Hörmann garage door via MQTT

Question related to hoermann suprematic E2, hoping it work with @stephan19 work.
( for serie 4 HCP - search @Tysonpower project)

Thx to all for the great job !

@snoekieboe can you explain how you used UAP1 and ESP ?
Were there any disadvantage? or does steph solution is ‘cleaner’ ?
As I have no experience in making PCB that might be easier for me.
And price is very close
(Hörmann Universaladapterplatine UAP 1, hier kaufen | tor7.de)

I’m interested too in pre-assembled PCB, would you have a foreseen batch ?

Hi Lebeck based on the UAP-1 documentation the E2 motor should work with the Stephan19 project if the serial number of you motors end with a D or higher.
I have also a batch pcb for the UAP-1 but as I have no motor it’s I cannot check if it works as expected. As you say the pcb is not very beginner friendly. I have in my mind to port the hgdo code to an out of shelf component to be able to run it on a tysonboard or and similar hardware like the m5stack.

I was not part in the early stage but maybe we can continue the discussion here to find a solution.

I’m not sure at all
here’s the answer I’ve received

"It does not work with the E2. I tried. If you have the know how i am sure you could make it work but I don’t.

Maybe tasmota could be set up to interface with the UAP1. If you want to program yourself there is always a way"

Device installed with firmware modified. Any idea about how to get the logs remotely? I tried with thisbut without success. Thanks!

I’m trying to install this on a Promatic 4 (currently wires only, no board), but I’m not getting any power from the motor. Any ideas what I might be missing?

The bus get only power at or after successful busscan. Tell me if you need a board.

I read that, but how does that work? I was expecting the motor to output power, do the scan and then turn off when it doesn’t find anything. But the LED on my LM2596 never even turns on

Edit: Stupid mistake, turns out my RJ12 cable had the colors reversed (compared to the schematic). Working now, thanks for the stellar job!

Hello all,

Do you know if there is a way to check if the bus works? I have had an Error code 04 in my Supramatic E4, but I have fixed (perhaps lucky) performing a new learning of the door. Now it works fine, but I have realized that the board connected to the bus doesn’t works, there is no led. I have two, and none of them works. I have connected one to the the laptop and it works, so I think the bus could be damaged.

Any tip?


Ok, it seems the bus works fine. The issue is with the board, one of them, it seems it doesn’t work, because the bus scan (menu 37), detects the old one, but can’t detect one I bought here.

@Tysonpower Do you still have a board available?

@i5Js I’m assuming yes, I just (10 min ago) bought one over their shop website, as they recommended a few posts above: Hörmann MQTT Adapter DIY ESP32-S3 Dev Board

Many thanks, I will buy one then


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feel free to order one, i got the Boards for the E4 Motors back in stock now.

Done! Many thanks!!

(Replying to how you disable the access point)

@Tysonpower Ah, that’s not immediately obvious; I also didn’t find this info anywhere in the repo. Might make sense to add this somewhere to the Readme :slight_smile:

I kept the checkbox enabled and when I rebooted it would still have the same SSID, I wasn’t aware that it would only change when you disable the checkbox for the WiFi AP.

Regardless, thank you so much for figuring out the hard parts and offering to the community!

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I got a Supramatic P Series 3… with a HKSI-1 (Humidity Sensor). Will this board work with my model?

nope, as mentioned on my shops page it only works for Series 4 Motors, sorry.

I am missing some of the sensors (e.g. status) in HA, do I need to configure these manually or is there something else I need to do?

please install the release build of the firmware or compile the newest dev branch and flash it. It’s a bug with older dev firmwares from what i remember.

@Tysonpower i bought your board and thx a lot… i feel like a kid in a game store

but i feel a little bit n00b.
it says that firmware is already install … but how do you connect to the webui ?
I don’t see any new wifi and haven’t still configure mine

When trying to push latest version with platformio I have a small board error that you already partially reaplyed … esp32_tynet is the good one !

But is the configuration line to add normal ? I don’t see anyone else mentionning this.