Hörmann garage door via MQTT

Yes, it does give feedback if the door is closed or not

No, it does not require the Hörmann cloud hub. Its just the Supramatic and this push button

Is it possible to get also the impulse button like in the Hörmann App (BlueSecur) via MQTT


Based on the manual the button is working out of the box with the older motors (hcp 1 protocol) for the newer the HAP 1 HCP adapter is needed. But yes looks like a viable option. The only gateway on the market who support out of the box both protocole is the hörmann loxone air.
I hope that I will find some time next year to experiment new hardware and maybe be able to get an open source alternative to loxone.

As far as I know the bluesecure app is garbage and only able to communicate with the doors trough Bluetooth. If your doors integrated in home assistant you can reproduce this view in a dashboard and get it on the companion app.

Hi 14yannick, thank you for your answer. I don’t care about the bluesecur app. My question was related, if it is possible to get also the impulse action with the hcpbrigde.

What does “Impuls” even do? Isn’t it the same as the cover.toggle service in Home Assistant?

@jbabio: Unless you resolved that already: to rescan the bus in SupraMatic 4, go to the service menu 37, choose item 01 Reset / Rescan HCP-BUS (Google the Installation Manual for full details).
I think you must long press the confirm PRG button, otherwise nothing happens. When the scanning actually starts, the display will show b.S. for quite a few seconds.

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@Tysonpower: If I ever wanted to flash OTA fw - for your PCBs shipped pre-flashed, do you keep the original credentials or set some choice of yours?

    //OTA Update
    const char* OTA_USERNAME = "admin";
    const char* OTA_PASSWD = "admin";

Thanks a bunch for your help. I got it sorted with tips from another user who shared the instructions earlier.

WLAN password can be shared by a family member to literally anyone (Android can do so via QR code or even show it as string).

Setting up isolated WLAN networks (like for HomeLAN, GuestOnly, IoT, etc.) is only a partial solution - sooner or later there will be other devices on the same network as the garage controller (washmachine, weather station, vacuum cleaner) and no one knows what these do.

That said, HTTPS with a self-signed certificate and username&password would be a big improvement, IMHO.

And the same potentially applies to MQTT communication - my installation is well outside of my home lan, so I use a mobile phone as a hotspot for the ESP32 board. I have not done that yet, but I at least plan to setup a WireGuard tunnel to my home LAN so that I do not have to leave my non-SSL-MQTT server open to the public internet.

@fw1 It’s the same.Thank you for the hint.

Hello Thomas, is your code also working with the Promatic4 and is the wiring the same as from HCPBridgeMqtt?

EDIT: My questions are clarified. Esphome is working. Thank you for the great work.

I did not do any special coding or special hardware. I am using standard Hörmann products, where you can check support on the Hörmann web-site and the HomeKit Device Integration

Any idea for Hormann supramatic e2 ?

why not only use a esp32 relay ?
when looking into UAP1 card. : Compatible with all hormann motors : SupraMatic, Rotamatic et LineaMatic since 2009 but I see a comment saying that Previous generations have different protocol (HCP1 for E3 and HCP2 for E4), different pin layout

I found this … might be usefull for others

4 – SupraMatic E/P Serie 4 , ProMatic Serie 4, Rollmatic V2

custom PCB for following Motors:

3- Supramatic E/P Serie 3

How do you get the temperature? In the first post of this topic there’s this image showing some more data:


I have a SupraMatic E4 and my device looks like this in HA:

I got the Tynet RS485 Bridge without any modification. Do I need to add some additional sensors to it? Just found some in the readme of the firmware:

  • DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor
  • HC-SR04 proximity sensor (car (below) detection)

How do I connect them exactly? Will they be working out of the box after wiring them or what has to be done?

you need to add the sensor and reflash the board with the correct firmware for your sensors (see github)

Is there a HA integration for a Tubauto Procom 7-4 garage door which is closely related to Hormann doors (even the BlueSecur app works with them)?

Closely related is an understatement. More like twins separated at birth.


I’d say it’s just a Hörmann Promatic 4 in a french dress. Same Font, same website hörmann used to have a year ago(but in french) i believe and they’re also listed as a “Production Location” on the hörmann wikipedia article. Also mentions of the HCP bus in the manual. And if the official Hörmann Blusecur App works chances are very high that they use the same board as the hörmann promatic line.
So it should work.*

*could also not work but I highly doubt it. I’d just go for it.

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I struggle with the correct connection of the Sensors. GitHub lists something like

BME280 Temperature and humudity Sensor
SDA connected to GPIO21
SCL/SCK connected to GPIO22

but the tynet board has different pins?

Expansion Ports
EXP1 - BMP280 Optimiertes Pinout
3V3 | GND | IO_5 | IO_6

GND | IO_7 | IO_8 | 3V3

GND | IO_4 | 3V3

GND | IO_40 | 3V3

And adding the firmware to the board seems like a huge deal for a total newbie. Could you tell me which sensor you use, how to connect to which expansion port and send over your firmware for me to flash? Temperature and humidity would be the main thing (and proximity a nice-to-have).

Hi Hardysim it’s not a big thing. I create a discussion in Github.
Temp and Humidity sensor is BMP280, Proximity I used hc-sr04