HTC Flip Clock with weather

The entire card is no longer working after recent updates. HA 2022.4.2. I found that HTC had an update last month, so now I’m on 1.3.2, but still getting “Custom element doesn’t exist: htc-weather-card.”

I also updated the Lovelace resource module to v1.3.2

check the console if you have any javascript bugs. i just updated to latest ha version and works fine

By “console” do you mean logs? Don’t see anything js-related.

Something definitely odd is going on with my HA because HTC doesn’t even work when I tried a 2w old backup. But everything else is working fine, including other HACS.


you are right. It solves my js-problems to. Language de is now working fine.

Thank you very much.


Ok, I think my “Custom element doesn’t exist: htc-weather-card" problem is not HTC-related. When I’m at work, it works on my desktop (Chrome) and my Android phone app. But no device at home works, even PCs that have never accessed HA, so not a cache issue - and I’ve cleared my cache countless times. If no one has any ideas, I’ll post in the general forum.

EDIT: After nearly a week of not working, spontaneously the card just started working at home. So weird.

Hello all (and special thanks to IbBogdan for this great retro card)

I have the strangest issue with this card. I don’t believe I had it with the HA 2021 versions, but I could be wrong.
When I restart HA the card shows perfectly, but when I refresh the page in Chrome or “Go to start URL” in Fully kiosk browser, the card doesnt load.
No error to find anywhere.

Has anyone else exeriences that the card dissapears after a refresh ?


Spanish languaje. Thanks for the card. Looks nice!!

	'es': {
		monthNames: ['Ene', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Abr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Ago', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dic'],
		dayNames: ['Dom', 'Lun', 'Mar', 'Mié', 'Jue', 'Vie', 'Sáb'],
		windDirections: ['N','NNE','NE','ENE','E','ESE','SE','SSE','S','SSW','SW','WSW','W','WNW','NW','NNW','N'],
		lang: 'es'

Any chance of making this card possible without weather? Just leaving the flip-clock?

After installing I get the following error:
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘attributes’)
at HtcWeather.render (htc-flipclock-weather.js:179:40)
at HtcWeather.shouldUpdate (htc-flipclock-weather.js:151:18)
at HtcWeather.performUpdate (updating-element.js?module:473:14)
at HtcWeather._enqueueUpdate (updating-element.js?module:437:25)

Please advice on how to solve these errors.

you don’t have a forecast entity available… or it must have changed
in config you have entity: weather.dark_sky … this is what’s being used as default.

I’m not getting anything, which is weird. The entire dashboard is blank. I have the sensors created and the card configured. Latest version of Lovelace. No errors are showing in the card or in the sensor config (using studio code server). The card just doesn’t show any data at all using this:

type: custom:htc-weather-card
entity: weather.home
sun: sun.sun

Suggestions on what to check?

Anybody? Is this card still useable with current versions?

The card is useable with current version. Mine is working fine. After the last update i have to wait serveral hours till it begins to work.

It’s not fully functional at the moment, which is a shame because it’s a very nice card.
Unfortunately, the time is not updated in the card. Time stopped in the card.
The card can also be hidden, so it won’t show up at all.
I would greatly appreciate it if the author would fix the card and get it working.
I like this card.

The time is not updated in the card. Time stopped in the card.
The card can also be hidden, so it won’t show up at all.
I would greatly appreciate it if the author would fix the card and get it working.
I like this card.

If the author does decide to update, PLEASE consider a simple install version that will work with HACS for those of us that aren’t wizards with manual installs.

what do you mean it’s not fully functional? just updated to the latest version of ha and works perfect. help me help you… :smiley: console logs or anything that would help?

i will… last time i tried using hacs it kicked my ass :))

Thank you for your interest,
however, I don’t know how I could help, which console protocol.
I can only provide a picture.

With the Home Assistant new version, the installation is a little bit different now.
I don’t know where I have to create the sensors, is it in the configuration.yaml or in the sensors.yaml or somewhere else?
I have also this error
htc-flipclock-weather.js?v1.3.2:179 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘attributes’)
at HtcWeather.render (htc-flipclock-weather.js?v1.3.2:179:40)
at HtcWeather.shouldUpdate (htc-flipclock-weather.js?v1.3.2:151:18)
at HtcWeather.performUpdate (updating-element.js?module:473:14)
at HtcWeather._enqueueUpdate (updating-element.js?module:437:25)