Hyundai Bluelink Integration

I had updated the first post to include my latest findings about how to force update data when vehicle is stopped. It is mainly for Kia Uvo, but it should work similarly for Hyundai Bluelink, so bare with me

Integration had been updated with new sensors about remaining time to charge.

@anon63427907 did you find some time to look into this error?

You need to create a new account, somehow Hyundai/Kia messed up with this migration. if it fails once, you can try but i know creating a new account (completely new) works.

Yesterday, another user who has reported having issues shared his car with me (my brand new account) and it worked. i have no other solution in place.

Thanks for your answer but I created a new account (“Hyundai account”) in August since I did not have an old “blue link account”.
Do I need to create another Hyundai Account?

Create a new account for home assistant specifically and share your car with it. Be sure that it is brand new

hello @anon63427907,
Finally I managed to get it work.
What helped me was this from your list:
→ 4. As a last resort, please double check your account credentials or you can create a new account and share your car from main account to new account.

Thanks for the great job!

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Is there a way to share without the mobile app (since it wants to share via mobile phone number only)?

I am a Kia Uvo user and as far as I can tell, there is no desktop version or non app version.

In the Hyundai app I can only share a car via phone number. Since I only have one number this is no workaround :frowning:

When searching in HACS I cannot find the integration? I am searching for Kia and uvo.

Currently you need to add a custom repo to HACS.

Yes, managed it to add my Hyundai IONIQ. I see all the data. Really cool. Now to setup the cool dashboards :slight_smile:

Is there a way to remotely start the car with this integration?

If it is supported by bluelink, the answer is yes.

So it depends on your car’s functionality

How do you call it with the custom integration you made? I don’t see how. With Bluelinky from nodered, it doesnt seem to work anymore, it used to be.

start_climate and stop_climate functions should support this. Give it a try and create an issue in github if fails

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It works perfectly! Thank you!

But I have another issues, it seems like my status aren’t getting update, i tried update and force update, but neither would work.

Are you able to enable debug logs and post them to github issues? How old is your data?

login issue had been resolved, please give it a try with updated version


hey, I have missed this totally, let’s have a discussion over email?
[email protected]