Hörmann garage door via MQTT

I’ve got an answer from Stephan in https://github.com/stephan192/hoermann_door/issues/18#issuecomment-2093638043https://github.com/stephan192/hoermann_door/issues/18#issuecomment-2093638043
He described why is switching data bits to 7 is not required in his code.

I’ve also asked the this question at Github: Read Photocell status and block it? · Gifford47/HCPBridgeMqtt · Discussion #70 · GitHub

but maybe I have more luck here as the solution might lie in Home Assistant.

So I have my Hörmann Supramatic E4 configured so that is closes after 1 minute. This is the default that I want to have to make sure my garage doesn’t stay open.

However; sometimes when I’m working in the garage I want the door to stay open. I want to do this from HA (instead of putting an object in front of the sensor).

Ideally I would like to do this over MQTT from HA to the Tyson gateway I use.
Would it be possible to do this software-based instead of adding hardware like an external relay to block the sensor?

Why not just write to auto close after 1 minute after opening as HA automation. That way you can add conditions to it in what cases to not auto close.

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That’s possible. but then when HA doesn’t work, the gate stays open…

I’d rather not rely on HA for this.

you could also handle this in esphome port. there you get an cover.on_open Trigger
event every time the door gets fully open.
on this event you can put a condition based on a binary sensor set in homeassistant. based on the value of can then use the delay after the which you can call the close action
your yaml will begin with something like this.

  name: hcpbridge
    - emelianov/modbus-esp8266
    board_build.f_cpu: 240000000L
    board_build.flash_mode: qio
    monitor_speed: 9600
    monitor_filters: esp32_exception_decoder
    lib_ldf_mode: deep+
    # board_build.f_flash: 40000000L

    source: github://mapero/esphome-hcpbridge
    refresh: 0s

  board: adafruit_feather_esp32s3
    type: arduino

    name: "HCPBridge Connected"
  rx_pin: 18 # optional, default=18
  tx_pin: 17 # optional, default=17

  - platform: homeassistant
    name: "Leave Cover Open"
    entity_id: input_boolean.cover_stay_open

  - platform: hcpbridge
    name: Garage Door
    id: garagedoor_cover
            binary_sensor.is_off: my_binary_sensor
            - delay: 60s
            - cover.close: garagedoor_cover
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I solved it like this:

I have added:
A helper Toggle for the auto close
A helper input_number for the delay
A helper timer for the countdown

when the gate opens and the toggle
Is ON, i start the timer with the duration of the delay.

As soon as the timer is done AND the toggle is still ON, the gate closes.

The reason I use a timer is so that:
I can see the countdown in the UI.
I can still stop it just by disabling the Auto Close helper
I can reset it when I do something with the gate.

The Helpers:

Auto Close Automation:

Timer Event Automation:


Hi, I love the project. I currently have a shelly 1 with magnet sensor

Could someone sell me a board for a supramatic E3? I can only find a board for the E4 model

I’ve tweaked the GUI a bit.
The top left button is a custom:button-card which toggles the gate.
Top right buttons enables or disables the auto-close functionality.
“Wachttijd” is the delay for the auto-close.
Timer shows the remaining time before the gate closes.

Recording 2024-05-24 160214.mp4 [video-to-gif output image]


Hello tech geniuses.
Please, does anyone have a video or a procedure on how to disassemble the “RS485 Bridge - DIY Hörmann MQTT Adapter - ESP32-S3 Dev Board” in HomeAssistant? I’ve been dealing with this all day and got the ESPhome installed and the flashing adapter stuck in the gateway. But that’s where my skills end. :frowning: Need to compile something? It would be enough for me to point out what needs to be done. Thank you!

Why you wanna disassemble the tynet board? You can use the built in USB to flash it. Press on the boot button while you plug it in. Then you should be able to use the webflasher to upload your build
If it doesn’t work open an issue with more details.

@Smartweb AS Yannik says, you can just flash it over USB.

But: It should work out of the box, plug it into your garage door and do a bus scan as mentioned in the guide. Feel free to send me an email with details what doesen’t work and i will try to help, so far anyone is happy with my PCBs :slight_smile:


Quick note: Issue was resolved with a link to the quick start guide, also added a link to it to my shop.

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Looking for a board for the supramatic e3, if you have one, please let me know

@teran & @KrisHoobie I have some bords assembled I waiting to get my supramatic e3 motor to test them. I will dm you as soon as I’m ready. As soon I have the boards running I will try to adapt the E3 code to work on more generic hardware. This would allow to use for example @Tysonpower boards.


ok thanks.
I´m waiting your results

just ordered mine yesterday, hope to get it soon :slight_smile:

Do you know if it’s possible to have a hardcoded timer to close the door automatically after 10 minutes if for some reason HomeAssistant is down.

Is it possible to expose the url using swagger or by connecting to the home network using wireguard ? I would like a backup solution in case I can’t come home and close the door.

The wireguard option should work, if the Board is connected to your wifi you will be able to use the webui without HA inside your whole home network. There is no hardcoded timer, also not sure if this makes sense, it could be dangurous if something is parked in the way of the door.

thanks, I ll install wireguard then.

do you know how much time take DHL to deliver in Belgium ?

@14yannick I’m interested as well, in you have anything still available. Thanks!

nope, a few days i guess, not the same every time sadly, but it’s on the way to you now, also you should got that info via Email :slight_smile: