Hörmann garage door via MQTT

Did you solve this? I have the same error on Mosquito Broker in HomeAssistant, MQTT connection cannot be established.

2024-01-19 15:57:05: New connection from 192.168.x.x:54557 on port 1883.
2024-01-19 15:57:05: New client connected from 192.168.x.x:54557 as esp32-xxxxxxxxxxx (p2, c1, k15, u’mqtt-user’).
2024-01-19 15:57:05: Client esp32-xxxxxxxxxxx disconnected due to malformed packet.

I changed device name back to default “hcpbridge” and MQTT issue was gone.
I added “GaragenTorhcpbridge” before, so I think the length was a problem

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Also on it now, please share the input and if you resolve this. Just waiting for the sensor from Ali.

Hi all, I received my board from @Tysonpower and have finally just got around to getting it setup. I can control the door via the UI by visiting the device IP on my network but for some reason I cannot get MQTT to connect.

I am using connection settings provided by the UI in HA but it wont connect. I can connect to the broker via MQTT Explorer on my laptop absolutely fine. Is there a way to debug this and see what error it is getting while trying to connect?


Hi @danwoodbury,
Please take the latest build from here and execute an OTA from the webgui.
Then save the mqtt settings again. If the error persists check log on your mqtt broker and open an issue .

Hello! I’ve been using Tyson’s board with this project for a few days and it works great. I would like to add such a sensor (see below) to the board. It’s AHT20 + BMP280.

I know I need to build my own firmware by modifing a config enties. Could anyone guide me how to modify the config file? I think I will then manage to compile and upload it. Thank you!

for BMP you only need to connect it and use the ESP32S3_Tynet_BME280 build target in platformIO, it should work with the BMP as well as the BME, the AHT20 is not implemented i think.

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Thanks, I will try it also with a reset and Insert a shorter name. I do have several things to solve but no time yet for it…

Does anyone happen to have a spare board/adapter for a Supramatic P3?

Hello everyone,
I am new here and I would like to ask you for help after purchasing a Tynet RS485 Bridge (thank you very much Tysonpower!).
I have a Supramatic P4 sectional garage door at home, and I connected the module with the RJ port. I ran the Bus Scan, and everything went well. I can see in my wifi settings the HCPBRIDGE appears, with an IP address
However, I can’t get the equipment to appear in Home Assistant. Does anyone have a tutorial for dummies like me?
I’m running HA on a Synology DS 218+ via a VM, and I’m up to date with all updates as I write these lines…

Thanks in advance !


Hi I think the wifi and mqtt setup is missing. Setup is here add Addon, create a local user, add mqtt integration to home assistant. Open the webui of the garage door enter the wifi credentials remove wifi AP and add mqtt information.
Once the garage door restarted you should see it in Home Assistant. If you struggle open an issue on github.

Thanks a lot for answering and helping me, i’ll try that !

A few days ago I also had a Hörmann door installed with a Supramatic 4 motor. So obviously I’m looking into connecting it to my Home Assistant.
I was planning to order or create a PCB shown in this topic. But then it came to me that I have a UniPi unit hanging almost next to the garage door, and that has RS485 and Modbus RTU built-in (optionally terminateable at the unit). It is running Node-Red which also has modbus addons.
This UniPi unit is already reporting to/controlled by Home Assistant using MQTT…

So If I understand all correctly, I should be able to just connect the SupraMatic 4 motor to the RS485 port of the UniPi and terminate it there, to control the motor? (I’ll have to write the logic in Node-Red)

Or am I seeing this too simplistic ?

It should work but you will have to implement the communication with the motor in node red. The motor expect a specific reply when busscan is running, reply to the periodic challenge the motor send to check if device is connected and working. Then you can set command the motor will read and listen to broadcast off the door status. You really need to ensure that you unipi dont miss a challenge from your motor otherwise your door will get a code 7.
If you need some hardware in meantime you cand send me a personal message I have a lot boards laying around.

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As the UniPi is designed for idustrial use as a PLC replacement, I assume this should not be a problem in normal operations. However, possibly this can cause problems when the program is interrupted by re-deploying the Node-Red schema or when rebooting the UniPi. I’ll have to see… Anyway, the power outlet the motor is connected to, is also in control by the UniPi, so I assume I can implement a routine that powercycles the motor when the UniPi restarts. Or would It require a manual modbus rescan when a code 7 is received ?
Anyway, I have a RJ12 plug ordered to start tinkering with it; I’ll post it here if I have success and hopefully a Node-Red schema to share… or when I fail and I require an esp32 pcb :slight_smile:

Restart of the motor clear the code 7. If any is interested I have some modified M5Stack element who works perfect as HCPBridge if any is interested send me a DM

I think this is the new link to the original blog “Reverse engeneering the Hörmann UAP1 protocoll”.

Hi everybody,

I received today the Tynet RS485 Bridge (thanks @Tysonpower :slight_smile: !
Have somebody experience connecting an external relay to this board? I have an electric lock installed in the garage door and I need to unlock it before to start the opening. I am thinking in to configure the Supramatic E4 with 1 second of pre-advertising, but I don’t know how to capture this event inside the Tynet firmware and switch on the relay before the movement start. Thanks in advance!

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Hi, I think you wanna use the function of the relay 3 of the UAP1-HCP who get configured in Menu 30: External relay functions of your motor.
Actually only the buscan reply, Door Status/Commands and Light functions are implemented. A starting point would be to activated the function in menu 3 and then capturing the communication adding some debug message output over there. maybe we can use this discussion to check how we could implement this functionality.

Good point @14yannick, I will do that. Thanks!

I managed to cook something up in Node-Red. It took some effort as there was no modbus node available that supports FC0x17.
Currently the project is not yet able to actually send commands, but should be able to read the incoming state messages and understand and respond command or busscan requests.

So now when I perform a Busscan on the motor, it replies with 1 on the display and starts sending broadcast messages and command requests which I respond to…
However after a few seconds, all communication stops, the motor does not go in error and keeps functioning, it just no longer communicates. The counter value in the last request before communication stops is always 0x22
When I powercycle the motor, it sends a single busscan message, which I respond to, and the again it starts sending messages for a few seconds up to counter value 0x22 and then stops again.

Full communications output: Feb 22 23:16:36 S207-sn320 Node-RED[395]: 22 Feb 23:16:36 - [info] [debug:Serial - Pastebin.com
I notice that sometimes a command request is sent by the motor with the same counter-value as a previous request. Maybe I answer too quickly and the response sometime gets lost? But that currently does not seem to be the problem as the last 10-ish requests before stopping never had a duplicate counter value.

@14yannick Do you have any idea why communication stops there ?