Hörmann garage door via MQTT

I guess you already figured it out, but no you don’t need any additional power outlet, the board is powered via the door motor.

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Yes thank you! Was to stupid to read the thread properly and also directly ordered :slight_smile: looking forward!

One question though: I understand your implementation uses MQTT while some flash ESPHome over it. Is there a recommendation what’s the best approach? @Tysonpower

i would just use the preinstalled firmware, but if you like you can play around with different firmwares. Up to you, you can flash the device as often as you like over USB-C (don’t connect Door and USB at the same time of course)

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Hi you are on my liste with @teran & @KrisHoobie. I got the dispatch advice that my Supramatic E3 motor is on the way. Please note that it looks like the board is only compatible with the Supramatic Range as the promatic motor have no bus connector. Check here if you motor is compatible. The E3 board emulate the UAP 1 while the other board from @Tysonpower emulate the UAP 1 HCP. Contact me by DM which motor you have an we will find the right board for you.

Sin título-1

Hello 14yannick, this is my motor. I think it’s a SupraMatic 3

@Tysonpower can you tell me of it’s possible to use your device as a ble proxy ?
It’s will be usefull :wink:

I can’t use DM yet, @14yannick but I’ve also got a Supramatic E3 that I would be interested in getting a board for.

I m a newbie on HA, could you tell me how to redo that :slight_smile:
It look awesome

I successfully logged the esp32 and I can open/ close the garage but I got some issue

Blue secure not usable anymore, not that I care but I would like to know if it’s normal


Hi Brad,

Do you still have a PCB?


After changing my wifi SSID i lost connection to my unit, its an early version where i remember i had enter the wifi credentials in a config file somehow but read that there might be a newer software version available, so me question is, how do i update to the newer software and/or how to i change the ssid on the current software easiest?

Tanks in advance,

in theory i think so, but there is no firmware for that and no support currently. So if you are a software developer as well feel free to implement it, but i can’t help there because of time.

i don’t think he still has one, it’s long ago, but if you got a V4 Motor you can use one of my PCBs that many people use.

I think if you flash the board with the ESPHome version instead (GitHub - mapero/esphome-hcpbridge: esphome component to connect to Hörmann Garage Door) you could just enable the BT proxy there.

It would worth a try but please check also the documentation. The strongly advise to use ESP-idf instead of Arduino and to deactivate the web-server.
Esphome made some [example](firmware/bluetooth-proxy at main · esphome/firmware · GitHub yaml how to setup a BLE proxy) how to setup a BLE proxy depending on board used.

By doing that, is there a risk I replace the current PCB software ?

Hi @Tysonpower
Any changes to UK shipping please?
Are we still banned :sob:?

no i ship to UK now as well as any other country outside EU, just order :slight_smile:

PS: I only activated UK, NO and Iceland for now, but if our country isn’t listed for ordering just send me an email.

You definitely would. You’d need to restore it manually if anything goes wrong.

Hi @Tysonpower,

I’ve received your module and applied it to a Hörmann WA500 industrial door.
As far as I can see now , it’s working like expected.
Many thanks for your work

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