While you could usually remove it by simply removing cloud from your config, it’s not quite so simple if you have a newer config that uses default_config. In that case, you’d have to remove default_config and go about adding all of these back (except cloud, obviously).
Update: The list for default_config is now in the dependencies of the manifest.json.
I see what I need to do now. I just would like to make it easier for others in the future.
Thanks for your assistance. I will make those changes this evening.
I will likely eventually join but the invite is invalid.
Thanks, all I found several “default_config” entries already in my config.yaml. After deleting them & commenting out the cloud component I was able to remove that item.
On a good day the clouds will disappear and the sun shine with a nice blue sky…
And that is the reason I like Home Assistant, nothing needs to be done in the cloud, you can do (almost) everything local. And if this (not so) good day comes that the clouds (providers) disappears, Home Assistant will still work!
As already mentioned, one way to remove the Home Assistant Cloud menu is to manually prescribe the necessary Default Config components via ‘config:’ in configuration.yaml, the second is to edit the manifest.json file of the default_config component.
Here I’m talking about the second option. This is not the laziest way, surely knowledgeable people will do it better and faster. And, unfortunately, this has to be repeated every time you update HA. Also, this method is only suitable for those who use ha in docker by default with a standard installation.
On the ssh command line: sudo docker exec -it $(sudo docker ps -aqf "name=^homeassistant$" |awk '{print $1}') bash
// we are already in the right container and can execute the commands we need cd /usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/default_config vi manifest.json
// VI specific text editor…
// PRESS ‘i’
// Edit the file removing the line with ’ “cloud”, ’
// PRESS ‘esc’
// PRESS ‘Page Down’ and PRESS ‘end’
// WRITE (without quotes) ‘:wq’
// PRESS ‘inter’
// Check the result of changes in the file (optional)
In my opinion it’s a pitty that cloud is in the default_config.
It’s okay when cloud: is in the standard configuration.yaml, but i don’t think many ha users want to use the cloud feature…
There’s a lot of stuff in default_config that shouldn’t be in there, as far as I see it. At least for advanced users.
I’m dealing with this by modifying the manifest.json, as @Aldaran mentioned. But instead of doing it manually, I run a custom post-install / post-update script that removes entries i don’t like from the json (and the script modifies the HA source code in various other ways too, to patch/remove things I don’t like). Pretty automated and hands off, unless the component json structure changes someday (unlikely but not impossible, seeing how trivially breaking changes are thrown around left and right in this project).
discussed already to death. short answer: devs refuse to accept that (someone did that but it has been rejected from the release). If you want to exclude single integration you have to maintain the whole list on your own. This is devs stance