Hörmann garage door via MQTT

Each tynet board is flashed with the Firmware and tested by me with my garage motor.

See this document on how to get started:

The config line is strange, never had or heared about this issue in the past. I guess a clean and rebuild of the project would have helped as well.

Thx a lot.
It is indeed easy … door is working straight away
gooooooooood job !

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Best device ever :>
After two days I managed to get BME280 to work properly on tynet board, and show all data. I am total noob yes, but still one problem persists that only board reset or motor reset will help to solve it:

In home assistant it doesn’t refresh temperature while in web view of sensor “system status” temperature changes more than threshold.

I tried changing threshold, Query interval,…
Only time I managed for temperature to update in HA, was when board was on USB.

Pictures at the same time with threshold 0.1 (I can show higher difference if you don’t beleive):

Which firmware did you use? I think to rememeber that there was a version with a refresh bug.

I’m sure that it is fixed in the dev branch:

I have extra 3 boards for Supramatic E3. If some need that, write me a PM.

That’s supposed to be the faster motor right? I have plans to get new door with faster motor so yes I think I’m interested before having new door :smile:

Nope, E3 is just the older Model, E4 ist the newer Generation.

For E4 there are the Promatic motors (slow but not to expensive) and the supramatic (faster and can handle bigger garage doors).

Supramtic E3 and E4 are not compatible for this board then?

I am 0.6.1.

After 24h I see that it updates only after 120 minutes:

Maybe I’ve set something wrong.
Sensor Query interval is set to 120, but that is seconds right?

My board (see shop) can be used for all E4 Door motors (so promatic and supramatic E4)

Not sure about the board from @realdimik , but i guess his works for all E3 models.

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yeah thats the bug i talked about, please use the dev branch firmware, this is fixed in my commit here Fixed a refresh bug on the bme and added infos to ui (#67) · Gifford47/HCPBridgeMqtt@c789898 · GitHub

So just clone the dev branch and flash it to the board.

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All 3 are sold out.

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Dang it.

I have a ProMatic 3 and Supramatic E3 that I want boards for!

PM me if anyone has any please.

@vladimirzrnic seems like the link is gone for the Gerber file. Can you post it again I am trying to get this to work.

Thx for sharing your project really looking forward to get this running.

All the best

Hi Ben,
The gerber from @vladimirzrnic can be found here.
Depending on your needs other solution exists. I tried to make an overview here.
I have spare parts for any solutions so if any needs components or complete boards don’t hesitate to contact me.
I have also all components for three E3 boards but I have no motor to test it.

Looking for a board for the supramatic e3, if you have any, please pm me

Finally got one, thanks to @realdimik
2 questions though:
What is the Option Relay for?

And has someone found or made a 3D printable case for this?
I cannot let it hang like this :slight_smile:

cannot let it hang like this :slight_smile:

It should be enough space inside. See a photo from Stephan in the top of the thread.

Excellent point.
Didn’t think of that

It is looks like I’ve found the reason why the device is not sending commands to Lineamatic (only reads status). But I need someone help with switching data bits to 7 for sending Syncbreak correctly.
Details are here https://github.com/stephan192/hoermann_door/issues/18#issuecomment-2093638043https://github.com/stephan192/hoermann_door/issues/18#issuecomment-2093638043