HTML5: step "Getting ready for Chrome", pls help!

Hi, I’m also having difficulties with the step of verifying the domain (duckdns). This thread is very helpful however I can’t locate the …\components\frontend…\index.html to add in the metatag as per Molodax posts.

I’ve installed home assistant using the all-in-one installer and the only file directories in my \homeassistant\ directory are '.homeassistant and ‘.cache’

Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks!

@Scaevity, check this or similar path: /srv/homeassistant/homeassistant_venv/lib/python3.4/site-packages/homeassistant/components/frontend/templates

When trying to verify domain, letsencrpyt places file on your webserver then attempts to view that file…

1.Let’s encrypt puts file on server at /var/www/letsencrypt/checkfile (for example)
2.lets encrypt checks file present at http://your domain/letsencrypt/checkfile
3.if file found, domain is controlled by you

If having issues verifying domain you should place a file at /var/www/letsencrypt/testfile(for example), then verify the file is accessible from your domain.

You must know where letsencrypt is placing the file or there is a method to specify where the file will be placed.

Thank you for your detailed explanation, however, the issue is about component HTML5 notify and the necessity to verify domain for Google. It is not a question about letsencrypt.

I Misread somewhere…Apology

I use this automation for html5

- alias: 'Ring My Bell'
    - platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.doorbell
      from: 'off'
      to: 'on'
    - service: notify.html5
        message: 'Doorbell. Ring!Ring!'
          tag: "Doorbell"
            - action: "button 1"
              url: ""

I found that Firefox has less requirements for testing so until you get a message sent it may be better to remove all “Chrome” user agents from html5_push_registrations.conf and test with firefox only.
for me, when chrome fails due to configuration issues it would not send to Firefox browsers
Actions will not work in firefox I believe…fyi

Good to know, however, it’s a bit off topic since its not a browser issue or question regarding configuration. It’s rather a limitation of current implementation the component in HASS and poorly written instructions.

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@Molodax, thank you! Found the index.htm file exactly where you said it’d be.

I’m very much an amateur here and first time using a linux OS so I appreciate you taking the time to spell it out.

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I am trying to set this up but get ‘403: Forbidden’ when I try to verify my domain using https:\ as per the instructions

Can someone please help me here?

So it seems the docs are little out, but I found my way to the google domain verification, now getting 404: not found when trying to test the file upload. It is definitely there… so I’m thinking its an access issue.

perhaps related to this. Unfortunately I need to wait until I can power cycle my RPi :smirk:

I have managed to get the HTML5 domain verification stuff done but…

I cant get the slider to switch on with my HassIO install where I have just now set up the HTML5 component. As far as I’m aware I have completed all the prerequisites, domain has been verified and HTML details listed under notify.yaml

can someone please help me?