design so i need to modify them to get them working. They need a pigibag RS485 Module because my own implementation didn’t work sadly, it doesen’t look as nice as i hoped, but it works fine.

  • new ESP32-S3 WROOM-1 MCU
  • Integrated PSU into PCB
  • USB-C Connector for Programming and Power
  • Soldered RJ12 Cable for Garage Door connection
  • pigibag RS485 Module
  • Serial Headers for Debug
  • 8 GPIO Headers (IO 4-7 & 38-41)
  • Power LED
  • 3 Software controlled LEDs (IO 10-12)

A Complete and tested PCB will be 30€ without shipping, so a bit cheaper because it looks a bit hacked together. Shipping only inside the EU, just send me a PN, still got 2-3 PCBs left after finishing preorders.

The next Batch will take at least a Month and will have the RS485 Module soldered directly to the pcb.
I will also implement some Feedback in the next PCB revision from @14yannick .

UPDATE: All people that did a Preorder should have a PN :slight_smile:

UPDATE 2: All PCBs are gone for now, will build another Batch soon.
I Contributed needed changes for the ESP32-S3 to Giffords Repo, so this should work in terms of Software for all Users of this PCB Batch:


If anyone is about to make boards for the Supramatic E3, I’m very interested. Since it seems I’m not able to create one myself :confused:

Lithuania need 1

please send me a PN, will take a few weeks until i got the next batch of PCBs tho.

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I can confirm that I received my PCB from Tysonpower yesterday! Thanks again :slight_smile:

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Guys, something still hangs. I had to update my unifi AP, then seems hcpbridge got disconnected or something and my door stuck. I could not open even with push button and bridge was not connected. Restarting bridge not helped…
Luckily I haven’t locked myself out. One option is to put smart plug maybe and turn off horman motor completely. Anyone got this issues?

Hi Trilis, which code from which repo are you using and from when is your build

Because it sounds like the issue above fixed in the Repo of Gifford47.
Or do you have an issue with an supramatic 3 motor.
Please open an issue in github it would be much easier to address and resolve.

I have tried yours repo and Gifford, but now I don’t recall which one I have flashed :smiley:

If you have your wifi credentials in your config files then you should be in version where the issue should be fixed. If not then make a new build out of the Master repo of Gifford47. Don’t forget to adjust the config variable with your wifi credentials. If the issue persists open an issue in github.

I, too, received a PCB from Tysonpower and it works really, really well. No issues so far. Can recommend!

@Trilis29 Whenever something on the bus changes the Motor goes into some sort of lockdown mode. Haven’t experienced it so far with the PCB and firmware I got from Tysonpower. I even kicked the HCPBridge off my WiFi for a few minutes to simulate a connection loss. Garagedoor kept working fine with the programmed remotes and the button that is connected.

I also faced the same, I ended up needing to factory reset the motor. I was all working fine for weeks until it stopped randomly

Temporarily I have removed my device, in just waiting for the code the settle a bit as it is highly active at the moment

I cannot remember which version I used as it was probably nearly 2 months ago now

Today got locked out again, I don’t know the reason. But his is not safe. You can lock yourself out and what then? :frowning: